Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I always thought of Aaron Brown as a 'Nice Guy' Not if he is willing to go along with someone who wants to see me dead.

I actually thought he was innocent in the assault by CNN on the public to some extent. What I thought and to some extent still believe is Sharon has appointed herself a news team for her own use and 'comfort.' Must be cozy. At any rate, sifting through the 'mess' after David left I found this recently.

Don't know quite what to think about it. Was I trying to justify Aaron. Was I an enabler to allow this fascade to continue? Was I so disbelieving in what the stark difference had become of this programming that it was too surreal? I don't know. I mean blatant and overt differences even down to the way the program progressed and the news was delivered. I had not a nice word for Sharon and believe to this day there is more than a 'working relationship' that exists.

The NewsNight Scandal Continues

I am getting tired of the insensitive idiots at CNN the Christian Continuous News Network.

Poor Aaron has to work with that bigot of a boss. In addition to that Sharon “The Idiot Hot Pants” von Zwieten is jealous of a long lasting friendship that seems to bring a quality to his broadcast that her staff can’t provide.

Speaking of a Greying God where is the Ark, Sharon? You all are going to need it for the level of sea rise that’s going to becoming your reality in Manhattan in the near future. You are going to be wishing “The Day After Tomorrow” would come true in that it froze rather than remained water with wildlife still living there.

Sinclair acts as though John Kerry is EXPECTED AND ORDERED to participate. The arrogants idiots of the Media Business. ‘Sinclair’ This is not a legitimate news story. This is an infomercial based on disgruntled veterans making a great deal of money. HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HEARD, when they never served one day in the precense of Senator John Kerry. This segment was an infomercial.