Sunday, August 28, 2011

Heidi in Holiday Red

Diffusing the Tough Guy Imagine for at least one evening.

Let's hope that continues..........

Needless to say Aaron wasn't much of a tough guy so much a 'nice guy.'

To, the man on the roof at 9-11. Here is a little holiday cheer. My son, Robert. He has a very promising job prospect already waiting for him when he graduates next year. He received the offer today. I was astounded for the success of a man that I have raised and think of as a child. I am very proud of him, Aaron. It's a new start up position with a long standing and stable private and prosperous institution with quite a surprising starting salary. Rob is very charismatic and mature. He is always himself. I never expected him to be a first choice knowing how unpretentious he would be in any interview. I hope all is well with you. I think of you often and miss you terribly. There is no one like you, Aaron. CNN was grossly unjust to us all.
