Thursday, February 2, 2006

I am a non-participant tonight

I thought Retired President Jimmy Carter was wonderful on Larry King tonight. He was a man before his time. So many years later and he has yet to be proven wrong. "The Carter Center" is a legacy unmatched. Incredible man and former First Lady.

On to my absence from comment tonight.

Last night when the Nation should have recieved a full accounting of the state of this nation, we got a spin for the eletions of 2006.

Don't talk to me about 'my ideas' of environmental conscience when the statements begin wtih, "Coal fired plants..." Carbon Dioxide reduction by the USA is a top priority. It has the potential of 'righting' a planet completely out of balance. Don't tell me that I am supposed to believe otherwise. The USA contributes more than 25% of the carbon dioxide emissions globally. That is more than any volcano in USA history. It is more than any volcano globally.

Today, Joe Manchin, the embattled governor of West Virginia was a hero. He announced there would be a moratorium on all mining until full inspections were complete to insure the safety of workers. What Governor Manchin needs to do is promote an expanded version of any West Vriginia training program that will remove miners from mines and place them in safe jobs. We don't want those communities isolated. We don't need coal.

God's energy is the cleanest of all energy. It is renewable. It is always available. It's safe and terrorists are interested in them.





They are forever sources of energy and we can count on them. We just need to move in that direction. I don't see it any other way. I made a commitment to my children when they were born that I would never abandon them or the priority of making their lives worth living in a society that was kind and beneficial. I will never abandon that committment and haven't. I have been loyal to them and it shows all over them.

Tonight no matter the subject on AC360 it will be nothing but rhetorical 'raise the polls' baloney. I won't participate. When the Republican/Rove Spin Machine runs out of steam, reasonable minds will prevail.

To quote "The New Republic" :

David Kusnet, "Speech Impediment

"The first President Bush loved to quote Woody Allen's saying that half of life is just showing up. Last night, the current President Bush demonstrated the wisdom in those words. He delivered a pedestrian State of the Union speech, and he'll likely get a brief bounce in the polls just for showing up at an annual ritual designed to make any president look presidential. But by next week, nobody will remember what he said.

Tonight the world is in crisis. Israel is fighting on all fronts including an escalation of conflict with the government and settlers. Europe is receiving hate mongering from Hamas for a statement made A YEAR AGO regarding a cartoon in a neutral country paper. It isn't as though the cartoon was even disrespectful to the extent the 'hate' illustrates. The facts are that according to Islam tradition the image of Mohammad is not to be used. At all. I suppose that was made clear also by the Pentagon today when it took up arms against "The Washington Post" for a cartoon of Don Rumsfeld dismissing legitimate issues of concern expressed in that political cartoon.

Political 'art' is used to bring attention to subject in stark ways. I hope there is no apologizing by "The Washington Post" and the Joint Chiefs should know better than to treat a democracy as an Islamic religion when their Cabinet Level official falls under criticism. That cartoon can't hold a candle to the pictures of Abu Ghraib. The Joint Chiefs need to put it into perspective and move on. Otherwise, they might want to promote to higher office still a general who sees faces in clouds while flying a USA military aircraft.

What was that bigot's name?

Well, like the "New Republic" said: "Gone in a week." The Republican and their spin machines are making the best they can of this including Rumsfeld, evidently.

The best news is that the Oscars are finally making nominations I can live with.

Small Films With Potent Themes Lead Oscar Nominations

I guess 'The Academy" learned from their mistakes last year when "Fahrenheit 911" should have won, just as Cindy Sheehan should have kept her T-shirt and seat last night.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have other things to do, including turning off my television for the night.

Good Night and Good Luck.