Sunday, August 28, 2011

AC 360 is wet behind the ears


Suzanne Malveaux and a review of Bush's inflammatory speech. How can we expect any de-escalation of the opposition in Iraq if Bush continues to push everyone's buttons?

His lengthy speech was nothing but rhetoric. He always addresses his base and nothing else.


Michael Ware for the second night running.

The Iraqi mlitary - 80 battalinos.




Rep. Murtha gets it right. "Somebody is giving this guy bad advise." I suppose. It's more that Bush declared war on everything. He declared war on the International Community. He declared war on the Democrats. He declared war on the National Guard. And he did all that before he declared war on Iraq. Bush is "The War President." He's a jerk. Where is Osama bin Laden, George? Dah, I don't know, he is on the run and doesn't really keep track of the guy. So, let me see. Georgie gave a speech on the War against Terrorists but conveniently forgot who downed the World Trade Towers. Sounds like a really good strategy to me.

If you take note everyone Georgie declared war on aren't really a threat. The Democrats aren't a threat, neigher is the National Guard or the international community. Even Iraq was disarmed. So, the one leader of al Qaeda gets away and George remains disinterested because Osama is actually someone that is a threat.


Anderson is going to redefine progress so it FITS the crime.


John Warner is the rhetoric cheerleader. He is just spitting back Bush's speech in synonyms.

I'll address all this tomorrow. Everyone has it wrong except Rep. Murtha. There are facts to back up Rep. Murtha and not Bush. It will be as plain as the nose on Bush's face.

Equipment is not the issue anymore Mr. Warner. Those days are over. We are supposed outfit the Iraqi forces better than the American forces?

How about armor on Humvees and paid for body armor.

You guys don't have what Rep. Murtha has. FACTS and interpretation based in military science. I am not into it tonight. It's all misguided lack of insight and if you could see it from where I sit you'd be bored to tears as well. No one is asking Murtha the right questions yet.



Blah, blah, blah


A shouting match with a man who believes differently. Jeeze. Does anyone get the chance to express their views without getting 'put in their place.' Anderson there are a lot of varied ways of seeing issues that works for those that practice them. Sometimes the issues needs to be examined and not attacked. You sound like an attack dog, Anderson. Who wants to be a guest? Brave souls I guess.


More commercials.


He achieved nothing with that last segment. Oh, well, now the 'other side' gets equal harassing treatment. This is not a good news program, it's an irritation that allows no clear understanding of the issues so much as 'starring' Anderson Cooper on the attack.

This is a mess. Anderson you rattle all your guests. They have to re-collect their thoughts in order to express their opinion as the reason they came to your show.


On the rise and cheese making . Do they get yelled at, too. Cows like to be content.

