Tuesday, August 8, 2006

British Petroleum and it's lies

British Petroleum


BP: Beyond the Pale
In 2000, British Petroleum adopted a new “green” public relations strategy, changing their slogan to “Beyond Petroleum” and their logo to an environmentally friendly flower image. The BBC called it “
part of a rebranding exercise […] which the company hopes will boost profits.” Six years later, BP’s profits are surging (up 25 percent last year to $22 billion), but its self-created image as a “force for good” is taking a beating - and deservedly so.
The Wall Street Journal today reports that
BP is facing criminal investigations into both its environmental and labor practices:
On the environment:

Gas prices headed up as BP pipeline closes down (Listen to broadcast)


RYSSDAL: Somebody's gotta fix the leaks and repair the corrosion, right? Oil services company Halliburton picked up 1.6 percent today. Schlumberger rose a percent and a half.

A little more casual reading if one wants it.

British Petroleum / Amoco / ARCO (BP Amoco)

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