Saturday, May 20, 2006

Border line issues. Have a good weekend.


So Frankenstein says tonight it's sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. Actually it's more than that. Anything Americans want they can find in Mexico.

Coalition Against Trafficking in WomenFactbook on Global Sexual ExploitationDonna M. Hughes, Laura Joy Sporcic, Nadine Z. Mendelsohn and Vanessa Chirgwin

Mexico -->
16 and 17 year old girls from Central America are being trafficked to Chiapas, Mexico for prostitution. ("Women and Low Intensity Warfare," SIPAZ Report, Vol 3 No 1, January 1998)
The United Nations now lists Mexico as the number one center for the supply of young children to North America. Most are sold to rich, childless couples unwilling to wait for bona fide adoption agencies to provide them with a child. The majority are sent to international pedophile organizations. Many times the children are snatched while on errands for their parents. Often they are drugged and raped. Most of the children over 12 end up as prostitutes. Hector Ramirez, a former deputy, or Mexican Member of Parliament, stated that "many of the state and city authorities [are] doing absolutely nothing to stop what is going on." (Allan Hall, The Scotsman, 25 August 1998)


Is National Security really a concern at out southern border? Besides drugs? Yeah.

The Coast Guard takes all interactions seriously.

Latin American port security advisory programs: stopping illegal drugs at source countries
The Customs Service is placing more and more emphasis on "pushing out the borders" of the United States for national safety and security. The most notable approach is the Container Security Initiative (CSI). But the Latin American Port Security Advisory Program, also aimed at protecting America, in this case from drugs, is another, very compatible example.


For as much as Americans want to be compassionate, they first need to realize Mexico is not a good international partner. It isn't our place to criticize Mexico so much as realize as a neighboring country what exactly has to happen to solve the problem that Canada obviously doesn't have.

The relationship the USA and Mexico has is not 'normal' or productive. It compromises the American work force while victimizing Mexicans.

The two "magnets" which attract illegal aliens are jobs and family connections. The typical Mexican worker earns one-tenth his American counterpart, and numerous American businesses are willing to hire cheap, compliant labor from abroad; such businesses are seldom punished because our country lacks a viable system to verify new hires' work eligibility.

Thank you for your interest.