You know I should hesitate to point out Aaron's strong points but YELLING AND HARASSING was never allowed on NewsNight. The conversations were civilized or not at all. People didn't leave NewsNight with PTSD. You want to talk about psychiatric disorders? That's a good one. It's estimated taht 50 thousand soldiers returning from Iraq will suffer from it all their lives.
Rob Marciano is talking about the slowing ocean currents due to diluted salty seas. I think this link might be helpful. I'll look for another one. May as well do something interesting.
Perilous Waters.(influx of fresh water in North Atlantic Ocean could disrupt world climate patterns)
Andy and Franky, blah, blah, blah
Here is another one while AC 360 continues to complain about issues delayed in contracts because FEMA was unprepared for A Cat 5 called Katrina because George Bush says there is no such thing as Global Warming so help you !!!
GLOBAL CHANGE: A Slowing Cog in the North Atlantic Ocean's Climate Machine
I'll look for a free one. Anderson wants to pick on the Louisiana Governor even though she isn't available for comment otherwise. Families are frustrated and understanably so, but, everyone is frustrated with these circumstances. There is not one aspect of the Katrina recovery that is going well. All the money in the world has been legislated and yet there is no movement by FEMA. Welcome to Georgie World.
Ah, current events. Get it. Current. Ocean Current. Events. Okay, so it's a very bad joke.
Here you go. Sea to shining sea. Very patriotic. New York to LA.
Evidence of Slowing Ocean Currents Alarms ScientistsBy Usha Lee McFarling, Times Staff Writer
The powerful ocean currents that transport heat around the globe and keep northern Europe's weather relatively mild appear to be weakening, according to a new scientific report.A group of British oceanographers surveyed a section of the Atlantic Ocean stretching from Africa to the Bahamas that has been studied periodically since 1957 and found the overall movement of water had slowed 30% in the past five decades.,0,1653296.story?coll=la-home-headlines
Study Shows Weakening of Atlantic Currents
Published: November 30, 2005
Scientists say they have measured a significant slowing in the Atlantic currents that carry warm water toward Northern Europe. If the trend persists, they say, the weather there could cool considerably in coming decades.
Some climate experts have said the potential cooling of Europe was paradoxically consistent with global warming caused by the accumulation of heat-trapping "greenhouse" emissions. But several experts said it was premature to conclude that the new measurements, being described in the Dec. 1 issue of the journal Nature, meant that such a change was already under way.
It's amazing how a president with a 28% approval rating even believes he should still be in office.
With his job approval rating at a measly 28 percent, President Bush is in hot water for his policies in Iraq.
There is Nic. Nice job, Nic. You always do a good report on any subject you put forward. Hey, Nic, do you remember when that Afghan man came to you about the bin Laden tapes. The Golden Retriever tests of chemical weapons? People of the region turn to you when they don't know what to do but they want to help. It's amazing really. You are widely accepted. Respect. Mutual, I am sure. I have never seen a 'bad' or 'disrespectful' report by Nic Robertson. You would think the USA military could find that same balance Well. Maybe not. I guess it takes EXPERIENCE.
Thank you, Nic.
James Fallow - Atlantic Monthly. With all due respect, Mr. Fallow, but some of the concern regarding this issue isn't about Iraqi troop readiness and numbers. You are right, training a military to MATCH the USA in an Islamic is lengthy. It is also "W"rong. Can you imagine an Islamic military force to MATCH that of the USA. I mean Iraq doesn't even have a no fly zone anymore. The entire 'strategy' by Bush is guaranteed to put the region in danger as well as International stability if still another mad man takes leadership of a nation 'trained and equipped' by the USA. 2010 - Osama bin Laden for president. This is nuts. How many times has the USA shot itself in the foot due to it's arming of other countries. I would think Don Rumsfeld would have learned his lesson the first time with Iraq.
The Abortion Debate. This entire issue is hideous already. Scalia has no respect for a woman's life. He stated it would only take 30 seconds for a phone call to a judge. And what if the phone lines are down. A physician is competent enough to decide if an emergency abortion is necessary. It is a slap in the face of the credentials MD to put a judge in the process of emergency medicine.
I think I'd had enough. Markings in the desert belonging to scientology. Fine. I know some statues on the cliffs of Mexico, too.
There is nothing more fascinating than to read about and hear speak a pure bigot. Do you actually think you have something here? Well, you don't except to prove what a bunch of hate mongers you all are ! I doubt Mr. Leiby ever wrote a word about this religion except form the stand point of curiosity. I doubt he would consent to the level of hatred that CNN and AC360 rise to here. This is from the transcript of the show:
