Friday, November 18, 2005

I miss Aaron.

The e-mail tonight is in the spirit of Aaron Brown with his sleeves rolled to his elbow and shirt collar open by two buttons.

The Daily e-mail from Aaron Brown's NewsNight:

"Today is the kind of day when I wish I had at least two hours to give every subject in the news just attention but instead I'll try to touch on all the high points.

We begin tonight with a very sad scenario that has played out all too many times across this nation about children. On July 16, 2002 this news hour reported with the help of Thelma Gutierrez, on a child found after being abducted from her play yard at her home. That child was five year old Samantha Runnion. Three days later we all attended her funeral over the airwaves where 3000 people packed the Crystal Cathedral full to honor this child and embrace her family. Today, November 17, 2005; we convicted a child killer. That child was 11 year old Carlie Brucia and the killer 39 year old Joseph Smith. The alarming aspect of this is that Joseph Smith is a father of three out on probation. Joseph Smith is a repeat offender of child molestation. Today again we have heard a mother call for justice from a life now broken without her daughter while not being able to reach beyond her grief. The two events occurred over a time span of 40 months a number of the same crime committed across this country including a cluster in Florida. Tonight we'll focus on the inadequecy of these laws and the danger our children continue to face even with the help of "Amber Alert."

We'll keep this focus on several occasion tonight while touching on the rest of the news today. The Bird Flu is spreading in China while the President is in that part of the world for an economic conference. He hasn't addressed this serious subject so much as addressed the defense of his administration from a country unhappy with his performance in office including and especially the way the war in Iraq is transpiring. That brings us to another subject and that is the decent of the Democratic Party on the heels of hearings in the Senate that has found top executives of oil companies guilty of lying across the board at resent hearings regarding exorbitant gas prices and encroaching winter months. Those calls from Democrats today didn't focus on oil prices so much the pre-war intelligence leading to Iraq and their assertions that the President mislead the country in the war of Iraq. Today, as astounding but welcome call by many in this country of Representative Murtha, a Democrat from Pennsylvania. Rep. Murtha is a career military turned to a Senior Representative in the House with re-elections numbering into 30 years. This was quite a surprise today, and after the Vice President addressed the Democrats as being inappropriate in calling for a withdrawal of the troops based on an accounting of the progress in Iraq. Rep. Murtha has proposed a Bill in the House for immediate withdrawal of our troops. We'll present the facts and address the reactions of the people involved including some Iraqis.

I want to briefly focus also on New Orleans and the forgotten plight of that city as Mayor Nagin is now a frequent visitor to Capital Hill to refocus the attention he is seeking to promote economic development. And get this. He isn't begging for money but for opportunity for his city and replacement of the wetlands and levees. It should be an interesting look at things. We'll also look briefly at the plight of FEMA housing and those still seeking it and the lock out of hotel residents with the coming holidays as well.

We'll finish a quick look at Bob Woodward's astounding statement regarding his involvement in the Plame investigation.

The rhetoric never stops regarding Gay Rights and tonight our daily look will include the reaction to the Church of England now characterized as 'evil' by some gay advocates. On the other friendlier side is Jamaica which is now bringing Gay Rights to the country's conversation to insure those rights.

A quick look at Castro and Harry Potter. Hm? I don't think they have anything in common except perhaps a concern neither are good for the country.

And of course our nightly favorite "The Rooster" will visit with our favorite headlines.


That was nice.

Tonight on AC360 we'll hear about the escapades of Americans and how they lie at least once a day. This is bonding issue with the current president and veep. We are all guilty and should be forgiving of the Oval Office. In addition, Neocons are always concerned about money, ie: Dick Cheney, so we'll look at how to hold onto your wallet while avoiding a housing scam that uses identity theft. With any luck we'll also replay the Paula Zahn segment regarding lobotomies so that American and Iraqi Torture seems reasonable.

At 10 PM


Man what a difference an anchor makes.



