Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Hatred by this 'woooman' is not to be understood

9:54 PM

Today in retaliation for statements made earlier there has been an advertisement completely absent of the Jew, Aaron Brown's name. There was also no e-mail in order to limit contact with the audience.

Could it be a jealousy by this exective producer?

And why?

...the hatred continues...

The Christian Science Monitor

The Washington Times
The Rocky Mountain News
San Antonio Express News
The Oregonian
The Dallas Morning News
Stars and Stripes
Chicago Sun Times

It is needless to say this caucasian dominated broadcast continues. I could day by day document that here but it would be redundant and pointless except for the futile exercise of it. The preference is there throughout the programming of CNN but strongly consistent with the NewsNight programming. The content of this show is very controlled by using highly edited pre-filmed 'news bits.'

The entire situation is a mess. It isn't journalism at CNN anymore, it's infomercials for the politics of the preferred. Women are victimized on a chronic basis through highly sexual contest commercials as noted with the Buick Le Baron.

In a rather alarming segment on Anderson 360 there was typed context as read by Anderson Cooper off the television screen. Both callers were named Mary (subliminal suggesting to Mary the Virgin and again there were no voices of a caller so there is no way of knowing if the e-mails were real and probably were most likely not.) The program transcript went like this:

COOPER: Well, a lot of you have been writing to us about the little Florida girl, hand-cuffed by police, after a prolonged classroom tantrum. Some of you have supported the actions of the teachers, or criticized the police, or the parents, but the most interesting email today came from Mary in May's Landing, New Jersey.

On the subject of corporal punishment, she writes, "Apparently, the nice doctor that was on your program last night, that stated it's never necessary or warranted to use corporal punishment on a child, never nursed a teething baby. If you've ever had a child bite your nipple --" ouch " -- the appropriate thing to do is immediately flick an exposed area of skin with your finger. Babies are smart and will connect this pain with the bite and will not do it again."

Mary, I'm going to take your word for it on this one, all right? We'll just move on.

Another Mary, this one from Asheboro, North Carolina, writes: "Help! Last night on 360, Anderson used the phrase 'try the veal.' Someone on a sports show said it yesterday as well. I've been on a fruitless quest all day to find out what it means. Could you please explain?"

Mary, you don't really need to know what it means, but from now, on every time I say it, I want you to just laugh out loud. Got it? I'll be here all week; try the veal.

The fact a mother is actually using corporal punishment against an infant that is breast feeding is not just alarming but tramatizing to realize the infant is traumatized for being smart. If an infant was that smart about inflicting pain a conversation could accomplish the task. There are far better ways of handling infants that breastfeed than using corporal punishment. It is worrisome this was rewarded by this show. People like Ms. Bigot frequently sees discipline issues like this as '... training them up right...'

The program was consistently condesending toward both women, real or fictious including the 'beef' promotion of "blah, blah, blah ... try the veal." It's a stupid expression and one the writers along with Ms. Bigot hopes becomes a popular thing to say as if people really need a 'catch all' as a bonding issue. This group of broadcasts are loquacious in an attempt to influence social content. I repeat this is NOT a news broadcast anymore so much as a MESSAGE BROADCAST by a political predator.