Tuesday, October 11, 2005

We're off to a better start today.

At least there is a CORRECT advertisement. I have ESSAYS to write from the time Anderson Cooper hit the airwaves yesterday evening. I'm going to work on my other blog for awhile.

6:46 am - Besides being bigots and racists the Executive Producers of CNN have unhealthy relationships with oil companies that are determined to ELEVATE their reputations of oil exploitation in other countries rather than seeking alternatives to offer the largest energy market in the world. They are White Supremist Neocons that deserve no rewards a viewership of compassion can offer. People are pouring out their hearts to victims of natural disaster while Global Warmind manifesting in horrendous weather patthers are KILLING poeple. I find no comfort in oil companies who want to remake their images of the media that encourages and profits from it !!!! Prime Example of Bush Duality of morality is manifested at CNN the government's propagandda media.


I'll address the age and religious issues first. I am not sure if I need to address the race issues here at the moment. Don't ask me what goes on anymore with the arrival of the Anderson Cooper 360 team to NewsNight but what ever it is AIN'T GOOD. It's socially derelict values. NO doubt in my mind. Values I thought were discarded decades ago.

I've been watching NewsNight for years. I think I picked up the program the end of January 2002 when I saw a Sport's Illustrated editorial that basically insulted women. I criticized Aaron and we have been there ever since.

I think it's been odd and interesting for both of us especially since I walk the very edge of Global Warming and Climate Change. It wasn't as though Aaron had no clue about Global Warming but it was just that I was exposed to 'advanced knowledge' and drew conclusions that were surprising. They weren't surprising to me but to others.

I have watched Aaron when he was at his best which until David Bohrman left was nearly always, and I have seen him at his worst when the conflict between Ms. Bigot and I was at it's worst. I'd watch Aaron helpless as an anchor with some very blank expressions on his face and occasionally searching eye gaze rather than directed confidence when Ms. Bigot was having conniption fits in the control room as I posted commentary on the Times Message Boards. I was acting appropriately as most of the 'garbage' Aaron was required to 'spew' were contrived lies of Bush Control. I felt bad for Aaron but never so bad that I ever stopped commenting and proving my points. I don't lie. Some would say that is not an asset. Baloney.

Over these years of his anchoring he has on RARE occasion referred to his age and occasionally as this year during the program transition Larry would wish him a happy birthday.

However, I have never seen or heard Aaron so frequently, DAILY, refer to his age during primarily 'crosstalk' with Anderson Cooper making statements like, "I'm the old guy."

Now, I know Aaron does not mind humor with self deprecating statements to be magnanimous and kind to ABSORB the 'subtle stress' of the situation.

He is a nice man by nature and a not so nice man from time to time by party preference. He especially is affected by his boss who is seeking an 'affect' for the public. Aaron, culturally, has an active ear for a woman. He is quite use to accommodation for the wishes of others. So much so that at times I have found myself thinking 'okay, who are we tonight' and I would have to refer to a frame of reference before that moment to draw on 'My Aaron' when he was known to be himself 'On Aire.' That sorta thing never really occurred with David except in annoyance of some of my comments which I would send in every half hour until I realized David was reading this stuff to Aaron and he was actually affected by it. I then wrote David and stated it was in Aaron's and the show's best interest if I sent my comments at the end of the show.

The point is, I have never known Aaron Brown to be so focused on his AGE in my life. Some of the discrimination I am witnessing is JUST age related but some is also religious bigotry REALIZING Anderson Cooper 'sorta' has the same syndrome (Yes, syndrome. Example: The Holocaust. That's not enough. Jews are community and at times in our history we are too much so. It is why there is an Israel.) as Aaron, except his plasticity is also based in blind ambition and therefore driven by Ms. Bigot von Zwieten.

In reading through the transcripts and my notes some of the places where 'age' is mentioned it is recorded in the transcript as 'crosstalk.'

Here though are a few examples where I am sure Aaron would say it was just good AND ACCOMODATING journalism, but, to me it is an unhealthy focus on age by a man whom in 2002 had an 82 golf score at the Beth Page Black Amateur Tournament.


October 5th

DAVID MCKEOWN, ANCHOR, The cases in this outbreak have been confined to one nursing home. We haven't seen any spread into the community. It's a real challenge for the vulnerable, frail, elderly people in that facility, but it doesn't pose a risk to the city as a hole.

