Friday, September 9, 2005

The Religious Bigorty of CNN NewsNight "Morning Papers"

Christian Science Monitor

Where do gas prices go next?
A few critical factors will govern how far gas prices fall from last week's record levels.
Mark Trumbull Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor Gasoline prices have begun to ease, but even when all Gulf Coast refineries are running again later this year, consumers may not see a full retreat to pre-Katrina levels.
That conclusion, analysts say, stems from a simple equation involving the cost of a barrel of crude, markups by middlemen, and little margin for error in the nation's energy infrastructure. Across the country, gasoline prices soared into uncharted territory - above $3 per gallon last weekend - stunning motorists and prompting many to shorten or skip Labor Day trips.

DEFINATELY AN AREA OF COMPASSION. I am sure the Katrina survivors are worried about their fuel expenses in Houston. Oh. Wait. They didn't have cars, that's right.

Washington Post
Rocky Mountain News
New York Daily News

Aaron Brown hosted about one third of his show. In trying to over take FOX News, Ms. Bigot is creating an Angel of Anderson Cooper. "Angels of the Storm" Not every religion believes in angels. Somehow I think there was a profound lack of them in New Orleans. The failure of Christianity I suppose. Needless to say Ms. Bigot von Zwieten is no Angel. Hatefully bigoted through and though.