Prison Break and War of Words

Frankenstein dares mention Michael Moore. I know he doesn't mean it lovingly. I can't help it if the White House is so desperate they want to defame a dedicated and senior House Member in Mr. Murtha. As far as I am concerned if Mr. Murtha is as much a truth teller as Michael Moore than I am feeling safer already.


Anderson's News Round Up


Joe Johns - John Murtha - Vietnam Veteran. "This war has been so mishandled. They don't deserve to continue to suffer, they are the targets." Yup. "They can't speak for themselves … it is our responsibility to speak for them."

Joe Biden "Give us a plan, man."


Press Secretary stated Murtha is endorsing Michael Moore and the extreme left wing.

Mike stated it is main stream America that has turned against him and it is I and the Democrats that represent main stream America.

Thanks, Mike. Well said.


Bush and Cheney on the defense.

Senator Harry Reid resolved.

Chuck Hagel states it is not unpatriotic to doubt the president. Bush agrees basically except this time it's the Democrats.


David Ensor - l. Congress and Administration had access to same intelligence on Pre - War Iraq. They didn't. Oh, David they didn't. National Intelligence Estimate was demanded by Congress. BUSH NEVER DID. Bush had more information in addition to the National Intelligence Estimate.

Bush mislead the country and if you can't say it then you are a coward.

Silverman Robb Commission did not deal with the USE of the intelligence information. It's called 'SPIN.'


Commercials. A little later today. Cutting back on the frequent commercial interruptions?


Iraq War - John King - "The administration bristles at any mention that the war will fail in Iraq." 63% disapprove of the way Bush is handling Iraq.

Recalling Vietnam. Well, John, Vietnam even had a legitimate beginning. The French were occupying South Vietnam after WWII. We were members of SEATO together. The French were failing miserably against the North and they didn't feel it was time to rejoin the two countries. Back in the day, The Domino Effect was a very serious theory. It was misguided. So being a good ally we joined the fight. First it was limited to medical and humanitarian aid. That was Eisenhower. Kennedy sent 5000 military advisers and equipment. Then just before his assassination he witnessed the Monks on fire in the town square of Saigon. They set themselves on fire. He seriously rethought Vietnam and began to realize the people of the South may not want us there. He never got a chance to pull the advisors and it was Johnson who nearly immediately after taking office sent troops and started a draft. It was the wrong thing to do and he should have acted as Kennedy would have but he didn't. Vietnam saw the death of 54,000 young Americans, many 19 years old. It went on forever and into Nixon's White House. Bell Helicopter had government contracts and made millions if not billions. They were the equivalent to Halliburton. Then there was Watergate and Nixon's resignation. Gerald Ford took the presidency for the rest of the term, pardoned Nixon and recalled all the troops within nine months of taking office. Five presidents. Vietnam spanned five presidents. It is time to level Iraq !


The news secretary.




Susan Malveaux - "It is an opportunity to fight back. Interesting about Murtha. Within the hour of Murtha's statement regarding personal lack of military attributes of Bush and Cheney. Go, Rep. Murtha, Go !!!


Joe Johns - John Murtha ranking Democrat on Military Appropriations Committee. He is highly regarded. Wonderful. He has made many people happy today. The American people want this.


Spider Marks - respects Congressman Murtha. Impact, Anderson wants to know? Morale? "Let's be frank with everyone. The American Soldier is gifted and very bright. The beginning of each mission they are focused. This really doesn't 'bug' them."


Susan Malveaux - Japan and Mongolia believes South Korea is pulling their troops out of Iraq.





Well if we keep hearing about who didn't talk to Woodward we will know eventually who did. I doubt if Patrick Fitzgerald intended for that. Hello !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beam me up, Scotty. Better idea.


Rusty Dornin in New Orleans. September the state officials stated we will take care of our own. The expense started to set in . They didn't expect it to take so long. The personnel performing these autopsies are not doing a good job. FEMA has stated they will pay for the DNA testing until November 26th. There are $12 to $13 million in an account to pay it. Family are under duress. It needs to be done and if it is to be done by November 26th, Thanksgiving, then other professionals need to be hired. Some competent forensic specialists need to be brought in on this.


