Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Unilateral Caucasian Christian View of the World according to CNN

For two nights since the last entry there has been bias and discrimination in the way the pre-programming announcements have been played in that Anderson Cooper can announce 'NewNight' live from his show but Aaron Brown no longer has the right to make personal pre-programming announcements as has been the practice of the past.

In addition we are again insulted and assaulted with the Religious Bigotry of this news team:

Bias, Racism, Bigotry, Partisanship or any combination of them shows up like a sore thumb when it manifests without complete fact finding in "A Rush to Judgement."

Besides every commercial and male reporter being caucasian there is the now zealous rantings of a news team without regard for a higher authority, namely the FBI, publically prosecuting New Orleans Police Officers as well as the New Orleans Mayor.

Tonight's latest Anti-Semitic "Morning Papers" insult:

The Washington Post
The Washington Times

The Christian Science Monitor featuring their usual Anti-Semitic journalism and very limited view of the world:

Why US isn't prodding Mideast peace process

As Palestinians and Israelis both head into 'political seasons,' opportunities for breakthroughs begin to fade.

By Howard LaFranchi Staff writer of
The Christian Science Monitor

WASHINGTON – The high hopes of just a few weeks ago that the United States would aggressively reengage in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are beginniing to dim.
The "window of opportunity" that opened after the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Israel's withdrawal from Gaza has not closed yet, experts say. But concern is growing in some quarters that the engine that has driven forward movement in the past - close US involvement - is not revving up.

FOX and CNN should merge and rename the programs "Zealots 'R' Us."