Wednesday, February 1, 2006

The Rhetoric Continues...

908 - enters chamber

912 - starts speech, calling on the memory of the late Coretta Scott King while calling on the after life with her spouse. It would have been nice to hear commentary on her life. "The Afterlife" is up to the ministers, not Bush.

914 - alludes 'civil debate.' Lesson time.

"enemies of freedom' of which he is not one, of course. "Isolationism and protectionism." That is what Bush practices. I don't hold much hope for this speech. We are off to deception already.

"Misguided Idealism." He's an ideologue. He listens to no sound advice on any front. We won't be in Iraq if he did.

"A new chapter" - It isn't George. Colors of voting doesn't make it a democracy. Zimbabwee is currently experiencing Super Inflation. Their currency is currently worthless due to high debt.

Zimbabwean crisis heightensby STAFF EDITORS (1/25/2006)

The latest phrase being coined in Zimbabwe is about vehicles breaking down due to "shock" after being refilled with cheap fuel from registered gas stations.While the joke reveals the cynical nature of how Zimbabweans are coping with an over five years crisis, the symbol of the country's economic decay - the long snaking queues from gas stations have long since disappeared.

The United States dollar, which fetched Z$6,000 in January last year, is now worth Z$79,000 with inflation having reached 585 percent at the end of the year

...There are however no visible signs that Zimbabweans might revolt against Mugabe's government.
"The government has failed to anger us," said Tambudzai Makosi, a 52-year-old primary school teacher. "Look at the poor salaries we are earning, and more still someone destroying the house you have build and you do nothing about it."
The government is however well placed to crash any signs of dissent. In 2005 it passed a law that allows authorities to confiscate the travel documents of anyone deemed to be anti-government with the first victims having been an independent newspaper publisher, a senior MDC official and the leader of the country's trade union movement.
Chiefs of the army, police and Central Intelligence Organisation have been organised into a Joint
Operation Command to stamp out any signs of dissent, in a move analysts say is meant at ensuring that President Mugabe retains power until 2008 when he is expected to step down.

Bush has no intention of intervening with Zimbabwe or any other country in a way that offers hope or relief to the people.

The USA has already retreated from the world. There is no common goal between the international community and the USA. We are isolated. Very isolated. There is no clear victory on the horizon. No more today than May 1, 2003. "Mission Accomplished."

You are not winning, George. Where is Osama bin Laden?

Where are you getting the money for the war, George? Halliburton?


Typical Bush. Chronically living in denial. Hamas will never embrace Israel. They have said it for decades. Wow. George and his money must be powerful.


Iran has a mentor on this issue. He is addressing dissidents. He did the same thing before he invaded Iraq.

Nuclear file referral to Security Council ends diplomacy - Iran

TEHRAN, January 31 (RIA Novosti) - Iran ratcheted up the tension around its nuclear programs further Tuesday, when the country's top negotiator said the referral of the country's "nuclear file" to the UN Security Council would mark the final chapter in diplomatic efforts to end the escalating crisis.
"We regard any mention or report on Iran in the UN Security Council as the end to diplomacy," said Ali Larijani, the secretary of the country's Supreme National Security Council. "For Europeans and the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors, it will mean an unsuccessful and bad solution to the issue."
The IAEA, the UN's nuclear watchdog, is due to discuss the Islamic Republic's nuclear research during an emergency session on February 2-3.
However, Larijani said Iran was not giving up talks with the trio of European nations handling the issue - Britain, France and Germany - and saw the negotiations with them as the only way out of the current crisis.
Representatives of three countries, as well as China, the United States and Germany met in London Monday to discuss Iran's nuclear programs. They decided that the UN Security Council would be kept informed about Iran's "nuclear file," but no action would be taken until March after a regular session of the IAEA, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday.
Tensions around Iran escalated after it abandoned a two-year moratorium on research into uranium enrichment January 10. Some members of the international community, led by the U.S., fear that Tehran could use the technology to produce weapons-grade material, as well as nuclear reactor fuel.

Iraq was never a threat to this country before the incompetency of this president. Bush believes his own lies.

The Patriot Act is an attack against the very lengthy suppression of American Civil Rights. The Patriot Act was supposed to be a temporary measure as is realized by the 'sundown' provision. It was only to be necessary UNTIL the enemies of the USA in Afghanistan were defeated. Bush is incompetent and can't stop the murderers. Now, realizing his incompetency he is calling on a 'renewed war' on the all feared impending attacks. If Bush was competent he should be reaping applause because the networks were defeated and hideous laws like The Patriot Act is no longer needed as our Homeland is SAFE. Bush is not capable of making peace for this country. He is only able to declare war at the price of the citizens of this country while his 'multinationals' reap exploitive profits.

