Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Another night of trying. There isn't anything like Aaron Brown Unplugged.


First Anderson startles us and walks toward us to confront the audience with the fact that he wants to talk about divorce and a 'ground breaking' study. One million last year. This is about the kids.


Randy Kay. "The squid and the whale." I don't know if there is anything 'ground breaking' about the understanding that everyone in the divorce is stressed and feeling estranged.


Dr. Ahrons, PhD - "A good divorce" - some divorces are better for kids than others. "There is no such a good thing as divorce. Elizabeth Marquardt, an unpublished author. Elizabeth is assuming that children come first in the happiness of adults. That is not necessarily the case. Elizabeth is still struggling with her own frustration as her unpublished study is as well that they are the 'center' of the adults world. Not so. Children are importantly provided for but a 'BAD MARRIAGE' is not a good substitution for divorce. No one is saying Divorce is great. Anyone who has gone through divorce knows this is not fun for anyone. I think the courts do a heck of a job. Elizabeth needs to grow up and publish her study. I believe her 'focus' is too 'child indulgent.' Dr. Ahrons is focusing on the fact that the divorce is inevitable and the children have to be preserved in their needs to love their parents and grow into healthy, happy adults. I have two wonderful sons that I enjoyed sole custody of for all their lives with sufficient support through a country probation officer and they are great. They are wonderful, caring and well adjusted young men.


John King about the elections. No surprises yet and Imus should have simply given the 'Winner' to Corzine this morning.


NEW CIA LEAK PROBE. Yeah, MSNBC has been doing that all week. They have this really aggressive pursuit of pedophiles as well. I was impressed. It's an interesting segment. They were lucky the men confronted weren't violent. But, that is investigational journalism sometimes.

Commercials with Frankenstein, the boy toy. Frank. You waited your turn tonight. Why don't you just go home? I mean all that has to happen here is for the video box to be turned off. Nite, nite, Frank. Man that is irritating. Automated voices.


Anderson to David Mattingly. Another High School trauma. Jacksboro, Tennessee. Population of school 1300. It's a respectable student body. My graduating class was all of 210. You know? That was less than a thousand in the entire school. We didn't shoot each other or teachers. Flippin' the bird maybe, but, we didn't go in for guns.


Reviewing the facts with traumatized youths. Ethan Riggs. Nice young man. This is a caucasian school? Was the shooter ridiculed? Who isn't in school? I don't know if anyone has a perfect life growing up. Was the kid on MEDICATION? You know Bush stated some kind of cockamamy program whereby kids were supposed to be put on drugs in school. That was about a year or more ago? I can't help but wonder. Oh, Jeeze. "Raising Cain." That is an old book. I don’t really see it his way either. My guys were not perfect growing up and I didn't expect them to be. They had their times of trouble but never so much that their lives and futures were out of control. If one doesn't 'try' their limits then there aren't limits they understand. If you are looking for 'learned' violence find out what video games he was playing as well and what his grades were. My guys played games that were fun and emotionally up. We didn't shoot anyone. We jumped over things and there was a lot of eye/hand coordination with the game controls. You know. Whats the name of that game center? Nintendo. We didn't have the violent stuff. Now they are adults they like those 'on the internet/in the community' role playing games with characters they can sell for substantial amounts of money if they choose to. They slay dragons as young men in their twenties in a fantasy world of valient.characters. They love it. I don't enforce it. They have a distraction if they like and they 'game' with others.




John King with results. Fine.

Jeff Greenfield doesn't exist. Long history of poor attitudes especially against women and especially if they find themselves in poverty. CNN never dealt with that either. I could never understand how he gets away with his mess either.




Anderson and a guilt trip for divorced children.


The news secretary.


Here we go with the 'horrible decisions' of divorce. Shut up Anderson. You have no reason to give ANYONE a guilt trip. How's mom? You seem to have turned out just fine, Jerk !


Dear God, Rick Sanchez and 'brain damage' of a child that had a heart attack. This is new? This is a mess. It is an unfortunate incident. DEPRIVED OF OXYGEN. Rick has said that three times so far. DEPRIVED OF OXYGEN IS A FOCUS. Life Support. Here we go now we are stopping life support based on Christianity. This is strange? Let me tell you something Rick this happens everyday in North Carolina. People have a problem, they suffer anoxia and the family is counciled by the hospital pastor and/or their own minister/priest, etc., and decisions are made.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Terri Schivo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of desperation is this? We need to do this? We can't leave these people alone to their privacy? You know, if you're trying to promote your sad partisan party this isn't the way to do it. These guys will criticize Democrats for not having a cohesive party and then they turn around and pull this mess. Who needs a cohesive party. That's called corruption.

These people are hopeless and corrupt themselves. Death. Puss von Zwieten loves death. What do they call that? Necrophilia. She gets off on it.





Anderson to Rwanda. There we go. Jack Hanna. This is a really great segment by Hanna. Hanna and kids. Love it. Jack has always been exceptional. I've never seen a segment like this before on CNN. The film was great.



