Monday, July 15, 2002

Aaron's Earth Manual - Writing at the 'Crack of Dawn" 5AM

The extent to which this 'relationship' was a part of my soul began with a process in presenting Aaron Brown with an understanding of Global Warming. That was not as easy a task as I had thought. So, I began to compose a 'book.' To make it fun I called it "Aaron's Earth Manual" and sent it to him so he could come to understand why I felt strongly about this issue.

The book's name was changed to present it to publishers. I didn't pursue the possibility diligently and the paper copy was set on the self. I only recently remembered how deeply this loyalty was and decided to include the introduction here. The dedication was sincere. It wasn't a marketing tool and neither was the press page to Earth Rescue, Inc.

My Earth Manual


Elisa Barrett

As inspired by

Aaron Brown

In dedication to
the baleen whales
ice fields of earth

Table of Contents


Pre – Earth



The Origins of Earth’s Atmosphere

Pangaea and Panthalassa

Ice Age

The Antarctic Divergence

The Little Ice Age

Let’s Talk About Earth


Who am I . . . . . .

. . . . . . in this universe,

. . . . . . in the Milky Way Galaxy,

. . . . . . a part of this solar system,

. . . . . . living on this planet, called Earth,

. . . . . . revolving around the sun, whose name is Sol ?


Earth has dimension.

Earth is alive.

Earth gives life.

Earth breaths.

Earth is in motion.

Earth is my home.

Earth is my friend.

I have affection for Earth.

I will live all of my life with Earth.

Earth has profound impact on human life and the quality of that life.

Earth will not move out of the Habitable Zone around Sol for billions of years.

Anytime Earth is mentioned I like to think of it as being alive.

I need to take care of Earth.

If it weren’t for the basic elements of chemistry, life on Earth and within the universe would not be possible. Understanding the volatility of nature leads to understanding the chemistry of nature. It is this chemistry most affecting the issues we face today, Global Warming and depletion of The Ozone Layer.