Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Unholy Alliance or just a survival alliance against the only Superpower on Earth?

There are just somethings that can't be stopped in this world and an alliance between Syria, Iran and Iraq is one of them. Iraq under Saddam was a nation that had no intention of being a good neighbor, that should be completely obvious from the first Gulf invasion when Saddam attempted to overthrow the sovereign government of Kuwait. To our credit there are some that still see the USA as benevolent at least to that measure and is why the illegal invasion into Iraq have been such a tragedy when one realizes the inbalance that has resulted, the Iraqi lives lost and the ostracizing of the USA from the influence it sacrificed so dearly for in the past.

I don't consider the alliance between these three countries unholy. What is of concern is the backlash of Sunni terrorist organization such as Hezbollah and their need to control outcomes that are adverse to stability. Hezbollah's hatred of Israel is a common ground to round up sympathetic jihadists and oddly to bridge the culture gap, the Iranian president has chosen the same anti-semitic propaganda as a basis of his authority.

The Jim Jones Cult

It probably did start with good intentions and then took on 'rules of conduct' that maintained a line of loyalty. With every dime they can in life invested into the cult, members had little recourse to leave and simply became captives to the power structure. When Congressman Ryan got involved it was right to do so. Jim Jones was establishing a community out of the USA to avoid 'the law.' It's just that simple. The mass poisoning/suicide was to stop the movement that was coming under government ridicule and review. Jones may have truly cared for his followers enough to believe if anything happened to the cult they would have meaningless lives and no way of functioning in society. He was wrong about that. I don't believe America would have been that 'cold shouldered' toward any citizen that needed to be rescued from brainwashing and financial devastation. During this time in America there was a move to 'deprogram' family members who entered cults. The only people that had a reason to fear retribution was Jones and those within the power structure that abused their members. I am sure the film will be very powerful.

Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple


AND the trailer


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