Friday, November 18, 2005

Mimicking Aaron Brown Style

Is it any wonder CNN is mimicking Aaron Brown's style. Anderson Cooper now has Aaron's news hour with the return of once was Aaron's Pre-program announcements. During the daytime hours the once well groomed and completely buttoned up Tony Harris's now exhibits a new dress down status with sleeves rolled to the elbows and shirt collars opened of the top two buttons. In addition, Tony Harris is all of a sudden a sports enthusiast very much the way Aaron was with every chance he got. I have never witnessed a mimicking of a man who is supposed to be the worst thing that happened to Prime Time at CNN.


Anderson and then Frankenstein and his automated voice "Whip Around the World" and Vegas show girl introduction of Cooper.


The House Republicans disregarding respect of USA soldiers have put on a POLITICAL SHOW to 'play' with the dignified status offered to them by the respect for their lives by Representative Murpha. The Republicans are 'grandstanding' in a show of anger to counter a very real issue and that is the removal of the USA presence in Iraq that has been the stimulus to a violent opposition to the Iraqi government including a new al Qaeda regime that has now caused the deaths in Jordan. The Republicans will not live with reality that this invasion has caused a regional destabilization none of these countries asked for and quite the contrary has escalated beyond their control of the terrorist tactics of violent and few in number individuals that carry out these terrible acts.


The attacks of the day are well known and should be taken seriously in regard to the effectiveness of the course of Bush's poorly equipped military without a strategy. Representative Murpha could not be more correct in his resolution to bring our troops out of Iraq. They are the daily targets leaving in the wake dead Iraqis. The Republicans are out of order and misbehaved and childish legislators. Immediate withdrawal should occur.




Joe John - the Democratic response to Iraq is appropriate and American where the Republican reaction is exploitive of Americans, American patience as well as American assets and without reason.


The news secretary




The House of Representative focus continues while acting as childish politicians having a fit over the fact there is no strategy in Iraq for victory and withdrawal of the USA troops but only daily raids and counter attacks that kills innocent civilians.


California Wildfires - the only reason we see these fires and not anywhere else in the country is due to it's close proximity to their viewership.

The fires in the USA as of November 18, 2005. The fire incidence and acreage is spreading rapidly and widely in the east but where is the focus of CNN. California. Oh ! Do I detect insincerity for ratings over 'honest purpose' to stop the wildfires in the country? Yeah. Did the expose last week do any good? No. Why? Because there was no outrage or follow up over the fires that were actually burning. The fires in eastern USA will go ignored because Bambi doesn't watch cable news.


The Republicans are trying to force the Democrats to support the war and not oppose it by proposing a hideous form of legislation.


Representative Murpha has valid arguments for redeployment out of Iraq because the incidence of attacks and causalities have escalated both with American soldiers and Iraqi civilians over the last year. The attacks are against the USA forces with the 'side effect' of Iraqi civilian deaths. That's right, if the USA was not there, they cannot unify against the USA if we are not there as a focus including our allies such as Jordan. In addition and what Rep. Murpha does not say is that Iraq is not a security risk to the USA. It needs to be left to the region to resolve these issues and under the policies of Bush all of Iraq's neighbors are left out of the solution.




Nicolle Wallace about Congressman Murtha - Wow, what insight! Congressman Murtha's views are contrary to the opinion of the White House. She believes all the information Congressman Murtha complains about not receiving actually received it. Hey, Nicolle, Rep. Murtha said he didn't get the information. I'll be darn, what you believe is "W"rong !

The pre-war lies of Bush that ACTUALLY did mislead the American people are supposed to be set aside as real and without consequences because of politics. Well, that sounds right and just to me, as that is exactly what has been transpiring for years already. Is this chick for real? Impeach Bush/Cheney for abuse of power.




Ah, so there is something that looks like a strategy for a change. Someone has finally listened to Senator John Kerry.

It is a stunt pulled by Republicans in the style of Terry's Law to support 'their base' with Neocon politics. There is absolutely nothing sincere about the Republican ranting today. They are trying to intimidate the legitimate arguments made by Democrats because they have been nothing but dishonest in their approach of government exploiting the disadvantaged in this country in favor of a crony war in Iraq that is little consequence to the security of this nation but impacts the instability of the Middle East in ways the surrounding countries and allies have been unable to fend off from Madrid to Amman and every attack inbetween including two in Egypt and one in London.




