Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Terror and Woman Connection - We know this is a strategy for driving women into the Bush Camp.

NewsNight opened with a segement regarding RAPE.

The next two segments were about Terrorists.

The following segment was about Breast Cancer.

The next segment continues to discuss breast cancer along with smoking.

Now we are going to discuss a warm and cuddly 'doggie' subject connected with an Arctic connection and a woman competitor. Do you know how many men are competing in the Arctic Circle?

Here we go again, Candy Crowley, and the discussion of 9/11 by calling on The Freedom Tower and the new design with it's lack of security design written into it's specifications. Now, we have moved after that intro by Aaron Brown to a Oklahoma City focus. More FRIGHT NIGHT minute after minute. Ms. Bigot is back to campaigning for a victory for DeLay and 2006.

Women and their reality will never be known from this program. As I included as a note to Aaron about this program; "Let me ask you something do you think between terrorists, rape and cancer women are allowed to enjoy life at all according to NewsNight?"

"No, Aaron, according to this type of programming women are supposed to be in chronic fear for their lives."

Matty McNair at the Arctic Circle. This normally under better management would have been Segment Seven after hearing about the new airliner debut and a debate about it's controversy. This Segment Seven after hearing all about the historic arrival of Russian President Putin to the Middle East, his trip to the Western Wall and the controversy surrounding his willingness to arm Palestine and Syria as seen by Israel which is going through and upheaval of it's populous due to the government disengagement in Gaza. Etc., etc., etc.. This hour has infomed me of nothing regarding the 'real world' but only the world allowed to be seen through edited film segments. There was absolutely no live segements.

There will be another $1 coin with the image of Susan B. Anthony removed. AMAZING. I will never use the coin. Ever.