Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Devil is in the Details


I guess Andy is out of a job again.


I don't really appreciate the chronic bantering of the USA about the details of the attack that killed al Zarqawi. He's dead. I don't need to know anything else.


The fact that the military is making 'excuses' for killing innocent Iraqis based on 'inexperience' of the soldiers dispatched into a very dangerous area of the country only speaks to the fact that Iraq is another Vietnam. This same type of circumstances occurred with 19 year olds in the jungles of Vietnam. It's inexcusable that the USA government is sending 'inexperienced' soldiers into battle when they are nothing but sitting ducks.

Get them out of there.

We don't belong in Iraq. We never did.

END IT !!!!


This isn't 'the news' - it's ONLY about the military and Neocons. Who needs it?

Bring the troops home. They are being abused by the 'inappropriate use of power' by this administration, House and Senate.

This is out of "Stars and Stripes."

Army announces details of 2007 transformation and rebasing plan

I DON'T SEE leaving any American Troops behind to die in Iraq without proper support.