BROWN: I guess what I don't understand is viruses travel as viruses travel. Somehow it got into that facility. And I want -- I'm trying to understand how you can be so confident it won't get -- it won't travel somewhere else.

MCKEOWN: Well, viruses are present in any large city all the time. What's different about a nursing home is the vulnerability of the patients who are there. We're dealing with elderly people in their 80s and 90s who have over medical conditions so a virus that a healthy, young adult might shrug off can be a very serious illness for them.


BROWN: I mean, seriously, a reasonably healthy 56-year-old male not likely get sick from this? Or would not likely die from this?

MCKEOWN: Might well have an illness but would not likely die.

October 7th

And when cops showed up, they found the Culture Club crooner was in a drugged stupor. We're not sure if that's what led to the face and head paint, but that's fine.

COOPER: You know, if you're going to call the police, I don't know, call me crazy, but don't be in a drugged stupor.

BROWN: Or wash first.

COOPER: Or wash first, that would be good too.


BROWN: There are some moments where we feel old.
Wherever you stand on the nomination, it's a fascinating moment for members of both parties. But right now, it's the Republicans who are breaking ranks from their president. We'll talk with George Allen, a Republican senator from Virginia, about Harriet Miers.
And later, are subway riders in New York staying off the trains because of the threat, or possible threat?
From the A-train to the Z, this is NEWSNIGHT.

October 10, 2005

COOPER: How about a 9-year-old boy in better shape than either of us? That's kind of sad.


COOPER: You're nine, no. You shouldn't be able to, like -- probably bench press more than I could.

HILL: OK. I'm going to leave that one alone. (The purdy little butt she has on the show, huh? Will they ever have a man in that position? I already know the answer to that is NO.)

THE NEXT STATEMENT IS AGAIN AN INAPPROPRIATE REFERENCE TO AGE, indicating at the age of 56 it's difficult to get out of bed. You could joke about the reasons for that but this is definitely indicating he is on his way to disability. Now, unless Aaron has had a stroke and been through rehab I won't consider that to be an issue with a man who is limber and golfs regularly. That state of fitness is also known to many AGED golfers in their seventies and beyond. In comparison, Larry King rarely refers to age even with his many, many aged guests and he was embarrassed and openly stated on his seventieth birthday 'On Aire' he felt a little upset over that 70 mark. That told me he still felt like a kid and wanted life to go on forever. A huge difference in the way people think of themselves and literally feel or want to feel when they are chronically reminded of age.

BROWN: Just glad to be able to get out of bed in the morning at my age. Thank you and talk to you later.

Just ahead, the moment no one is wishing for, when bird -- when you get to 56, that's how you feel. It turns into something worse. You have to get flu shots for one thing. What happens when it does? What are the chances it will? How do you catch it? Also, the one drug that can treat it. How well does it work? Has the government made enough of it? Tami flu, the bird flu and you. This is NEWSNIGHT.

HAVING ANDERSON COOPER AS A TEAM MEMBER HAS NOT PROVEN TO BRING OUT THE BEST IN NEWSNIGHT. As a matter of fact all the 'jazz' that Cooper brings with him to the show including his walk from behind the desk routines are nothing but that. Jazz. It has nothing to do with importance of an issue so much as using up valuable air time to do a lot of PR. As a matter of fact the walk from behind the desk mess reminds me of someone looking for a rest room and with Cooper's Pre-Maturely Grey Hair it is a wonder why he might be chronically looking for one !

Same asbefore with the boy wonder having his hour to himself with a any mention of Aaron at any time in any dialogue.EXCEPT where is promotes himself, "I'm Anderson Cooper. Thanks for watching this edition of 360. Hope you join me and Aaron Brown for a two-hour edition of "NEWSNIGHT." That is an opportunity Aaron does not get. The only other promotion since 8PM was at 9:15 pm and ONLY promoted Anderson Cooper.

There is some real profound hate whether anyone else wants to recognize it or not. There is another computer 'ad' for CNN in which 'cubes' of images are behind the letters and every anchor of the network is featured EXCEPT guess who? Yeah, Aaron Brown. Not that is some kind of jealousy I don't understand. Jealousy is a form of hate.

9:30 pm ditto

9:40 pm ditto - you all have one more time to get a word in edge wise to 'sell it.' I can't believe you actually allowed an oil company commercial before Anderson. Ah, oh. He's slipping.