Thursday, June 8, 2006

Well. Blogger is back up.


The return of "The Rise of the Moral USA Military" is over. We don't need nor do we want a defamed USA because of corrupt talking head generals on the payroll of CNN with NO ANSWERS except to support Rumsfeld propaganda. These people are part of the problem by inflaming the issues rather than seeking answers. Their opinions are not valuable. The 'USA military' has a lot of regrouping to do. I don't see that happening with a primarily National Guard deployment that was completely unprepared to spend years of their lives in service in a foreign war. It's outrageous already. They need to go come home. The Iraqis need to POLICE themselves without a Western military within their borders.

There is no such thing as "The War on Terrorism" as Shepard wants us all to believe. There is a war against terrorists and I have yet heard a successful strategy by this administration in the direction of ending that war so much as propagating it further. Bush and his administration does nothing but make speech after speech about the expanding terrorist networks and yet there is nothing they say that speaks to ending the assault of terrorists AND Jihadist governments including Hamas. Under this administration and Secretary of Defense there has been nothing but failure after failure including the elections of extremist groups in places like Egypt and Palestine. Now, Somalia is completely compromised with a promise to Civil War if those circumstances are resolved swiftly by the international community, because, Lord knows Bush, his State Department and his military CAN'T do a darn thing about it.


Speak up Generals. Your country is at risk.


Santorum and the corrupt administrations that favor business over people. They get confused, the poor folks that claim to be Republicans. They think business and people are the same thing. "W"rong !! People like to breathe clean air.

Pa. Senate race gets unfriendly environmentally

...Casey aimed his attack directly at Santorum at a Pennsylvania Environmental Council dinner, accusing the two-term senator of repeatedly putting business interests ahead of the environment and public health.
"Sen. Santorum has spent 16 years in Washington and I am sure he has given thousands of speeches," Casey told the audience of 400 at the Philadelphia Hyatt Regency at Penn's Landing. "But when it comes to the environment with Sen. Santorum, when all is said and done, there is more said than done."


The "Defense of Marriage Act" is a problem. When it was passed the 'correct' political position was that of supporting Civil Unions for homosexuals. Therefore, to make America comfortable with the Gay Community a law was passed so people didin't feel compromised and Civil Unions would come to benefit the people that loved each other outside traditional marriages. Since, then, judges whom uphold Civil Rights clearly demonstrated time after time, in state after state, that all people are allowed to be protected under laws that currently enforce provisions of marriage. There is no reason to victimize an entire segment of community. We frequently rely on the courts to show us the competency of our Constitution and laws. The "Defense of Marriage Act" is unconstitutional and needs to be reversed. The American Society needs to stop being HOMOPHOBIC !


Bush has betrayed Political Conservatives. It's just that simple. Bush and Cheney have hijacked the Executive Branch for personal agendas and not that of a party that is only one segment of this country and not the entire populous.

The 'statement' that is the title is an example of "homophobia' and a hysteria that simply does not exist. Wanting to be married is hardly the definition of destruction of the American Family. Lou Dobbs, by the way, does a good job and openly reveals the 'religious agenda' of a Political Conservative that is based in perference and not the reality people are unique as the USA Constitution sees them.

Conservative strategist claims that 'homosexual agenda' is 'designed to do away with the American family'
Published: Wednesday June 7, 2006
A conservative strategist claimed that the "homosexual agenda" is "designed to do away with the American family" in an appearance on CNN,
RAW STORY has found. To watch this segment, tune to 5:12 on the video clip below.
Lob Dobbs, a conserative CNN host, also beats on GOP strategist Richard Viguerie, asking what conservatives have done for American families.
"What have we done for the family that everybody's so concerned about?" asked CNN host Lou Dobbs. "Where are the values? I'm lost."
"You've got schools that are now indoctrinating the children with values that are in opposition to the American families' values here in this country," replied Viguerie. "You've got schools that are actually teaching people. The inner city and people don't need anything as much as they need good schools."
Dobbs then asked, "What's gay marriage got to do with any of that?"
"Because the homosexual agenda in my opinion and many conservatives is designed to do away with the American family," Viguerie claimed.




The graph that accompanies this article is rather dramatic and occurred because Southern Conservatives were lead by 'carrot and stick' to believe a majority vote in the USA could result in a Christian Nation 'under God' rather than a nation of compassion that envelopes all Americans and not just Christian priorities. The Jewish don't believe as Christians do. They recognize Gay Members of their community in equality as well as recognizing a woman's right to choose because she alone is responsible for her life. The Jewish Community is discriminated along wtih the Gay Community and women in general. Returning to the garph, now, the 'priviledge' Christians were lead to believe is theirs to have has gone federal with a corrupt President that has used 'their religious' agenda for his personal gain regardless of it's lack of Constitutionality. It is a coupe regime in DC. It's harmful and detrimental to the well being and security of our nation.

Purple MountainsCould the interior West—long seen as an archetypal red region—be turning blue? The fate of the Republican Party may hinge on the answer

by Ryan Sager
fter the 2004 election, plenty of people noted that a shift of 60,000-odd votes in Ohio would have handed the Electoral College to John Kerry. But there was another place—less remarked upon—where a shift of similar magnitude would have done the same trick: the Southwest. Fewer than 70,000 votes among Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico, with their collective nineteen electoral votes, could have swung the election just as surely as Ohio’s 60,000. And with George W. Bush winning by margins of 5 percentage points, 3 points, and 1 point, respectively, these were swing states by any definition of the term.


I hope CNN does not intend to show the photos. I do believe the Geneva Conventions would prevent this as well. To exploit the images of innocent civilians for any reason is just "W"rong. Especially Islamic women and girls. Please provide them their privacy at least in death.

