Thursday, November 11, 2004

Early New York Times Postings

I have been increasingly troubled over an instance of a burgeoning philosophy that supports Bush's view of the world. It is most evident by some productions at CNN.

I 'think' (and I realize this is kind of over the top, but, not exactly) there is a movement toward a philosophy base that can safely be called Bushism.

Analogy - Marxism.

In other words, Bush is creating a 'perfect world' allowed by his position as president enabled by a congress of debtors. It is not exactly the Religious Right, it is not exactly Republican but it is the Republicans that are likely the basis of their power within the vision provided by Bush. It is very troubling. I believe some of the reverberations I have seen in the N Y Times lately is due to the fact they have identified issues but don't see the bigger picture. I think this IS the bigger picture.


Criticism of The Unilateral religious views of CNN's NewsNight Morning Papers segment: NewsNight with Aaron Brown even after their new Senior Executive Producer took charge, Sharon van Zwieten, continues to practice Anti-Equity in regard to religious issues during the Segment “Morning Papers.”

For twelve nights now the segment has been openly promoting The Christian Science Monitor. To stop at the definition of Anti-Semitic would be an error, because to promote ONLY Christian Newsprint is to be anti-any other religion including Muslim leading to ONLY a pro-Bush Christian agenda as dictated by Karl Rove.

I can’t help but wonder if NewsNight’s investment in promoting Christian Newsprint as it is promoted by a political figure isn’t a violation of McCain-Feingold.

To prove how ludicrous this is, not long ago the Roman Catholic Church was put to ridicule without mercy for their sex scandal. And yet on Saturday CNN was anxious to further show a clash between US Government authority and the clout the Pope carries, or should I say he believes he carries regarding Senator Kerry’s communicant status. Their reporting on that subject was biased again in favor of the view that Kerry is a waffler even as viewed by his faith on issues like abortion. That of course is a communist view of the world in that personal choice is not an option. Senator Kerry has no choice in his office but to carry out the will of the electorate under the US Constitution and if anything clearly demonstrated that will clearly was The Million Woman March on Washington, DC favoring abortion rights.


This is just one example of the affiliation between Christian Coalition newsprint and NewsNight’s parent company Time Warner:

April 19, 2004

Time Warner continues plagiarism with The Christian Science Monitor
Headline on AOL Website reads,

"Mideast Ally Snubs Bush" - Jordan's King Postpones Visit. After US Shift Toward Israel."
Christian Science Monitor

"Jordan's king snubs Bush, cancels meeting - Key Mideast ally "irked" over US support for Sharon's territorial claims."

PROOF POSITIVE THAT CNN/TIME WARNER/ AOL IS NOW A Christian Based Organization. It no longer practices reliable journalism.

In an attempt to improve the quality of its reporting the Christian Science Monitor is quoting the New York Times.

'King Abdullah of Jordan abruptly postponed a visit with US President George Bush scheduled for Wednesday. Jordanian officials said the meeting had become impossible because of Mr. Bush's recent support for "Israel's territorial claims in the West Bank," reports The New York Times."

Why read the CS Monitor if all one needs to do is read The N Y Times.


It is simply astounding to me NewsNight has taken on a discriminatory tone without extending the segment to other religious newsprint to balance the display of The Christian Science Monitor. In the past an invitation has been extended while ‘on the air’ to papers interested in submitting to this segment.

The Christian Science Monitor is biased in its views and a trouble maker with rather bizarre articles such as “What is Russia doing to prevent Osama bin Laden from hacking into the main frame of the Nukes? “ That is just bizarre, inflammatory and hostile toward a long standing friend the USA has enjoyed in Russia. The entire articles is just to make the reader want to run right out there to invade Russia for control over their missile system.

This was a Letter to the Editor is proof positive of International Harassment for an agenda that is ONLY christian.

US aid to Egypt has tangible results

The assertion that US development aid is given to the Egyptian government "to do with as it pleases," advanced in the April 12 story, "$50 billion later, taking stock of US aid to Egypt," is just plain wrong. The US and Egypt decide the uses of resources. There are regular and comprehensive audits.

