Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Anderson Cooper is a good talker but not much else.


Larry adjusts well.


Frankenstein and "The Whip Around the World" - Anderson's vocal boy toy I guess. It's hideous.


Indiana is Katrina without water. Not quite. I am sure you wish it was.
The French Unrest
Australia's Intelligence Works.
Bush's Panama's Lies.

"New Car Smell" - What an ego.


Two reports on the Tornado.


"Every month of the year in every state of the country." Ron Marciano the weather terrorist. No adequate warning system. It's called a NOAA Weather Monitor. You guys are jerks.

Before you speak out of turn learn something:

The NOAA Alarm

This is a graph that illustrates when TRADITIONAL tornadoes have occurred. We have yet to realize whether or not Global Warming is increasing this incidence.


This link will work for a general idea of locations:



Dan Simon and the gore. You know Dan people can understand hardship with this level of invasion of privacy and such descriptive words.


Dana Bash and the promotion of Bush in Panama. Ah, President Chavez. On the people who see that his presidency is in disarray then they are emboldened to resist him. I see. Everyone is an empty minded fool until they find Bush as their savior. I don't think so.




Candy Crowley

GOP Woes and governmental races - litmus tests. The Republicans are approaching at a rocky time. Really. What makes it rocky? Bush's lies in Panama.

This is all propaganda. They should be ashamed. Thank God there is MSNBC.


Something about Midterm elections.


Tom Foreman - Democrats aren't stamped out of the same mold. They think for themselves. Each candidate is in the party because they like being an independent thinker and a people person.


Well, Anderson, no cutsie to deliver the news?




Oh, back to some GOP Armor.

John Edwards interview - "Connected" - Anderson is trying to put words in Edwards mouth. John isn't saying what Anderson wants him to say. What a shame. Well done Senator Edwards. I think you are right.

Aaron you were just too good and far less obvious.


Hugh Hewitt - brought up the terrorist attacks in Australia lumped together in France. Everytime there is resurgence of terror Bush does better. Really? "The Democrats did a really bad job in the 1990s." We didn't have crashing Trade Towers to the Ground, or an illegal war and party leaders that are corrupt to the core. What? The Left Wing is not trustworthy and didn't reputiate Michael Moore. It's tough to argue with the truth, Jerk ! This man is really unfortunate. "Things look really good for Republicans in 2006" - I am sure that saying it makes it so.



Conoco Phillips


Anderson is his own news secretary. Hm.


The Ice Man Story was Aaron Brown's. Not you, you arrogant bastard. You Anderson, I don't care if you are gay or an invalid otherwise. You are the biggest fool I have ever seem and hear eating out of CNN's management hand like a starving dog. You are a traitor. You are a traitor to this country, it's equitable treatment of people and to the standards of fairness and decency. A person regardless their preference of any aspects in their life need to be a 'human being' first and not an ATM for CNN and the Republican Religious Neocon Right. God, you are aweful.

Thelma Gutierez (spelling)


commercials - here is some reading. I thought it was interesting. Give people something to do during commercials. There is a lot of them.

