Thursday, July 20, 2006

Why say the same thing over and over again?

Some of the finest foreign correspondents are found in Nic Robertson, the man who brought the world the 'Bin Laden Tapes' and Christiane Amanpour who finds hope in Afghanistan in the bloosming vineyards once poppy fields. The only missing component to this team is Aaron Brown.

Other than that, some of the finest voices in the defense of Israel speaks today with clarity and purpose. That is the Israeli leadership. They have never been so poignant or correct. I don't have to add anything here.

Give it a rest. If I feel the circumstances are being dominated inappropriately by a president of the USA that finds his purpose fulfilled in over reaching into Israel's business then I'll say so. Currently, Bush, Rice and the Congress and House are figure heads with their priorities backwards; reaching for political gain rather than centered on finding a peace for the Middle East that will last.

I congratulate Israel. The time has come to stop the madness.