Also false was the claim that US aid is enabling Egypt to avoid reform. In fact, reforms are manifest everywhere. Egypt has adopted legislation protecting intellectual property, a prerequisite for boosting foreign direct investment. Significant reforms in customs administration are under way. Both of these reforms were conditions for US assistance.
Last January, Egypt abandoned its longstanding, economically crippling link of the pound to the dollar. As a result, exports are up, imports are steady, and the surplus following the first half of fiscal year 2003-'04 rose about eightfold to $2.2 billion. In education, Egypt has devolved decision-making to local government and schools. The government recently founded a watchdog Human Rights Committee.

The principles guiding US foreign aid under President Bush are clear: assistance must encourage governments to "rule justly, invest in their people, and encourage economic freedom." USAID in Egypt is governed by these values. Kenneth Ellis USAID Mission Director, Cairo

Yet still another example of Trouble Making is the article today, the same article was pointed out by the Trouble Makers at CNN’s NewsNight during Morning Papers.

Sadr the agitator: like father, like son
By Dan Murphy Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
KUFA, IRAQ – Sadr enters the mosque at Kufa where he's led Friday prayers for nearly a year denouncing the authorities and warning of an "imperialist" conspiracy against Iraq's majority Shiites.

The thousands fill the vast open courtyard, chanting the name of their hero when he strides through the gate, and they take up his call during the sermon. "No, no to America! No, no to Israel! No, no to imperialism!" In Baghdad, the authorities worry about how to handle this militant cleric, his rising profile and his willingness to flex the street muscle he's built up in Iraq's slums. But the Sadr in question is not Moqtada, the young cleric whose gunmen now occupy Kufa and the neighboring shrine city of Najaf. Instead, the year is 1998 and the man leading the prayers is Ayatollah Mohammed Sadek Al-Sadr, Moqtada's father.

While Moqtada's religious credentials are weak, his family's political standing is as deep as the modern history of Iraq. His grandfather was the prime minister in 1932. And this young, militant cleric didn't spontaneously emerge after the fall of Saddam Hussein. US forces now entering the city of Najaf, are up against a man who has donned the well-cultivated mantle of his father, the leading Shiite thorn in the side of the Hussein regime in the 1990s.

The unfortunate tone of the article is grossly inappropriate in that it advocates the killing of clerics. The oddity is when one considers Walker Bush wants Sadr prisoned for murder supposedly and eventually killed he is taking on the same directive as Saddam Hussein.
There is another thing very strange here. There was a contrasting radio presentation by NPR which was contributed to by the same author as the above article. I guess the radio has to be credited it more to the lead author Anne Garrels of NPR because the radio article wasn’t nearly as biased as or cruel in concept as Mr. Murphy’s lead article.

Iraq Lock Down

April 22, 2004Car bombings in Basra, attacks on contractors, the kidnapping of foreigners. Almost every day a new trouble spot emerges in Iraq. From Baghdad, to the Sunni Triangle to the south, a survey of the situation in Iraq, and what it means for the future. Guests:Anne Garrels*NPR correspondentDan Murphy*Reporter with The Christian Science Monitor, working on a profile of SadrBob Fiddes*Country director for Relief International in Iraq, based in AmmarahMaggy Zanger*Country director, Iraq, Institute for War and Peace Reporting
Considering the issue of Depleted Uranium is it any wonder the people of Iraq don’t want the USA lead coalition around.
To realize the extent to which NewsNight programming for has included the priorities of The Religious Right it has featured people like:

“Randall Terry who made a name for himself protesting abortion and honosexuality.” NewsNight characterized Terry “…as a new revolutionist as the co-founder of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue and the man who led the fight against same-sex marriage in Hawaii and Vermont.”

Randall Terry is also known for the abandonment of his family. He is on his second marriage and he ridicules his children. Randall Terry denies his own children identities accusing a gay son of using his name for profit when in fact it is Mr. Terry that exploits those young people for his ‘entrenched against the devil’ fatherhood mantra of which he derives his livelihood through CASH contributions. One can only feel sorry for Mr. Terry’s desperate profession as he cannot grasp the concept of becoming a grandfather to a child of his unwed daughter. I personally believe she is probably better off considering his ability to be ‘cruel’ to his own family.