Anderson leading into Frankenstein the boy toy. Does he run on batteries? The storm you refer to in the Caribbean I have been noting for a long time now. It's a continuous storm in the Caribbean without any signs of abating with huge amounts of water vapor in the troposphere with the increased melting of Earth ice reserves.


Anderson with a news summary.


Back to the House of Representatives.


Nic Robertson - the repeat of a strategy, wouldn't you say, Nic? Back in October at the Palestine Hotel it was the same strategy. There, Nic, just said the same thing. Exactly. These guys plans with numbers of those willing to attack growing. The suicide bombers today were only two among many with a growing number of supports waiting in line.

During Noon Time Prayers. Sitting ducks, right Nic? What good is the right of the citizens to practice their religion if they are sitting ducks in the Mosques at prayer times. The USA Coalition has never been successful at providing the civilians of Iraq protection as they wage their urban warfare war.


Venture County, California Wildfire. The 'moral' focus of the Bush administration is one of Voters when they complain and the façade of caring when tragedy strikes while Bush will rant on about his chainsaw technique in forestry management. The rest of the forests can burn to the ground as Bambi has no vote.


The next storm that could affect the coastal areas.




The Katrina Crimes - It is called negligence. I do congratulate CNN for maintaining a moral focus to the issues of the victims and their families. That is an admirable dedication.

There are lawsuits against FEMA. Good ! There should be. Families are moving on in the face of mourning for those losses due to vast neglect of the USA public.


Investigation to the levees and their failure. Oh, the FBI? Good. Levee Investigation Hotline 1-800-call-fbi. It is manned twenty four hours a day. If I am not mistaken any citizen or anyone with information regarding any issues of security and safety of the country are welcome to call the agencies 24/7. There are always agents 'on-call' to every citizen in the country for any reason of concern that might cause the country problems in law enforcement that includes drug and human trafficking as well. I mean, we all should realize our intelligence agencies receive our input to our security without question and follow up to leads as they can.




Polygamy and arranged marriages with older men by decades. "It was like a horror film but I was in the front seat. There is no birth control allowed." To refuse a husband and getting pregnant was against the religion. She stated she was having too many children, too fast. It didn't matter to her polygamous spouse. She was one of three wives and 54 children. She has 8 children in 15 years. Living in a polygamous home is like living in a police state and getting out of the 'sect' was nearly impossible. Her oldest daughter was resistant to leave. Her van was nearly out of gas. The tale she tells is not dissimilar to that of women escaping an abusive spouse. A predator spouse.

Her perception of religious obedience is one of slavery. Having no will of ones own.




More about polygamy. The FLDS - a sect. Warren Jeffs is their prophet. Wanted by the FBI for arranging marriages of underage girls. Young men were banished from the sect because there were more men than could be accommodated by the women of the community. "Lost Boys." This is nasty stuff. The FBI needs to break this mess up. Children are being raised only to be abused into some kind of sexual role in the world. There is no purity of spirit with a sect like this. There are men who don't have restraint or loyalty. Fathers and husbands are banned from the community. Amazing. The citizens (if you can call the that) of this community would not have a clue what to say to the media and cannot relate to anything outside of their indoctrination. This is illegal in this country. The community is isolated similar to the Waco, Texas bunch. What was the name of those guys? The Dividians of Waco, Texas. Exploiting children for sexual roles with the sect/cult. Free form marriages that can be rearranged at the whim of their leader. Calling their leader 'Jesus Christ.' It is the same stuff. Do we have to wait for the UPS delivery of munitions?


But, Bill, it was a stunt. There was no Republican in favor of a Republican measure including those that proposed it. I think Bill is right again. Rep. Murtha can actually take a position of seeking a solution to an endless war of which no Republican can claim. The Republicans do not criticize the president about any of the issues facing the military. All the criticism of this administration comes from the Democrats or not at all. The Republicans only rubber stamp what Bush demands and send out appropriation bills and budgets to keep a non-existent economy going. The economy would not exist without the exploitation of the treasury and national debt and hence the future of the generations of this country.


I think that is it.