Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Off to an inequitable start, probably will continue throughout the day...

... CNN 'intends' to have their way with converting "NewsNight with Aaron Brown" into a West Coast recruitment tool. Kick dirt in Aaron's face for the day and get it over with so we can be sure to let viewers know they WILL like the program we have designed our way ! The advertisement this morning stated "NewsNight with Anderson Cooper at 10 PM." Interesting, huh? Freudian slip? I don't think so.

I am not alone in my objection of the over explosure of 'jazz' related youth oriented, shifts in news anchors along with the inability to deliver the 'heart' of any news item as is Aaron Brown's forte'.

"Sure, Anderson Cooper is cute and young, but get a grip, CNN" an article in the San Francisco Chronicle.

The Anderson Cooper cult of personality must end.
That may be difficult, given that he's the Poster Boy Anchor and Future of Broadcast Journalism, so perhaps merely containing him would be a start.
This much is certain: CNN, looking to exploit the post-Katrina face of caring, personal, passionate, youthful, hip, modern and really good looking journalism, has now further marginalized Aaron Brown and nearly ruined Brown's show, "News-Night," by throwing Cooper into the mix.
This isn't really Cooper's fault. Even before he turned Katrina coverage into his own personal mission, he was quickly becoming the It anchor. Speaking truth to power and, at times, crying in the face of heartbreaking human suffering only endeared him to viewers and sped his arrival.

TO PROVE FURTHER the lack of sophistication CNN deals their viewership, there was an interview by Soledad O'Brien of Louie Freeh, the former FBI director. In her pre-interview lead in she stated there was a great deal in the 911 Commission criticizing Mr. Freeh in regard to intelligence gathering during his directorship. However; and much to Mr. Freeh's shagrin whom according to him was compelled to write a book in defense of the 'blaming' that has gone on in other books; Soledad then went on to focus on Bill Clinton and the, in my opinion, misguided impeachment of the former president. Misguided because it grossly failed and there have been no concrete issues surrounding all that except a public relations free for all by the Republicans during every election conceivable. A country mired in two wars, profound debt, homelessness in New Orleans, joblessness across this nation and an administration bent on undermining this country's constitution the ONLY focus of elections revolve around 'past and wrongful' Republican defaming campaigns. At any rate, Mr. Freeh stated "The book is not about former President Clinton." and was acknowledged same by Soledad but she went on and on anyway including baseless accusations by the press that the book is testiment to the 'big bucks' to the Clinton library.

The point is that this clearly demonstrates CNN is not interested in delivering 'the news' so much as sensationalized Repuglican Propaganda with crony commercials and undermining dialogue. I mean what the heck was the point to the interview with Mr. Freeh? If the book is a rebuttal to unfair claims by the 911 Commission then will someone PLEASE bring that up. That is the 'type' of connetion 'the man on the roof on 911' is more than capable of bringing to his viewership. Aaron Brown is so understated in his manner of news delivery focusing on the story that his viewership is taken for granted as passive jerks who have it all wrong and don't enjoy life enough. That was never implied about Cronkite's news broadcast. I am not joking here. Serious people tune into Brown to get to the heart of the Nation's business. I hope I am not wrong in recalling a King interview with Cronkit where at the program transition to NewsNight, Cronkite stated, "Aaron, I watch your news hour all the time." You know if Aaron is going to be kicked around and toyed with like this I wish one of the majors would pick him up. He doesn't deserve this type of frivilous treament and neither does his viewership.

Returning to the issue of Louis Freeh, that is a National Security issue and I am confident the former president would agree. I want to know what the book has to say about the deficits in National Security considering Mr. Freeh is known to be the first one whom ever came out strongly against Osama bin Laden. Having a bad relationship with a president, having an ego driven defense of his directorship stating he will never be replaced and making statements about bin Laden are huge issues. Why was he determined not to be replaced during his directorship? He really screwed up at the FBI in more than one way which one of the most glaring was the McVeigh case nearing the conclusion of that trial prior to his resignation. Evidently, FINALLY.

The CNN network is 'fluffing' their programming with 'jazz' rather than hard hitting information which explains the minimally age discrimination of NewsNight with Aaron Brown.

Who's side are they on anyway?

Their own I suppose and that amounts to 'which ever way the wind blows.'

8:56 am ditto

9:52 am "Brown and Anderson Cooper NewsNight" At least Aaron got abbreviated.

10:48 am "NewsNight at 10 PM with Aaron Brown and Anderson Cooper." Perfect equitable announcement to a still inequitable circumstances in that the 7PM hour is completely dedicated to Anderson Cooper.

12:42 pm "Two ways to see the story" Ad. I think it is a very nice ad. I can't help but feel badly for those folks at 7PM eastern time that will not have that perspective. Then for some odd reason CNN repeats that mistake again at 1AM every morning.

1:00a.m. edt
10:00p.m. pacific
Anderson Cooper 360° (replay): Could one scientist's decades old mission to identify a killer virus, help keep the deadly bird flu from becoming a pandemic?

1:55 pm "Anderson Cooper NewsNight 10 PM" - age elimination.

2:14 pm "Two ways to see the story" ad.