I hope both children within this family find peace outside their relationship with their father. He is a cruel man. A social agency needs to get involved and try to resolve these issues, especially considering the arrival of an innocent infant. It’s ridiculous. Terry has compassion for everyone putting money in the collection plate, but, none for his own children.

More Evidence to the Fact:

Two Friday nights ago it was the movie Alamo as presented by Beth Nissan. It was strongly plagiarized from the ‘article’ on the same subject of the Christian Science Monitor right down to the analogy of John Wayne. NewsNight never reviews movies unless; there is a huge controversy, such as The Passion of the Christ.


CNN has become a sell-out to the Religious Right, as Paula Zahn NOW rarely addresses feminist issues. Not one appearance that I am aware, has a member of N.O.W. appeared in a positive light on any subject. As a matter of fact, the issues most of concern by N.O.W. is circumvented which is just as damaging as negative promotion of the issues. In other words, let’s all just avoid the recognition of the issues and they will go away. Bush has the same strategy. Paula Zahn has gone into the baby business so much so, that ONLY the nurturing of children and having babies and a woman’s place within that realm rises as a focus all too often. Again in the year 2004 women, according to the tilt of the Zahn NOW shoe, need to get used to being a baby machine.

This past weekend there were one million women who marched in Washington, DC. Did Paula Zahn NOW embrace the issue and bring in an enthusiastic viewership. NO. Here is the ‘proof of the allegations of the circumvention of the issues belonging to N.O.W.’

In addition and in not such great taste I have to review the ‘context’ as which CNN’s Jeff Greenfield uses women’s images in discussing a subject. In an attempt to bring criticism to a reference made to communism of mandated military service regardless the ‘war’ status of the country; Jeff Greenfield took the subject masculinized it and set a woman’s image in subserviencey and wonderment at the grand display of male fairness.

“But for pure political theater, no one had ever seen anything like the confrontation between a powerful senator and the United States Army that played out 50 years ago this spring in a Senate committee hearing. (Referring to the McCarthy Hearings.)

Brandeis, Professor Tom Doherty, author of "Cold War, Cool Medium," a book on McCarthy and the media stated: "People who had never tuned into TV with quite that avidness before found themselves being almost hypnotized by these hearings as they went on. There are stories of housewives neglecting their work so they could catch the afternoon show. For an entire generation, it was the first time they confronted the full force of TV as a special medium. “

In Contrast at the very same time was a woman journalist making her claim to fame. Her obituary, of all things, was listed in the N.Y. Times for the wonderfully insightful and intelligent person she was.

A Singular Voice From Washington

By FRANCIS X. CLINESPublished: April 23, 2004

It was always a treat to watch Mary McGrory buttonhole a lawmaker or cabinet secretary in a Washington corridor and present a punishing question or two in her disarmingly sweet way. Across five decades as a singular journalist, Mary tracked and hounded the political class — "Capitol strivers and pretenders," she called them — with a crackling mix of insight and affection. She died on Wednesday at the age of 85, a year after a stroke put a stop to her lyrical prose…
Over time, there seemed a Southern tinge to her Boston Irish lilt, and greater mercy in her proudly liberal outlook. The mischief, the grandeur, the evil in public life stand as the narrative core of her work. Even at her breakthrough assignment, a beguiling account of Senator Joseph McCarthy's downfall before a Congressional inquiry a half-century ago, Mary found time to sneak fresh helpings of words from her beloved Jane Austen. Right then, Mary discovered what she described as Austen's "deadly accuracy" and her "informing principle, that politeness serves a purpose, that civility and kindness are moral imperatives." And such was true of Mary.
The obvious indignant to the status of women is dramatic and I admit I apologize for using this article of appreciation by Francis X. Cline but the contrast and comparison was too dramatic and well illustrated. I am confident Mary McGrory would not mind her image relaying a demonstratively positive image of a woman in commander of her life as well as the attentions of the American public.

