Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Republicans prepare for a corrupt outcome


There is no ground swell. There is no 'bump' in the polls. There is no grassroots movement.

What those have been witnessing on CNN with Mehlman and Santorum is an attempt at creating a smoke screen for the corruption of the voting mechanisms across the country.

Everyone knows that the people of this nation are expecting an outcome similar to reliable polls such as Zogby. The only way the Republicans can raise enough 'doubt' in those polls to justify a different return is to portray a campaige change in direction at the last minute. That is why Mehlman and Santorum, the well rehearsed politicans of corruption, are bringing up 'marginal' issues such as Saddam, Iran and the like. They choose issues not debated within the campaigns as if these subjects were suddenly an 'awakening' to voters that will explain away the differences in the outcomes than expected, that the Republicans are hoping for OR worse, planning for.

How does it feel America? To have criminals pulling all the strings behind the election mechanisms and pulling your strings to overcome the objection of those results.

Slick. The Republicans are slick. Or. At least they try to be. They are so disgusting. They have no respect for this country and it's Constitution.


Vanity Fair did not 'cherry pick' the information from the interviews. The 'dictatorial' manners of the people interviewed is just too bad. They opened themselves upto interviews and now they have to be 'grown ups' and accept the editorial content of the interviews. To continue to OPPRESS the editors of the newsprint and magazine print across the country in criticism that amounts to 'bad sportsmanship' is an attact on Freedom of the Press.

The one 'aspect' of journalism that terrifies Bush and Rove is 'Bloodsport.'

You know, Anderson, the eveneing was interesting right up to the point where YOU WERE THE ONLY face on the screen. Tell me, boy, how narcisstic are you exactly?




Just a note more about Vanity Fair. They have been one voice of 'truth' about Iraq since the very beginnings of this illegal war with the clear and open infomration that Molly Ivers brought back to the USA many times over.


Haggard is gay. Fighting the feeling has always been a montra of the Evangelical Christians as if that was a possiblity. He is a two faced jerk. I guess the money was more important than the sex for awhile at the expense of mind and mood altering drugs. Methamphetamines. Let's see. Meth. Ah, yes. He had to keep his slim figure for his preacher TV image as well as his lovers. Makes sense.


John King belling up to the Evangelicals. The 'idea' that Gay Unions will ever be banned is a violation of the USA Constitution. The Haggard Preacher Practice will only serve to prove the oppressive nature of the extremist religions of the country and the undo influence they have blurring the political issues regarding the separation of church and state and it's inappropriate nature under this administration.


Corker modeled himself after Bush during the 2004 elections while the Swift Boaters beat up Kerry for absolutely no reason at all. Corker doesn't belong in the office of the Senate. He oppressed the 'message' of Ford with a false scandal. I could not believe my ears when Elizabeth Dole actually approved of the campaign ad. She stated same with a panel on Tim Russett's hour debate. I could not believe the zeal she exhibited at undermining Ford's campaign in such a disgraceful manner.

Obama stumps for Democrat in Tennessee


I found this a special team. A belief in Ford by a high profile Senator. It was really nice.


Hi, Wesley. You're right. We are far less secure as well as more ridiculed throughout the world. What kind of world are we leaving our children, General Clark? Tell me that.


Yes, Paul, the Republicans are breaking the telemarketing laws. We already checked it out in NC. They don't care. Once a criminal, always a criminal. Get this though. When the Attorney General was asked to do something about them, we discovered the calls were coming from out of state and could not immediately be stopped. The one aspect of these 'robo calls' that is not only highly illegal but down right dangerous is when it disconnects the phone line from it's dial tone. The call leaves the line open once answered. The party receiving the call then is left without a live phone line to call 911 or anyone else for that matter.


Bi-partisan does not mean 'a sell out.' We'll see. Because Bush has already said he won't cooperate with any Democratic majority in either house. The problem is Bush's because unless the Republicans reform and get things done the 2008 elections will be decided already.

Bush's charges about taxes don't matter. He is running up deficits at record rates. His 'no new taxes' rant is ONLY appropriate when the tax rate is burdensome. The American people need to realize they are losing their tax base. They have to find the best way to address that and go there. There is no choice in that. PUTTING tax structures BACK for corportations, the wealthy, wind fall profits such as Big Oil and the Inheritance tax is a good start and one to watch for further action beyond that. BEYOND THAT, might not at all be necessary. In actuality, the taxes that need to be put back is simply a return of monies to the USA Treasury. I'm not joking here. Bush has 'bouyed' his economy with our treasury. The taxes is simply paying bills that should not have existed in the first place.


Good luck everyone. We are taking back our country. I have no doubt it won't be easy or a smooth going but a venture we have to embark on.

