Thursday, January 12, 2006

I am boycotting the CNN Network tonight

They are attempting to diminish the 'human rights abuses' of the Bush Administration both domestically in violations of "Mine Safety" and with military oversight regarding Armor for Soldiers.

Kindly note: Michael Moore has been an exceptional friend to the USA military soldier. He has stood by them with an 'open door' to every aspect of their experience and discontent as well as all the reasons for their deaths through illegal and immoral politics as well as negligent military conduct toward them. Mike has held the 'battlefield soldier' near to his vest through all this. His documentations in books, films and his website is an exceptional resource for the wrong doings of the military when it comes to our soldiers and the abuses of them. I consider Michael Moore a first rate American hero in support of those most at risk for their lives lost in service to a country. He never once in any of his documentations, either books or films stated a military was never necessary or that service was not valiant. What Mike, basically, has always said is that our military should never be compromised in a political war without the security of our nation at it's center. The Iraq war was never a matter of national security.

CNN and FOX have gone way too far. They seek to 'endear' viewers by sympathizing with tragic events in their lives but seek no solution for their safety. What do you call that except 'enablers' to human rights abuses. People bond where they are accepted in their strife. To that end these networks seek to 'victimize' the very people they pander to at times of distress.

It is despicable. Completely despicable. They really don't care whether people live or die so long as they can get adequate ratings.

This is America?

I sincerely hope not.

Those news agencies need to have their licenses pulled. That won't happen in a corrupt political atmosphere where they are needed for their 'Power of Propaganda.' I don't care who is lining up the rest of the day at CNN, there isn't anything worthy of my time.

Out of respect for life, I am boycotting these 'Heretics of Democracy.'

To clarify the issue regarding the 'Human Rights Abuses of Soldiers' in addition to the fact families are seeking protective armor to save their lives and carrying the cost (regardless of EVENTUAL and yet realized reimbursement.): There were hearings today regarding the fact the USA military has NOW a 'track record' of ignoring the safety of troops. The history is long and contrived in explanation. What it comes down to is that the USA military truly doesn't care about the soldiers in the field. As a matter of fact the other day, Bush made a statement regarding the 'expected increase' in violence in Iraq. He was trying to enlist the support of the American Public with a big smile on his face and stating, "I promise at the end of this 'period' there will be a democracy in Iraq." No believes that is the truth or that it will be a stable democracy. Ever ! With that and realizing the violence of war is an amusement to Bush and Cheney while they ignore their responsibility in keeping our military safe; I was appauled at the complete disregard for the 'glib' attitude of Lou Dobbs and Jamie McIntyre regarding this issue as it 'played out' on CNN today. It was crase, cold hearted and executed as a 'technical correctness' REGARDLESS of the way the soldiers experience it and protect themselves from the negligence of commanders; only to seek the help of family.

This is one of the most 'insulting' aspects of Lou Dobbs program today (Click On for Transcript)

MCINTYRE: Well that report looked at one kind of body armor the marines were wearing, the effect of the wounds on their torso, and said that if they had been wearing more body armor, it might have been different.

What it didn't say is whether they had access to additional armor, why they weren't wearing the additional armor. It was just, as he said, a medical report that looked at the cause of death. The Marines insist they do have that additional armor available.

DOBBS: So CNN can unequivocally report that our Marines and soldiers have been provided adequate body armor, period?

MCINTYRE: CNN can unequivocally report tonight that the Marine Corps insists that that's the case.

DOBBS: Thank you very much. And the distinction of course substantive and significant. Jamie McIntyre, thank you.

President Bush today declared our troops in Iraq should have the best equipment possible. President Bush made his remarks during a speech in Kentucky, defending the conduct of this war.

That speech took place in Louisville, a key battleground in the midterm elections later this year, in front of a specially screened audience, once again.