Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Continued Bigorty of CNN

NewsNight begins tonight with minimally age discrimination whereby Anderson Cooper succeeds to the lead allowing Aaron Brown to provide a reporters status and the days news of New Orleans.

It's pretty obvious, Anderson Cooper has all the 'power' interviews. There is no reason why Aaron Brown couldn't do the same thing from his New York Office. I have seen it many times before. This is the Anderson Cooper ride to glory hour while Aaron is taking a position of MC. The odd aspect is that Anderson's interviews is in regard to deaths of the elderly. Age when it serves the priorities and status of sainthood of Cooper is a subject and not a discrimination.

Aaron was given a full six minutes to be verbally abused by Greg Bozell, a Neocon that finds joy in bigotry called a "Celebration in Color Blindness" in the rescue efforts in New Orleans. He called Aaron a 'Race Baiter.' Bozell likes to call things names. Cliches are the modus operendi of the Neocons.

Anderson handled the 'power' issue of insurance which featured Bush.

The Frankenstein voice that introduces all of Anderson's programs again follows him to NewsNight. Anderson has top biling over Aaron and is given the lead again at the 1100 hour.

Complaining pays off. At 11:22 pm Aaron was given the opportunity to handle the issue of the dead at the nursing home and the hospital as only Aaron can with the assistance of Jonathan Fried. By the end of the segment Aaron's voice indicated an elevated mood and optimism regarding the continued broadcast.

This broadcast likes to tout it's achievements in putting families back together. Obviously as witnessed on film that is the case. There is however a disconnect from the reality that the very people being united still has overwhelming grief to deal with in being 'displaced New Orleanians' facing homelessness.

The point is where conservatives like to take the high moral gound in some areas they still disconnect from the reality that caused the flooding and levee break. This federal administration did not preserve the wetlands or keep the levees up to date preserving the lives, the homes, the livlihoods of these of very people.

In addition, I don't want to sound ungrateful for all the efforts in bringing people together and having them alive (I would want it to be me.) but this negligence by the federal government has caused a huge expense to this nation that could have easily been avoided with prudent spending rather than pork barrel spending. The conservatives on the networks fail horribly when it comes to reality and accountability in this situation. The people of this country deserve better. They should not have to be made to absorb the mistakes of an out of control Republican administration that has demonstrated over and over again their negligence of the best interests of the people of this nation while terrorizing them at every turn to maintain control over the elections and more exploitation of people confused to their well being and where it truly is defined.