COOPER: Welcome back. We've talked a lot about Scientology and the battled Tom Cruise and the church is waging on psychiatric drugs. Last night Cruise told Barbara Walters he doesn't regret anything he said this past year, and claims since speaking out nearly half a million children have come off depressants. Clearly, the church doesn't shy away from the subject. There is another topic the Scientologists are a bit touchy on, it involves a vault in the desert of New Mexico and some mysterious land markings nearby, markings that can only be seen from the sky. Scientologists say there is nothing strange about what's out there, but not everyone is convinced. Richard Leiby is a "Washington Post" writer, he's written about those odd sightings and I spoke with him earlier.
COOPER: So, Richard, what do you know about this facility, this bunker, and these sort of crop circle-like markings?
RICHARD LEIBY, WRITER, "THE WASHINGTON POST": This is one of what I think has been reported to be three bunkers that the Church of Scientology uses to preserve against any catastrophe, nuclear war, whatever might happen, earthquakes, to preserve the sacred writings of L. Ron Hubbard.
COOPER: And then the markings outside, the crop circle-like things? What are those? What is the purpose of that?
LEIBY: That is a logo of the Church of Spiritual Technology, Inc. That corporation was created by the Church of Scientology, specifically for the preservation of Hubbard's materials.
COOPER: You mean for -- if you believe that people who follow this or are in certain parts of the organization, if they come back -- what, thousands of years from now, they'll be able to see this from space? Is that --?
LEIBY: Yes, well, the church believes in reincarnation and loyal officers of the church, loyalists known as the See Organization, sign a billion-year contract.
COOPER: And I guess, there is nothing unusual about a religious group wanting to protect the writings of the people who founded it, I suppose. What's raising the eyebrows of the people in the area?
LEIBY: This was first reported by a TV station in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which wanted to write about the vault. For the first time you could see these markings and you could see them from a high altitude. And why --
COOPER: I understand this local TV station -- according to the TV station, on their web site, they have said that the Scientologists tried to get them to stop going forward with this report by offering them a tour.
LEIBY: Offered them a tour and also they reported that the Scientologists worked very hard to stop the story from being aired.
COOPER: Well, here to give us more insight into the vault and these markings, is former Scientologist Michael Pattinson. He says he's filed two lawsuits against the church, both were unsuccessful. He joins me now from Los Angeles. Michael, thanks for being with us. What are those markings in the ground?
MICHAEL PATTINSON, FORMER SCIENTOLOGIST: Those markings on the ground are, as Richard Leiby said, they are the logo of the Church of Spiritual Technology.
COOPER: What is the Church of Spiritual Technology?
PATTINSON: It's basically the pinnacle of Scientology. It's the head organization from which all the rest flows, if you like. It's the holder of the copyrights and the technical works of L. Ron Hubbard. And it goes under the name of L. Ron Hubbard Library, as I understand it.
COOPER: It looks like it's two circles, basically, with sort of two diamond shaped objects in the center of them. What is that? Do you know what that means?
PATTINSON: No, I haven't had an explanation of that. I just know that it was a registered trademark.
COOPER: A logo.
PATTINSON: Registered in 1985 for SCT and it is a rather mysterious sign, it is like a crop circle with no crops.
COOPER: And it's only visible from the sky. Why would that be?
Pattinson: Uh, well, you know they say that reality is sometimes stranger than fiction, Anderson and this maybe one of the cases where that is so. As you know, L. Ron Hubbard was basically a science fiction writer. And this seems to be along that same kind of thread, that kind of -- like of thinking if you like. It's designed to protect his technology in a vault and that's a marking, which shows the location of that vault from space.
COOPER: So, there is a vault nearby, I guess, in a bunker sort of built underground or into the side of a mountain. What's inside the vault?
PATTINSON: Inside the vault are many containers, very high-tech containers, full of L. Ron Hubbard's technology, his writings, which are put onto titanium plates and etched into the titanium plates. I actually held one of these myself, so I know what I'm talking about.
COOPER: So, actually, it's like a metal tablet with writings etched in it?
PATTINSON: That's correct. Yes. That's correct.
Cooper: And that so that it -- what? -- that it can withstand the test of time?
PATTINSON: Yes, it is designed to withstand the test of time for maybe thousands of years. It's on a rather extreme knowledge basis, if you like; where the belief is that if Scientology fails to eradicate completely psychiatry and psychology, then this civilization will perish. And then they can come back. They're motto is, "We come back." And they can find Hubbard's writings again and take up Scientology again and start a new civilization. I mean, this is really what is believed.
COOPER: And who has access to this kind of underground archive? Is it only sort of top-level members?
PATTINSON: Oh, very much so. It's been very hush-hush. We knew, of course, about the donation program to finance this, very much. But we didn't know the specifics. I believe there may be even five locations for these vaults. Not just three, but we'll have to look into that.
COOPER: Michael Pattinson, it is good to talk to you. Thanks, Michael.
PATTINSON: Thank you very much.
