Thursday, July 13, 2006



Cease fire is a nice sentament, but, hardly a solution. There is no dealing with a terrorist network. They have to be eliminated. Israel cannot be held hostage for release of prisoners. That only propagates more.

The IDF have their heads straight about this. I trust them completely. I am sure they are aware of the Anti-Semitic plans of Iran. I am sure the IDF has their eye on that target as well.

To be honest. The sooner the nations of the area control their borders and end the occupation of terrorist networks the sooner Israel will have no impetus for war or the escalation of it. If the Arab countires are unable to control their borders or prevent armament of those terrorist networks then others capable of providing peace will. Either way, Israel will see security and peace out of this assault by Hezbollah. The 'idea' that Syrian authorities are actually calling for release of prisoners by Israel to settle this current conflict is the most hideous of resolve. They should be relieved the resolve of Isreal is to permenantly remove Hezbollah from Syria's border. Syria should be an ally, but, it would seem it wants to be an enemy to peace.

Like I said. I trust the leadership of Israel without question. The IDF has the best intelligence of the area and are prepared to act on that intelligence. It is completely irresponsible for Arab countries' leadership to escalate this conflict with advocating for Hezbollah or Hamas and their demands. Completely irresponsible.


There is no further legitimizing terrorsts anymore. Terrorists networks are not to be respected as political parties. They are not trustworthy. We tried to encourage 'conversion' of elements like Hamas to be empowered as political parties. It doesn't matter. They have long held agendas of hate and violence. Evidently, they are incapable of peace.


Zogby is trying to 'infantize' Israel with 'baggage.' Excuse me, Mr. Zogby? Israel was attacked. I think you need to grow up, Mr. Zogby. Israel doesn't need George Walker Bush, they need peace. Bush is not capble of peace. There is no international First World icon with more 'baggage' than Bush. He lies. He conspires against his own democratic constitution. When Mr Zogby comes to terms with the USA's crinimal president then and only then he can address Israel's circumstances as the ONLY real democracy in the Middle East.

Erica, the news secretary, wants to blame oil prices on Israel as well. Go to hell !

I've been insulted by CNN and their Neocon political spin...
