Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Actually, Aaron Brown received far better ratings than Cooper could ever hope to.

CNN is the government news channel after a rift with them a few years back. The 10 PM hour and 11 PM hour aires at 7 PM and 8 PM on the west coast. The Bush White House, primarily Karl Rove whom has CNN in his back pocket wanted to 'affect' California and at the same time 'target' cities like South Central LA because Bush's programs to reform the inner city isn't working.

In Rove's opinion Aaron Brown was attracting the 'younger' set. But. No one could ever accuse him of NOT providing quality journalism with a moral tilt. He did that. CNN and Rove thought they could make a 'ratings' killing post Katrina with Cooper and knock out the crime and povert centers of the country to promote success in Bush's agenda.

There was no sound reason for Aaron to be asked to leave. It was all based on 'jazz and hope.' You know how these idiots are; they treat viewers as if they don't have a brain in their head and the media is all powerful. So, Aaron, a man paid $1.5 million for 5 years all of a sudden is a moron and a mistake while Cooper is THE FUTURE OF BROADCAST JOURNALISM. I sincerely hope not because then I truly have misguided the good taste of my own children. Anderson is a 'debutant' without a date. Pretty face but going nowhere !

News without screaming and prejudice

A nightly ritual for my wife and me was to watch Aaron Brown at 9 p.m. on CNN, Monday through Friday. This came after the screaming O'Reilly and others like him. It was so nice to have someone present the news without showing extreme prejudice one way or the other.

The firing of Aaron Brown probably had something to do with ratings, but I wrote CNN letting them know my feelings about it, and I even wrote Larry King, who was his best friend, and told him he should change networks.
As for Anderson Cooper, who took Aaron's place, we no longer watch the 9 p.m. news hour. He's another young man on the rise, and if he steps on someone's back on the way, so be it.

Joseph H. SimpsonAmite