COOPER: We should mention that we contacted the Church of Scientology about the vault. They didn't return our calls. They have in the past referred to Michael Pattinson as a disgruntled former member who couldn't live up to their high ethical standards.
I don't know why you are so doggedly in pursuit of Tom Cruise, because that is what this is all about, unless the fact he has a real career might be a sore spot with you. Jealousy, perhaps.
I don't want to get into theologies, human rights and high handed rantings about one religion be more correct than another, but, if you ever frequented a synagogue you would not find images of human beings staring back at you as icons of worship. There are religious symbols but not narcisstic symbols of humans risen to the level of gods as saints or angels. Those statues even if they appear to be weeping tears of blood, to me, are meaningless. As a matter of fact a statue weeping what appears to be blood cannot possibly be something of god so much as the devil. And to be honest I have never heard in any religious ceremony of Jewish faith even the mention of a devil or any picture to know what one would look like. I don't believe in the devil as he is a former angel cast out of heaven. See, to me that is a sacrilege in that it is breaking the second commandment. If I may? This is a convenient reference.
"You shall have no other gods besides Me...Do not make a sculpted image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."One is required to believe in God and God alone. This prohibits belief in or worship of any additional deities, gods, spirits or incarnations. To deny the uniqueness of God, is to deny all that is written in the Torah. (2)It is also a prohibition against making or possessing objects that one or other may bow down to or serve such as crucifixes, and any forms of paintings or artistic representations of God. (3)One must not bow down to or serve any being or object but God. (4)One is prohibited from making sculpture of human beings even for the fine arts.
i.e. The Golden Calf
To me being a Jew is about life and it's celebration and not manifestations of evil over good so much as clear, honest, hard working life full of family, friends and endless joy. The religious symbols that surround me are of ceremony and love of a faith such as the Star of David, a menorah, a yarmulke, a prayer book and an alphabet with no direct letter for vowels. It is a faith of joy, worldliness and abiding community.
The emblems on some real estate in New Mexico have the same effect on me. They are symbols of 'mysticism' that represent something to someone regarding their spirituality. I think it is fine. The scientologists could have done far, far worse than L. Ron Hubbard.
You, CNN and AC360 seem to forget there was a time when Jesus of Nazareth was charged with blasphemy as well. So, who are you to say what is of the spritual realm and what isn't. I don't have that authority and nor would I care to have it. If people find solice, joy and a good life in Scientology then I wish them well and would never seek to ridicule them. It is hate of their spirituality they don't need and victimization in this case of a man expecting a baby with a woman he loves. I find it deplorable.
As an American I am happy for any parents that have found a way of raising their children without drugs. My youngest son needed medication for Undifferentiated ADD when he attended the public school. He never needed it when he was homeschooled and he learned quite well but he was over stimulated in a classroom setting and needed help with concentration. My son's deficits are somewhat profound but not so much so that he has not been able to find a way of operating in this world. He is autonomous in the ability to make a living and currently has a girlfriend he respects and respects him. I am happy for him. As soon as he left high school he stopped taking medication and consequently didn't do well in college. It was his choice and even today he refuses to take stimulants to help him cope with life. He wants to take on life straight on and he is wonderful. I don't know what his capacity in life will be but when he failed in college I was concerned he would be a dependant forever. He has proven me wrong. I have no worries about his future without his medication. He has devoted friends and is liked in his business dealings. He is honest to a fault and would never dream of criticizing another human being for their faith. I admire my son. I strive to be as pure of life's dealings as he is taking disappointments in stride and rising to it's challenges. I learn from him. He is my teacher. I was his protector. Protecting him has resulted in a wonderful man whom people love, like and turn to. What more can I ask for? Heck, in time, and not much time at all he'll probably be a millionaire. He has a lot of ambition.
So, when this type of issue presents itself I will not tolerate it. It might seem 'silly' to others but it is a non-issue to me and always will be. I wish those at CNN well and hope that the programming of AC360 takes on a tone that attracts viewers rather than repels them.
Currently, you are all bigots that track with a long history documented here.. And I'll tell you something, Iam curious how shopping malls can have ultrasound pictures for framing and Cruise can't have one in his home. Hm? I am sure he and his spouse don't seek to operate it without proper instructions and parameters. I find it amusing they are so attached to their child they can't wait to see it. I find that interesting.
I wish all parties well. You take issues too far.