CNN scoffs at history as Cooper takes anchor post
Tim Goodman
Monday, November 7, 2005
Jonathan Klein, president of CNN and the architect for the ouster of Aaron Brown and the ascension of Anderson Cooper, graduated magna cum laude from Brown University with a degree in history.
Maybe the philosophy of George Santayana -- "Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it" -- never made it into class, even in its misquoted form: "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it."
Same idea, really, minus the grace of the original. But all of this points, as it often does in TV, to one inescapable name:
Ashleigh Banfield.
Or, for those of you with longer memories: Arthur Kent.
In his zeal to make Anderson Cooper the poster boy of cable news -- apparently at all costs and with nary a concern about overexposure -- Klein is taking a gamble that history is likely to reveal as a miscalculation. One man -- even one as talented and likable as Cooper -- does not turn around a news network.
Though Klein has a newsman's bio, with a long and varied stint at CBS, he seems most intent on seizing on the palpable but unweathered hype surrounding Cooper, and that has nothing to do with journalism and everything to do with being a suit.
Cooper was just another reporter with a show until Hurricane Katrina brought out a kind of emotionalism in his reporting that had been foreign to objective news coverage -- for a reason.
There's no crying in journalism.
Though others did, in fact, cry, and others were angry at the unacceptably slow response by FEMA and the White House, Cooper was on a mission there. Or at least he stood out among the many other missionaries. It happens all the time. Someone stands out. Sometimes he ends up being Dan Rather. Sometimes he ends up labeled "Scud Stud."
There is always a hook. A pair of glasses, maybe. A khaki jacket. But Cooper seemingly has it all: pedigree, looks, hipness, modernity.
Others have had it all too -- except longevity.
Cooper's tears were real and his pain at the plight of those ruined by Katrina was palpable. He hit a nerve -- at the time. He was anointed in the press. But natural disasters come and go, and nobody can sustain that kind of reportorial demeanor in the long term -- nor would people want to watch it. Already Cooper seems perhaps too ready for his moment and too ever-present around tragedy. Got hurricane? Got Cooper?
Back in the safe confines of the studio, he has some less honed and more annoying tendencies -- self-aggrandizement, a willingness to play someone's version of a tech-savvy anchor -- that a good news executive might manage a little more closely. But Klein appears to be smitten with Cooper and his buzz-worthiness, even telling the New York Times that "clearly, America is embracing Anderson Cooper" and noting that he's being satirized on "Saturday Night Live," as if that were a good thing.
A reminder: Ashleigh Banfield.
Banfield got a ton of ink. She got buzz. She got satirized. Then she got lost.
That's not to say Cooper is in the same league of fleeting media celebrity. MSNBC has always been desperate for real talent and seriously blind to it when it comes to women (hello, Rita Cosby).
Cooper, more talented in many ways, is likely to have a longer, more fruitful career. But that career has yet to suffer the inevitable media backlash that comes with insta-fame (beyond his Vanderbilt background) and the bank-on-it boredom viewers develop with anchors-as-stars. Cooper may be hot now, but unless he morphs into Jon Stewart, there are only so many book deals and promotions that can keep him afloat and in the zeitgeist long term.
Klein's rejiggering of CNN's schedule is a real mystery. It seems predicated on a relatively slight uptick in viewers that has yet to be sustained, some positive press for Cooper that has also yet to be sustained and a meritless belief in Wolf Blitzer's "Situation Room," a show that desperately wants to be ground zero for breaking news but often seems like pointless plate spinning or unsophisticated sausage making.
"The Situation Room" is an all-heat, no-light management concoction that Klein seems inordinately fond of. Perhaps this is linked to his founding the FeedRoom, a broadband video company that fed 1 million video clips a day to clients, according to CNN.
"FeedRoom." "Situation Room." One was prepackaged news. The other shows you how news gets packaged. The trouble comes out the other end: It's superficial and boring. And yet Klein believes people want it twice a night, three hours total. Which raises the question: Has he watched it?
Cooper should be smart enough to know that Klein -- who just ran a respected newsman off the network with a decided lack of dignity -- is desperate for solutions. Klein appears to be not so much grooming talent as exploiting it. The battle for dominance in the 24-hour news business is a ratings horse race, and Klein put Brown out to pasture and then slapped a saddle on Cooper.
These moves seem tethered less to a leader's vision than to some water cooler assumption that Cooper is the next big thing. If Klein thinks "America is embracing Cooper," then what is America doing to Fox News' Shepherd Smith, who drubs Cooper in the ratings? Bear-hugging the breath out of him?
This is one of the forgotten elements of the Cooper-CNN hype machine. Fox News is handing CNN its head virtually every night. Klein was brought on board after a long, laughable line of CNN management successions -- each new person failing more spectacularly than the last -- to stop this drubbing. He hasn't. So maybe that's the history Klein is focusing on -- the failure of his predecessors. To avoid their fate, he's building CNN around Cooper and hoping viewers will come.
With a nod back to Santayana, and a belief that Cooper may someday validate Klein's enormous burden of faith in him, here's a thought: "There is a kind of courtesy in skepticism. It would be an offense against polite conventions to press our doubts too far."
So good luck to you, Anderson Cooper. Keep history on your mind, but two words off your lips:
Ashleigh Banfield.
E-mail Tim Goodman at
