Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Victimizing of a Loyal Public in more ways than one

Years now people other than me have watched a 10 o'clock news program with a viewership that Aaron practically built by himself.

Today there is little appreciation of Aaron Brown other than perhaps a salary well negotiated but certainly no appreciation of the public. CNN continues to take Aaron away from the public. First it was the pre-program annoucements, then it was the e-mail, now the program announcements don't feature him and never is there an hour where he is exclusively left to anchor the news without being accompanied by a host of another news hour I have little interest in for it's content or message.

Abuse of the public, removing the personality from the news delivery continues to estrange a public that was lead to believe they mattered and were cared about. Now, while CNN wants everyone to smile nice for the camera while delivering a message of 'the warrior of injustice' no matter the venue, it is all a lie.

Aaron Brown's NewsNight


Aaron was on the screen all of 10 seconds and the rest is all about the AC 369 brat. Then Franklin the automated messenger does his egotistical nonsense.


Aaron live about "Wilma" - "Miers" - "Saddam's Trial" - "Taunton, Mass." I don't think it's going to collapse. I didn't think it would yesterday.


Anderson at Conti and Bourbon St. - a witness that saw the beating near the camera man. She saw an innocent man beaten mercilessly for no reason. She is suffering from the entire nightmare. She states she was in shock and disbelief. That is racism, madam.


Anderson and polices' DEFENSE attorney. He disclaims a witness will hold up under his cross examination. He states he has PROMINENT citizens. Well paid I am sure. He is looking to discredit him and not make witness to the events.


Aaron live with questions regarding tape and when he starts bleeding. The unknown moment of blood letting. The magic is that when Mr. Davis starts to bleed all the police move away because they don't want to get blood on them as he might have a contagious and blood borne disorder.


Jackie Jaris and Wilma Moving west, northwest. Hm.


Aaron and Meirs on to Ed Henry. Nothing new as least for me.


Aaron and Jeffery Toobin


Anderson losing his voice and onto Christy the news secretary.


Anderson and his hoarse voice and onto commercials. Anderson, I am sure you have an interesting message, but, it would be nice if it were a segment or two or three as when NewsNight was a news hour. When David produced this program he would sometimes revisit an issue three times in a hour for varying opinions and views. He worked the subject up for us all. We were informed about a subject with little question to the facts. That isn't what this is anymore.


Anderson in the French Quarter. "Then and Now" - very cute. Well that was a brief note of information. The Ninth Ward is unchanged just dry.

Onto the murder and Nancy Grace, the princess of CNN.



To the Oil Barrons of NewsNight. Little do they have a conscience.

Assassins in Foreign Lands:
A CorpWatch Radio Interview with Nigerian Human Rights Activist Oronto Douglas

Oronto Douglas is Deputy Director of Environmental Rights Action in Nigeria. A human rights attorney who was on the defense team of environmental activist Ken Saro-Wiwa, Douglas has been arrested and tortured by the brutal Nigerian Military regime. That has not stopped him from speaking out. Most recently he has been supporting "Operation Climate Change," a protest by the Law Youth Council against foreign oil companies operating in the Niger Delta. The group has reportedly shut down 40% of foreign oil production in Baylesa State, one of Nigeria's main oil producing regions. In response to the Youth Council's demand for environmental justice, Nigerian troops have killed at least 26 protestors. Unconfirmed reports put the death toll at nearly ten times as many.
Douglas visited Corporate Watch's San Francisco office in September of last year and spoke with CorpWatch Radio about the connections between human rights abuses, environmental and cultural destruction and foreign oil company operations in Nigeria.



Anderson - Oye. Aaron's line? Share.


Aaron and onto the taped segment regarding the Horowitz murder. How horrible for him. Why? Dear God, why? He's not accepting it as well as he wants to believe he is.




Aaron and the subject of Judith Miller. Floyd Abrams, attorney. Aaron taped. That is true, isn't it Mr. Abrams. This is about a crime or crimes. Serious business and not martyrism. Judith has some real peril on all this. Aaron seems to think there is another source. Judith doesn't seem to think so. The note 'Valerie Flame' is somehow a note by another source. She is damaged as far as Mr. Abrams is concerned. No credit for fighting the fight, no reference to the First Amendment. I think, Mr. Abrams, this attack on Judith Miller is a well laid distraction from the prosecution. It is the first strategy by Rove/Bush to secure 'The Party' from question.


Arianna Huffington on Tape - criticism of Judith Miller. No reason to postpone the moment of reckoning. I don't know. This was Judith's journalism and not anyone else's.

Is this about Judy's journalism regarding WMD? Here we go, Aaron - People on the left who normally would be supportive of a reporter to protect a source is not doing that because she never needed to protect it. THERE YA GO. Arianna nailed the issue in that Mr. Fitzgerald has put together 'The Iraq Group' but Aaron never pursued THAT subject, he derailed that focus to redirect the conversation to Judith again rather than the place where it belongs and that is the side of the Constitution and the loyalty of the American people an the compromise by this administration on multiple occasion. This is the side of this program that goes off color all the time and flies the flag NOT of Red, White and Blue but the one of The Greenback According to Bush.




Anderson and the distraction of New Orleans. The music and onto Gary Tuchman. A safe subject for Mr. Tuchman.


