Friday, June 30, 2006

There needs to be public hearings.


If our troops are at fault the people of this country have a right to know the truth. The entire truth. I want to hear the words myself. I don't want to hear about any investigation through the 'filter' of a press conference. A good use of C-Span should be to record the hearings, TRANSPARENTLY, to the American Public. I don't want to hear how the National Security is at stake. This is Iraq. This is the military movements in Iraq. It has nothing to do with National Security.


There it is AGAIN. Any excuse is a good excuse. I don't care about the 'information.' Osama bin Laden is out there. That is all I understand. That reality is an atrocity against the people of this country and complete disrespect to the victims of September 11, 2001. All this is nonsense. Afghanistan and Pakistan is NOT that big. It has been nearly five years of a failed compaign against al Qaeda. This is the failure of the Bush White House to stop the terrorist networks from sustaining and spreading. A tape can get to Al Jezeera but Osama bin Ladne can't be found. Iraqi military under Saddam can be heard from thousand of feet in the air with spy planes and listening devies but al Qaeda can't be stopped, but, Saddam could. Pakistan is a country under a 'coup' leader which is pandered to by Bush with millions of dollars sent over the years. Could be billions actually. But, yet, the Pakitani government can't contain the violence of their nation, their poverty that breeds terrorist networks and women are still raped and murdered.. You call that an administration intereseted in the well being of this country? I dont !!!




Smart Enegy Solutions

Scientists Find Global Warming Hurts Crops
By Frank Ling Washington30 June 2006
Scientists have found that global warming could decrease crop yields, not increase them as once thought. VOA's Frank Ling reports that this finding suggests future crop estimates may have to be lowered.


Global warming is one of the most serious challenges facing us today. To protect the health and economic well-being of current and future generations, we must reduce our emissions of heat-trapping gases by using the technology, know-how, and practical solutions already at our disposal.


Kerr McGee exerts no oversight of subcontractors. Thety had recourse in this case because they wirte it inot the contract and turn their affiliates loose regardless their 'real' liability.


I covered citations to responsible organizations that track these death events at 'theme parks last night.

The zoo is safer !




There is 'bin.' Forever being himself. I guess he's one of those guys the FBI just can't catch.

Eventually "bin" will die of old age. But, then there is his heirs. It isn't enough to have him on a 'Ten Most Wanted List." He needs to be apprehended and Islamic Jihadists need to come to terms with his capture and/or death. Haivng a picture of him on the loose isn't what I call 'effective' government. How much has the USA gone into debt to 'end this?' It just doesn't seem to end.

Five years and he is still out there. Five years. He should have been defeated in the first hours of the invasion if the force that was sent to Iraq was sent to Afghanistan. This is excusable. He needs to be captured or killed. He needs to be behind bars along with his friend Moussaoui.


The Japanese Prime Minister Dream Come True. He should have a good time.


I don't know anyone on the Ten Most Wanted List. My friends don't know any of the Ten Most Wasted. We don't want to know the Ten Most Wanted. This is irrelivant information to life.
