Thursday, April 20, 2006

White House shakeup continues as Karl Rove gives up some duties, Scott McClellan resigns

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 11:30 a.m.

Rove's White House duties cut

WASHINGTON, April 19 (UPI) -- Karl Rove, a long-time adviser to U.S. President George Bush, is leaving his White House post to focus on the politics of the upcoming elections.
Rove was a key force in both of Bush's campaigns for president and, after the 2004 election, was made a deputy chief of staff for policy.
The Washington Post said Rove will be working on the elections next November. Democrats believe the current unpopularity of Bush makes it possible for the minority party to take control of Congress.
Bush and Rove have worked together since the president's run for governor in Texas.
The change was seen as part of the White House realignment set up by the change to Josh Bolten as chief of staff. Bolten took over the position last Friday.
The Post said Rove's White House position is likely to be taken by Joel Kaplan, currently deputy White house budget director.Copyright Political Gateway 2006© Copyright

United Press International 2006

Tori Clark would be perfect. She has 'mind speak' down so well she looks like she is on Anti-Psychotics. Karl Rove was responsible for the falsification of documents regarding Niger. Rove doesn't 'coordinate'policy, he 'creates' it. Rove and his spin is mostly mute.



I think we need to resolve to keep an open mind. There are undoubtedly issues. There is always 'the carrot and skick'' promise of a lawsuit by the victim. That isn't all of it. This young woman provided a service to a group of young men that were supposed to be above reporach. Obviously they are not. The media blitz was the worst idea the defendants ever had. Trying to corrupt the 'imiage' surrounding the victim and setting up a Pre-Defense by releasing information regarding DNA testing was an attempt to bring pressure on the Prosecutor to drop the case. It was the worst strategy. It further hurt the victim . That strategy was less than humble or forgiving. It served to exacerbate the demand for justice. The Duke Shadow of 'priviledge seems to be a bit weighty on this issue. That shadow will be dealt with, if nothing else comes of this case the void between the community and Duke will be clearer. If the entities can fill that void is yet another issue. The community has to be willing and Duke available for change.