Anderson and Gary Tuchman converting a 'jazz segment' into the Coroner with a trumpet that is slow in identifying bodies. Did this just happen? We were listening to music of a man who cannot get the job done of identifying bodies from the flood but hey, he's an okay guy and we should be understanding. Anderson? How did you fall into this mess? The same way you fell into the issues surrounding those segments regarding Reverend Jackson?



Aaron pre-empted by Frankenstein - what's next an entire news program starting the faceless Frankenstein himself. The way this mechanic voice introduces the program it sounds like a lead in to a Vegas Show Girl Act.


Anderson and the run down of subjects.

An American Soldier killed in Mosul and Iraqi officials were killed. Thanks for mentioning that Anderson. They still haven't returned to the "Honor Segment" of dead American soldiers. What does that tell you, Anderson? What is the role of this program? Promoting 'heroes' who enlist in the National Guard with a paycheck that doesn't exist anywhere else in their lives in hopes they will stay home and be those men and women who save lives at home without facing battle in Afghanistan or Iraq. Isn't that what this is all about Anderson? If not then why not an Honor segment that takes all of sixty seconds of 120 minutes.


Aaron and onto Jackie Jarus.


Aaron to Jeanne Meserve - A Bush/Cheney plot against the sanity of the USA populous. As soon as there was enough news coverage the situation is relieved. Where are the people being charged either way? You know calling 'fire' in a theater is criminal when there is no fire. So, what give here?


Aaron and Daniel Horowitz and the second interview.


Rusty Dornin - the reporter's view of the events.


Noted a 'hole' in the water vapor cloud nearing the Northwest Coast. The 'hole' actually is a vortex that is more than likely a huge water spout. It goes to lower altitudes. The vortex coming on shore of southern cal is picking up heat from terra firma and becoming serious weather patterns again.


Nancy Grace and Daniel Horowitz. He shouldn't be talking like this. He's too vulnerable to his own circumstances. He's not even interested in his own best interest. He really isn't doing well.

That I believe Daniel. You are numb although it doesn't seem like it from time to time. He misses her. Pictures. Do you still have the puppy dog, Daniel?


Anderson, powerball enthusiasm. Good. We should all be lucky to win.



Pacific - tropical depression 16E is bearly there.


Anderson at Bourbon and Conti. Fine. Relief and recovery efforts, National Guard and police. Really? I would never have guessed. Are you hearing yourself, Anderson? Are there no residents but just relief workers having a good time in the only place they can? Important to know I am sure.


Powerball Fever and ADDITION. There is a difference between taking a chance and addition but this segment does not make that delineation. It treats the entire subject of Powerball as a plague on the society. Every Evangelical. Don't drink, don't wager, work hard and be on your knees emotionally and psychologically 24-7 and remember George Walker Bush is the most righteous man in the country. Vote Faith Based.


Aaron and the reality that people take their chances. That's right. People do.

Christy and news items. Really? "Grandmother's Against the War" Cool. Nice. About time we got on the right side of this mess. Of course that could be just a teaser for equity to the fact Judith is a traitor and Bush is untouchable, Thank God.




It seems like it's picked up velocity as 'Wilma' has as well. The vortex of the North Atlantic is finding movement in the storm.


Who? Anderson. Taunton, Massachusetts. Adora. Nice to see you, sweetie. Be careful. I don't know. They need to dredge that channel near the town to keep the water between the banks but that wood isn't all that delicate. It has been there a long time without incident. It is not unusual to have wooden damns in places where small streams and creeks need to be managed including irrigation. They are usually very effective. I guess people don't like wood and water. Treated wood is used all the time for docks and boats and all sorts of things.


Aaron and Tom Foreman. 'Thrifty commutes' - 'Great Commuting Odyssey.' Mass Transit. Oh, dispelling the myth that mass transit is a good and economical thing. 'A critical key to solving traffic problems everywhere.' BUT. "Calculator on line of DC Metro to show how much people would save." Ridership is up.

Ronald Utt of the Heritage Foundation is not paying for itself and a testiment to failure. GOVERNMENT FINANICIAL SUPPORT IS THE DEVIL IN THE DETAILS. Gee. Do you think those monies belong to the people who benefit from cheaper fares in their personal life.

I can't believe Tom Foreman actually wants to undermine Mass Transit. You are a jerk.

Oh, poor Tom and the boredom of a crossword puzzles on a train with the 56 across being the State Flower of North Carolina the menace of all menaces.


Aaron with the answer to Tom's dilemma. "Dogwood" in seven letters. What a Boy Scout. Huh?



Anderson and his hoarse voice. Chloraseptic, Anderson.


Anderson taped. Katrina damage. A rug cleaner. No doubt. People want to save what they can of the devastation.


Aaron and Ahnold. Tough battles. Did you his picture in younger days, Aaron. The one where he has a half naked woman on his shoulders? Quite a rascal.

Greenfield does not exist. He is a propagandist and nothing else.

Dear God how long does this travesty go on? Ahnold couldn't pay for this infomercial.


Naked picture:
http://www.impeachgeorgewalkerbush.blogspot.com/ = page down, near Kerik's picture.


Aaron and on to commercials.


Aaron and onto Christiane. Hi Chris. Saddam's trial start tomorrow. About time. Where are they going to execute him? I mean it should be a matter of semantics. Right?


Aaron and Chris and questions. Delay requested by Saddam's lawyer. USA invasion into Iraq as their strategy.


Aaron to Anderson - on to commercials.


Anderson and revelry. People are looking for family, children. That's pretty horrible to think about.