Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Goal: To harness the 'emoting' is to control the public

Christian Conservative News, "The Agape Press" feels Aaron's pain. Does not approve of 'emoting' as a reason to avoid reality and deal with the issues of a nation. With articles like this will people realize they are being manipulated for millions if not billions of dollars right into the danger zones of public policy?

Truth Isn't Enough ... You Must Weep

By Matt Friedeman
January 30, 2006

(AgapePress) - A new study from Emory University informs us that emotions are what count the most in the matter of forming political opinions, with reasoning and truth trailing significantly in importance. Magnetic resonance imaging reveals that the emotional centers in the brains of strong partisans "light up" when confronted with ideological messages.


... Word is that even the pro-lifers on the committee were moved to defeat legislation to ban cloning and the like. Remember -- this is Mississippi, one of the reddest of the red states and the buckle of the Bible belt. But the testimony of an expert was no match for emotion, and even stalwart pro-life committee members failed to remain absolutely firm on a position on which the United Nations has already taken action (banning cloning).

We are suckers -- for tears, for emotion, for the stuff that tugs at the heart.

Cultural conservatives are not the only ones frustrated with the situation. Imagine if you were concerned with rationality on the "idiot box," otherwise known as TV. "Television is the most perfect democracy," frustrated TV news anchor Aaron Brown said in a recent speech. "You sit there with your remote control and vote." The remotes of the living rooms of the nation move from channel to channel when serious news plays, but when the coverage turns to scandals surrounding the runaway bride or Michael Jackson, "there are no clicks then," Brown said.

Feel Mr. Brown's pain....