Thursday, July 20, 2006

Dignity. It's not slaughter. Israel demands respect and dignity for it's citizens.


Beirut - Anderson is in Beirut? I see.

Anderson this automated bullshit has got to go. It's 'glizzy' and 'Hollyweed' and depersonalizing.

Aaron would never do this to his viewership. There were always 'real people' wtih 'real faces' with 'real messages' to introduce a program 'designed' for people to relate to, finding themselves in the program and the journalists. This garbage they put at the top of the program is completely alienating.


I do believe Israel is having success. I congratulate them. I have complete faith in their insight and their skill. We all hope the greatest of safety for all people, but, the militia and it's missiles have to go.


I don't want to hear anything about Isreal's propriety in war unless it is a blatant disregard for the Geneva Conventions. One cannot say Israel has a right to defend itself and then tie their hands to do it. Israel was attacked. The leaders of that nation have an obligation to it's citizens. Israel has completely lived upto all international agreements to date. It is Hezbollah that has made it impossible for Lebanon to assert it's sovereignty. The people of Southern Lebanon have to leave. Until the MUNITIONS are destroyed OR removed it is completely UNSAFE for human life. There are mines all over Sheba Farms. That is not remotely acceptable. All of Lebanon is to belong to Lebanon and not just the land north of Beirut where there is no reach by Hezbollah of Israel. Hezbollah has 'stationed itself' strategically to destroy Israel. That strategy based in Anti-Semitism must end. Anti-Semitism by UN and World Court Degree is a blight on this Earth. It's time to stop it completely including the civilized demeanor of all diplomates and nation leaders globally.


The conflict started on June 26, 2006. What does it take for the media to get it right? The first three soldiers are nothing? Really?


The logistics of the circumstances are unfortunate but people are 'getting though.' The scenes are very sad. Admittedly there is a humanitarian crisis coming. The people trapped in shelters that have proven to be safe are going to run out of essential services. At this early point of the conflict it would serve Israel well to call a 'ceasefire' enough to evacuate people currently trapped in safe havens. Those locations by the way need to be identified by Israel as locations where people have currently taken shelter.


The other aspect to evacuating these people is to remove their potential to become human shields. None of them should be allowed to stay.


Israel has a right to safe borders. It would have been nice to allow diplomacy to work over time but the Middle East is completely anarchic right now and Israel cannot be assured it's existance especailly when PRESIDENTS such as the one in Iran is making Anti-Semitism a political priority. That is simply intolerable. Iran needs every bit the attention of the UN and the Security Council review. The leadership is purporting Anti-Semitism is a reasonable government priority.


It's a difficult situation. I know Mr. Annan wants the violence to stop but he also has to trust the leadership of Israel to provide evacuation routes while they seek to destroy the munition laden lands of Lebanon. Lebanon has already stated these muntions are not theirs. Right? . I am sorry, because, the aggressions under Bush and Cheney has spawned this inflammatory response in Arabia. It isn't fair to Israel to hold them responsible for this 'exacerbation' of trouble. Israel is in the middle of it and Israel needs relief from it.


Hezbollah has to relinquish all control of all lands of Lebanon. Otherwise, Israel has every right under UN sanctions to proceed, granted after evacuation routes are provided. Hezbollah is to have no 'land grants' by the Lebanese government ever again. Hezbollah is a terrorist network. It is not a religion. It has to be completely disbanned. The same goes for Hamas with a return of sovereign power to Mr. Abbas and men like Mr. Dahlan.


I find these images gruelling.

I think I've made my views known through interruptive phone calls from a family member in crisis tonight.