So. What did the hour of news of Paula Zahn NOW address? The issue of 33 years ago regarding Kerry’s ribbons/metals/ and the metals of other Vietnam Veterans that were unable to attend the protest.

To that programming I have to say only that as NOW and as then, John Kerry stood up to be counted by the people of an issue desperately in need of Excellent and Excelling leadership. John Kerry appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations committee not because he was a man of violence but because he was a man of peace seeking to end a war that was illegal and grossly unjust to the people of this country and that of Vietnam. John Kerry came forward to lead and carry an issue to completion 33 years ago with passion, insight and commitment. The Vietnam Veterans that oppose him today were on the wrong side of the argument then as they are now. Senator Kerry was right then and he is right today. I trust John Kerry.

CNN has become a regressive cable station that promotes segregation as well. I have yet to see a broad spectrum of cultural issues addressed on Larry King Live and like the Bush White House CNN as their political pundit has become segregated in their viewership. The last Black American appearing on Larry King Live was Mr. Jason Blair, the New York Times Reporter that plagiarized and lost his job. Jason’s life was riddled with substance issues, undiagnosed Manic-Depression that took him down a path of self defeat and destruction. It could have happened to anyone but to show case him as a ‘success story’ for a Black American that overcame hurdles is a bit unkind to the an image of race that at least bothers me. It bothered someone else that evening as well when a call came in. I recall thinking the same way the caller did and though King brushed it off all too quickly. That interview since been succeeded with other Black Americans with success in their futures for at least one evening. Let’s hope the trend continues beyond April 21, 2004. CAUCASIAN COUNTDOWN: 6 days since last African American appeared in a positive profile.


In Celebration of Earth Day, The Science Christian Monitor features these earth friendly features: THEY LATER REMOVED THESE ARTICLES.

REVIVAL: Ore is loaded into 240, 0000-pound trucks from giant shovels, then hauled to a loading site. With the once-struggling mines reopening, and the local economy swiftly improving, businesses in downtown Eveleth, Minn. are expected to become more profitable.BOB HARBISON – STAFF

Surprise revival for iron mines of Minnesota

By Amanda Paulson Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

EVELETH, MINN. – Spring comes slowly to Minnesota's Iron Range. Its home to the world's largest hockey stick, a place where the lakes are still frozen in late April and vowels roll slowly off people's tongues. For the past couple of decades, the region's economy has seemed frozen as well, its bedrock mining industry slowly dying.

In the past year, however, a new life has been blowing into these ochre hills from an unlikely place. You see it in the noise and dust that spews, 24 hours a day, from the recently dormant iron mine just above town, and in the guarded optimism of residents, used to bad news and silent cranes that claw at some of the world's largest open-pit mines.


The results or the Christian Science Monitor poll regarding the release of documents of The Energy Committee.

Should Cheney release documents related to his 2001 national energy task force?

Yes. Every advisory committee's documents should be available to the public.

242 votes (93%)

No. The president must be able to obtain unvarnished advice from his officials.
18 votes (7%)

260 people have voted so far

Your vote was Yes. Every advisory committee's documents should be available to the public. on 4/27/2004 7:17 am

I guess it’s a little early in the day and folks are still at their prayer rituals or more like serving mass and haven’t checked in yet.


What needs to happen here is for the ACLU to take a stand about equity of all kinds. Including those accessible to the public, where there is religious stations regardless the denomination, in order to promote understanding among others who practice differently. There needs to be exposure through that same media to their viewership of beliefs that are different to promote understanding and acceptance of difference. Any public broadcast is open to ‘equal time’ on issues and I believe it is reasonable to state that includes religious stations including extremist such as Jerry Falwell. There should be no EXCLUSIVITY to any public airway to deliver a message that is biased and segregationist.

More and more families are finding turning off paid television allows them to open small saving accounts to reap the benefits of a vacation rather than the sedentary lifestyle of ‘couch potatoes.’ More health, more time as a family and more parenting focus for the children. Sounds right.