Anderson to Rwanda. There we go. Jack Hanna. This is a really great segment by Hanna. Hanna and kids. Love it. Jack has always been exceptional. I've never seen a segment like this before on CNN. The film was great.


Hanna again. The back drop of the interview is incredible. Mountain gorrillas. Aren't they gorgeous. They aren't afraid or aggressive. They are so cute. Jack's right they are very much like family when they are together. There is a lot of that going on. Africa has really gotten very focused on their wilds. Very much so. The coastal areas as well that protect fisheries. The governments of Africa have found a great deal of satisfaction of preserving the beauty of their countries. The people love the land. It comes as a great reward. They are sick to death about Kilimanjaro as well. Caring for animals can be a substitute for the rewards of love from a family as well. Incredible stuff. Good healthy and happy animals. Thank you, Mr. Hanna. Very nice.


Commercials. Too many.


Frankenstein the Boy Toy is back. Sex? You have sex, Frank? Yeah? Virtual reality? Anderson? Huh?


Anderson is being his own news secretary. It's a start.


David Mattingly. The High School Shooting. How are the parents doing? Did they ever suspect this? Does he have siblings? What kind of shape are they in?


Anderson want to talk about torture. He won't talk about Cheney though. Here we go. General Spyder Marks. They guy keeps showing up on these shows at CNN all the time. He is the general that OBSERVED the insurgency grow up under him in Iraq. He's incompetent. But. Now that he has lots of 'time in Iraq' all of a sudden he is an expert. He is. He's an expert on everything that went wrong.

I haven't heard Cheney's name or the initiative John McCain is leading. No conflict in the Repubican Party at all, right? Let's all just get accustomed to torture. Try it out even. Jeeze. Oh, the White House Press Secretary. The Whim who never says a word not approved of by Bush.


This is what? A taped conversation and edited. Hi, Alan. Empirical judgement.

Bill Goodman wants limits.

John Yo. Berkley - like the McCain amendment. As soon as he mentioned 'McCain' Anderson jumped all over this poor guy. They aren't allowed to bring political figures into this discussion.

Alan, I don't know if you know that for sure. No one is going to say WWII was a joy. But. No one knows if this president isn't just as bad. He is shipping people by planes all over the world to be tortured WITHOUT results because they are innocent. I think Mr. Goodman and Mr. Yo have the edge here Alan. Bush isn't correct here. There has to be limits. Sorry. We have to get far, far better at Homeland Security.




Anderson to John King. Off year elections go to Democrats. Virginia. 4% difference. Michael Bloomberg is no surprise. He is not a frustration either. Most everyone likes Michael. The Republican base SHOULD be demoralized. They are already amoral we may as well finish it off. Thank you, John. Very nice. Graphic are good. David Bohrman designed that for you guys.

Jeff Greenfield does not exist.


France? Yep.


Christiana Amanpour - No minorities in Parliament. Not good. However. How many are in ours? I don't if there is a Muslim among the House or Senate? Yes? I haven't heard. I agree about that. It is a wakeup call. "If you don't like the French you go home." Well, if they are promising to do something. An appeal from the ghettos. To say the least Chris. Thank you.


The news secretary.




Anderson to Maureen Dowd - "Are men necessary?" I don't blame Maureen. She is comfortable in a room with her word processor. She's out of her element. Orgasms. Well, the problem was freud who was very fashionable and stated women could not have an orgasm unless they talked themselves into it with vaginal stimulation. The 'G Spot' so to speak. Actually, I don't think Freud knew women had a clitoris. You know that was Masters and Johnson and counting every drop of sweat. "Sex kittens" "Getting in touch with their inner whore." Really? I don't think of it that way. Without Monica there would be no Senator Clinton and President Gore. No. Maureen. Florida was rigged. They disenfranchised a lot of Black voters to throw the election. You know I am tired of this. Why does fidelity interpret into a 'passive' Hillary Clinton without a career in politics? I was going to get this book. No thank you. Monica seduced a man who was willing. It was Bill's issue and a personal matter between he and Hillary. End of discussion. I can't believe Ms. Dowd actually thinks there would be no Senator Clinton. Where does she get the nerve to say that? Hillary has no ambition of her own? I got news. Hillary Clinton has plenty of charm and ambition. She doesn't need anyone. She is also a great mother. That really did it for me, Ms. Dowd. No thank you. That is demeaning to women not empowering.



News items.

I have don't want to talk to the studio about any of this. Read about it.


Kinsey. 3 times a week for sex is good. Nice.


Panel discussion. Now you are talking. Libido. Leave it to a woman to bring it up.

Thinking about sex is a good thing. For women, orgasm can easily get a boost with a healthy fantasy as well. Fetishes are allowed. Breast men. Leg men. Ass men. What? Women can't look at men with sexual eyes? Sure they can and should.




Alice on the phone needs a romance novel.

Intimacy in a relationship between people that sincerely care about each other is essential. If they don't sincerely care about each other, intimacy can be toxic.




Anderson's lizard. This is Japanese television. They love that crazy stuff. Go figure.

No seaman. Very cute.




End. My friends, the young people of the nation were somewhat more safe tonight.