Friday, October 7, 2005

The Age Related Insults begin for the day.

Can't say I was paying close attention this morning. I didn't hear anything during AM. But, the women are gathering and need to be baited for the Terror Rank soon. So sexual attraction to a younster is a good way to start.

1:50 pm - "Anderson Cooper tonight on NewsNight."

2:47 pm - ditto

3:15 pm - "Aaron Brown and Anderson Cooper tonight on NewsNight." About time.

3:52 pm - not quite 40 minutes? My, my.

7:55 pm - It really is a shame. The producer has taken away the personality away from the program by eliminating an identity of the e-mail while there is that stupid computerized message in a mechanical and monotone male voice. Makes me feel like some cares, you too? You betcha. NOT ! And then of course there is the personal signature of Anderson Cooper every evening at 7:59 pm. That is horrible. It's a matter of respect and status. Very sad.

8:14 pm - Continuing to attempt a terror rank to the female public watching Zahn NOW with her running nose, which is another chronic issue. But, at any rate there is a real terror commerical to NewsNight and of course Aaron Brown would not be a party to that.

The sniffles and stuffy nose thing. It's been days now. A few of the members of this staff has exhibited these symptoms. It's odd. Nasal spray for sympathy anyone? Hey, they make people turn their hair gray why wouldn't they do something as stupid as that?

8:25 pm - a vigilant advocacy to build support for the people of New Orleans and their levee system. Nice. FOR A CHANGE !!! Aaron could have handled that one. Probably, gladly.

8:44 pm - this is like the fourth time this hour. The agenda is obvious. You know they made Erica dye her hair completely black for Halloween. It worked. She looks like a witch. Sick bunch of people that run the place at Time Warner. Does the boss have a fetch about something and victimizes his female employees? A power play of some kind. It's a little scary. Maybe that is it. Maybe Osama bin Laden actually lives in the CEO office at Time Warner. That could be it.

8:56 - a combination commercial, terror strike and levee building. That is a record fifth commerical. Sort of like the size of the bottle on the boss's desk, aye? Let's see? Scotch? Betcha. $10 will get you $20.

9:19 pm - the emergency of New York with automated commercial.

9:32 pm - the bomb threat in DC was a mimicing event. It happens.

9:47 pm - Bomb threats and jitters in NYC. Hm. How about those White Sox, huh?

conti2005 - 10:22 PM ET October 7, 2005 (#4993 of 4999)Impeach Bush and Cheney ! Rove is their 'Front Man'

This is ludicrous

CNN thinks their favorite son, in Anderson Cooper will save them from themselves.

Aaron Brown has appeared on the television screen during his news hour all of 2 minutes out of now 18 minutes.

The problem CNN has is that they keep trying 'gimmicks' to draw in ratings. In doing so there is no clear 'routine' in the presentations. The best chance CNN had at really attracting viewers was to have a consistent and competent and live news hour in Aaron Brown.

The unfortunate truth is that CNN is now run by people adverse to the well being of the American Culture. People know it. And while some folks like the 'type' of program put forward by this newsnetwork it is not consistent because the management continues to try to CONVERT their viewership to their Political Values including Christian White Man Evangelical Values.

It's a darn shame because the best senior anchor they have is Aaron Brown so is chronically oppressed in that expertise to bring complete and compelling news articles to NewsNight.


10:00 pm thru 12:00 pm
The pattren of control hasn't changed all that much except deprive Aaron of more Live Air Time. NewsNight is still a night at the movies.

Time Break Down

Aaron - There were 12 live minutes over the two hours. There was one minute when he steppedin for Erica Hill providing news during the 11 o'clock hour. There were two taped Aaron at the Movies segment all of 8 minutes.

Others - They were mostly taped segments with the exception of the best segment of the show which was live between Aaron and Ed Henry. The minutes spent here was 47 minutes.

Commercials - 32 minutes. The percentage when Aaron anchored a single hour was 20% so the commercials moved to 25% of a two hour program.

Anderson - aire time live and otherwise was 20 minutes.

It was a horrible program. I got nothing out of it.