Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The Religious Bigotry of CNN's NewsNight "Morning Papers"

Cincinnati Enquirer
Des Moines Register

Christian Science Monitor

Boston Herald
Orlando Sentinel

The Programming to this show is about the saddest element of my day. They never leave Aaron alone to do a good show. I'll have to review the last few days on aire but it is sad. Last night he conducted an interview with an Evangelical Christian that revealed a side of an extremist Republican I could not believe. Rick Santorum is the most bigoted and biased human being I have heard speak next to Bush/Cheney/Frist. Santorum is so well rehersed that the spontaneity seems real but once I dove into more detail all the 'stump' speech was right there. He is not a nice man. I have to put up what I wrote which will be below this on this blog.

There was no Honor Segment Tonight to respect those that died and of course we never see Dover, now do we?