Halliburton to spin off its KBR unit

Saturday, January 28, 2006 7:32:00 AM ETnewratings.comNEW YORK, January 28 ( – Halliburton Co (HAL.NYS), the world's largest diversified energy services, engineering and construction company, Friday announced its plans to file an IPO (Initial Public Offering) for its engineering and construction unit, Kellogg Brown & Root Inc (KBR).The company said its 20% minority stake in KBR would be sold through an IPO soon after Halliburton delivers its annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Houston Chronicle quoted analyst Roger Read of Natexis Bleichroeder as saying that Halliburton is likely to spin off KBR entirely. While KBR accounted for 52% of Halliburton's 2005 sales, it accounted for only 19% of the company’s profits. Halliburton's share price rose nearly 8% to a record high of $81 in Friday afternoon trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

There is no such thing as permanent ANYTHING ! Bush is such a jerk. He uses the word permanent to harness his base.

Line-item veto

Let's just veto Bush and impeach he and Cheney in 2006-07.

Social Security Tampering is political suicide, especially in 2006. They applaude ANYWAY. This is a show for Bush's base.

There is nothing new about Bush's Border Security Plan. It goes nowhere with his House or Senate.

President Discusses Border Security and Immigration Reform in Arizona

For Immediate Release

Office of the Press Secretary

November 28, 2005

"Medical Reform Liability" - Look this entire speech is equivalent to "Terry's Law." His entire administration has nothing but spin for his base.

Power home and offices. There is no such thing as zero emission coal fired plants. That is completely dependant on injecting CO2 into the ground. The ground is saturated with CO2 from global warming. That is why there are vortices and super storms that heat the gulf. Bush is a liar. He is counting on us to be fools. He has written no legislation or promoted any new measure in any of his spending bills. If a president was sincere about any of this words the 'ideas' of the State of the Union Address would be to move the nation forward on 'ideas' already in process. 'The State of the Union' is not supposed to be a political speech. It is supposed to lay the ground work of understanding of where we have been through ACCOMPLISHMENTS and THEN where those accomplishments are leading us. This is all pie in the sky stuff. There is no reason to believe a word of it. Sorry. Bush has no 'track record' for any of these statements.

He has yet to mention debt reduction. Quite the contrary. He has stated he wants to make tax cuts, which were pre-September 11th, made permanent. Whatever that means. He is just as irresponsible today as the day he took office.

For Texas town, mining is worth its weight in coal

Monday, January 30, 2006
FAIRFIELD — From welders to electricians to engineers, the energy industry has played a significant role in Fairfield's economy for more than 35 years.
Which is why economic developers in Angelina County are working hard to promote Lufkin as one of nine competing sites in Texas to host the Department of Energy's $1 billion coal-fire research power plant — FutureGen. FutureGen is touted to be the world's first "near-zero emissions" coal-fired power plant.

Stennett introduces bills to control power plants
15-month moratorium on applications for coal-fired plants proposed
In reaction to the prospect of a merchant power plant being constructed in Jerome County, Sen. Clint Stennett, D-Ketchum, is introducing this week multiple bills to the Idaho Legislature.
Two of the bills were assigned numbers Thursday; the other three will be introduced today, Stennett said.
Sempra Generation announced last April that it intends to build a $1.4 billion, 600-megawatt coal-fired power plant 9 miles northeast of Jerome in Jerome County.
Stennett maintains that the state is being targeted because of its lack of laws regulating power plant siting, emissions and other aspects related to such a project.

... "I sent a letter to everyone in the Senate asking if they wanted to co-sponsor this," Stennett said Tuesday. "This is a non-partisan issue and I'm looking for bi-partisan support."
Any body politic within a 50-mile radius of a proposed coal-fired power plant would be invited to join the discussion, he said, as would members of the Idaho Department of Water Resources, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, and others...

Squabbles hindered rescue efforts
FEMA denied request for rubber boats
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
By Bill WalshWashington bureau
WASHINGTON -- A day before Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries fired off an urgent request for 300 rubber rafts to rescue people from what was expected to be high water in New Orleans.

Marked "Red-High" priority, the plea went to the Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters in Denton, Texas, where a team of disaster experts considered it. As Katrina lashed southeast Louisiana and ruptured New Orleans' levees Aug. 29, FEMA gave its answer: "Request denied."
The episode, which came to light Monday at a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, is just the latest in a growing collection of planning miscues that, despite years of warnings, left the region woefully unprepared for the storm.
The hearing also laid bare evidence of infighting and back-biting among state, local and federal emergency responders once the levees broke and plunged 80 percent of New Orleans underwater. Countless acts of bravery were intermingled with squabbling over scarce rescue equipment as first responders operated in a virtual communications blackout.
"What strikes me is the utter lack of coordination in the search and rescue," Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, told a panel of four front-line officials involved in the Katrina response. "Don't you all talk to one another?"
The hearing was the 12th the committee has held looking at the government's actions before, during and after Katrina. Several more are scheduled this week and next week as the committee prepares to wrap up its work and issue a report in mid-March. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is slated to testify Wednesday and Gov. Blanco is expected Thursday.
'We were not prepared'


Ending of nothing but a speech that continues to divide the nation without uniting it.