Dr. Frank Minyard states it was 'a financial thing' regarding the DNA. Presumptive diagnosis. Tests take awhile and the results are pushing the release of the bodies back. Two and a half months in duration already. DNA matching with the families is proceeding slowly. The first month was done with cell phones and it didn't work well at all. Why isn't this man given a state of the art lab? The bodies can be transported. They are already in refrigerated trailers. A university lab could easily provide space and equipment for this emergency as well as students who would love to volunteer for the experience and reference alone. GET WITH IT !!!!!!!!!!




Katrina Fatigue. Ray Nagin. Tom Foreman reporting. More than twice as much as it takes to put humans on the moon. New Orleans needs $250 billion. Mayor Nagin is good at being a Pest. I like him as a pest. He knows exactly how to be a pest. I think Ray Nagin is the right man for the job, too. None of this is NORMAL and he hasn't batted an eye yet.

If New Orleans were allowed to develop an economy and have a return of a tax base it wouldn't be so needy. But. That is being permitted. That is wrong !




The news secretary.




Frankenstein and the question of all questions, "Where is his prison break out buddy?" The president talks TOUGH as always about North Korea so what does CNN do? An hour long expose' about North Korea which is a direct result of Bush's TOUGH talk. How about that?


News stuff.


Keith Oppenheim - Moon caught sleeping in a car outside another prison. LaJondry (sp.) They split up. It's easier to blend in if they are alone when everyone expects them to be together. Iowa plate.


Eugene Meirs - see. One has no information on the other. They are pretty smart. Iowa. I won't think he would still be in the USA.

It's been very cold and windy in those states.

He'll need food and clothes and money. Who does he know? Girlfriend? Spouse? Family? Where do they live? Possibly they have heard from him.


John Walsh. Legislation to prevent hasn't made a difference yet. These people if not rehabilitated in prison should not be released. I thought Anderson was aggressive and got the job done. Asking for legislation to be passed isn't exactly getting the job done. Why didn't the legislators appear with John Walsh? Sorry, but, this is about children. The problem has been resolved for years now and the "Amber Alert" was established 40 months ago. These children need real advocacy and not just a slap on the wrist. If these people feel they can live in the community then there should be a way of KNOWING that and not just guessing it. WHERE IS RILYA?




Nic Robertson - Iraqi troops guarding gates of prison where malnourished were found. Nic wasn't allowed in. Sunni Minister is 95% sure there were killings and not just torture. Possibly, but, he should have proof as evidence. Where is the proof? Testimony. Testimony is good but it needs to be in the form of a complaint to the government.

What right does the USA have to investigate the Internal workings of the Iraqi government? Isn't there infrastructure in Iraq yet?


Stansfield Turner - CIA Director - Shameful that Cheney advocates torture.


"We are not yet safe." You are right Dick. We aren't safe from you.

Oh, there we go. The language that elected Bush, 'waffling and weak' - this is propaganda big time. Lots of aire time for Cheney, the liar. The manipulator. The hegemonic moron.


The news secretary




I am tired of explaining and complaining while CNN continues to program the public for the pump. In other words there is nothing here that Bush's policies are dictating including the hunger. Right. Keep living in denial and maybe it might become true. Bush should not have gone to the 'Axis of Evil' speech so much as the United Nations for resolutions regarding these issues. He didn't do that. He threw fuel on the fire and escalated nuclear proliferation.




News stuff.


911 call. Life and Death Call. They frequently are. Odd call : The woman either was wounded or had expressive aphasia. Helen Roy. She and her spouse. There is a language barrier. Cell phone. I'll be darn. Carbon Monoxide poisoning. 500 Americans die of carbon monoxide poisoning per year.




Lying. "All men are liars." This should be a natural segment for a Neocon, right Anderson?


Life Principles. The second book for advertisement tonight. Jeff Rodengen. "All Men are Liars." This is the participation segment. Not interested. Men vs. women are stereotypical.




More lying. Anderson has odd ears. Sort of stick out. Pointy. TRUTH OR DARE? Is it time for a plastic surgeon?

I think that is enough. We'll see if there is anything 'On the Radar'