Friday, November 10, 2006

I am impressed with the New Democratic Leadership. They have real ideas, not chronic campaigns


I think 'Frankenstein' should be the offical voice of CNN


Senator Elect Webb is impressive. He has clear ideas about the resolve of the issues. It's nice to hear. All Bush and the Republicans ever had was 'mind speak' narratives and slogans. They treated people as mindless and manipulative.


The Republicans are welcome to say "No" all they want. It's about right in their growth and developement, stuck at the age of two.




The New Blue - I think the nation is grossly releaved that the Constitution is safe.

You know I am interested in knowing how much of crony Bushism is going to disappear after this election. The Conservative Bloggers want an input into the Minority Nominations coming up. That was a priviledge so long as they were supporting a winning policy. That was under Mehlman. There may be a cold wind about to blow for all the losses and blame placed on those that didn't do enough to secure a Conservative Republican Congress for Bush's last two years. If the Conservatives are too spoiled by Bush and his politial crony machine' they might find the affection for their support was lots of 'priviledge of purpose' but now that affection will turn to excuse as to why things aren't going well and therefore need to work harder to return their prestige and priviledge under the Republican Political Machine. The Conservatives need to reassess how much of their values are contrived as a favor of power or are sincerely their values.

Iraq is a stark example. The war was and is illegal. Yet. They don't preceive any guilt for the 150,000 stated dead. They only want to see their ambitions for the return of same rather than doing penance for their sinning in the first place.


Rove is the most devisive person in Bush's troupe. He created 'wedge' issues and enforced them to keep political leverage. He's a criminal. He made promises regardless the consitutionality of them and didn't care if there was a country at all so long 'power' remained with their party and money machine.


Michael Moore has been publishing about this since Bush went into office and Cheney was using the "No Child Left Behind Act" to serve as a tool to military enlistment.


It's my guess as the Mexican border closes and the drug supply to the nation dries up, the drug deals might see service in Afghanistan as a venue to make in roads to new supplies for the Drug Economy of the USA.


The News Secretary - well, hello Erica. You know this metal slivers in a generic medication is kinda like an advertisement for NAME brands such as Tylenol. What would Bush's Medicare Perscription Drug Program do without generics, right? Next we should see an advertisement from AARP playing into the Bush initiative, right? After all the pharmaceutical companies are some of Bush's best cronies. Where would they be if genetic medicine actually found cures?

I find the it an oddity that the spinach of the nation from organic farms actually manifested just before elections where a former organic farmer was elected in Montana. There is still no conclusion about the CAUSE of that effect, huh? One death was it? Oh, I think there are people completely capable of it.


Who could hold a candle to Ed Bradley? Dignity was his middle name. This is real loss. It's very sad.


A lame duck? Bush? More like a dead duck.
