Saturday, June 17, 2006


Protestors rally against Bush, Wilson Source: KRQE News 13
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ALBUQUERQUE -- While President Bush had plenty of supporters at a campaign reception for Rep. Heather Wilson, there were hundreds of protestors across the street in Civic Plaza.
One Bush defender braved the crowd to support the president’s policies.
While the protestors brought different issues with them, they agreed on wanting Bush and his supporters, including Wilson, out of office.
Some were dressed in pink slips expressing their desire to give Bush and Wilson pink unemployment slips. Others carried black balloons and told KRQE News 13 the country is doomed as long as Bush remains in office.
“Heather has to go,” one protestor said. “She's too embedded with Bush.
“She votes for him down the line all the time. That has to end.”
Albuquerque police along with Bernalillo County sheriff's deputies guarded the front of the Hyatt Regency while Bush and Wilson attended a fundraising reception inside and protestors chanted outside. That didn’t stop the lone Bush supporter from challenging his critics.
“Everybody here is against bush so I just thought I had to say something for him,” Daniel Worley said.
One of the protestors apparently was arrested for not moving back after he was told to by police.
Otherwise the several hundred protestors were peaceful, and no violence was reported.


I think the 'dual' identity of Bush Republicans is hideous.

A House Republican whose subcommittee oversees the National Security Agency broke ranks with the White House on Tuesday and called for a full Congressional inquiry into the Bush administration’s domestic eavesdropping program.
The lawmaker, Representative Heather A. Wilson of New Mexico, chairwoman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Technical and Tactical Intelligence, said in an interview that she had “serious concerns” about the surveillance program.

Poll: Madrid, Wilson in Dead Heat
Poll: Madrid, Wilson in Dead HeatNew Mexico's First Congressional District Definitely in Play
ALBUQUERQUE -- A recent poll by D.C.-based Lake Research Partners showed that Attorney General Patricia Madrid and Rep. Heather Wilson are in a statistical dead heat in the race to represent New Mexico's First Congressional District, according to an internal memo released Tuesday.
Specifically, the poll found that of the 400 district voters sampled 43 percent would vote for Madrid, 44 percent would vote for Wilson. Factoring in the margin of error, the two candidates are tied with the election nine months away.
Lake Research Partners' poll also found that Madrid's strong showing so early in the race was based on voters' positive feelings toward her performance as attorney general.
". . . fully 62 percent of voters are positive about the job that Madrid is doing as Attorney General," Lake Research Partners found.


Conozca a Patricia Madrid
Patricia Madrid ganó su primera campaña en 1978 cuando llegó a ser la primera mujer elegida como juez de juzgado de distrito en Nuevo México. En 1998, llegó a ser la primera mujer elegida fiscal del estado de Nuevo México y en 2002 continuó en el puesto cuando fue elegida de nuevo en una victoria arrolladora. Hace más de treinta años que está casada con un abogado de Albuquerque, L. Michael Messina, y tiene un hijo, Giancarlo, que se recibió de la Universidad de Nuevo México y ahora trabaja en Washington DC.


This is from a Middle East newspaper. It's important to realize the 'approach.'

War crimes court finds multiple Darfur massacres

UNITED NATIONS (AFP) — The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said Wednesday his office had documented massacres with hundreds of victims in Sudan's war-torn Darfur region as well as hundreds of rape cases.
In a report to the UN Security Council, Luis Moreno-Ocampo said the office had documented "thousands of alleged direct killings of civilians by parties to the conflict," including "a significant number of large-scale massacres, with hundreds of victims in each incident." Ocampo told the council that his office was investigating allegations that some of the groups implicated in the Darfur crimes "did so with specific genocidal intent."
He said identifying those with the greatest responsibility for the most serious crimes in Darfur was a key challenge for his probe but said he would not draw any conclusions pending the completion of a "full and impartial investigation."


This is a vital aspect to seeking Iran's cooperation. Iran is convinced they are the ONLY Islamic nation capable of standing up to the West. If the West proves there is no reason to stand upto them it gives Iran no reason to resist peace over war.

EU approves mechanism for Palestinian aid
Brussels: The European Union on Friday agreed on an aid scheme for Palestinians bypassing the Hamas-led government and said it was close to winning the backing of the United States and other peace brokers.
"The European Council has endorsed our proposal for a temporary international mechanism," European Commission spokeswoman Emma Udwin told a news briefing in Brussels.


No. This is not from a New York Newspaper. It's from "The Arab News." I thought the Republicans during their rhetoric yesterday stated their debate narcisstically would be all over the Arab newspapers. It would not seem to be the case.

Govt Officials and FBI Agents Go Unpunished for Stealing

Once secret FBI documents obtained by The Associated Press show the FBI investigated how a company, Kieger Enterprises, KEI, of Lino Lakes, Minnesota, went unpublished for the Sept. 11, 2001 theft of 45 tons of donated water, clothing, tools and generators. The case was dropped after investigators also found that an FBI agent and other government officials had pilfered artifacts from Ground Zero.
As a result, most Americans were kept in the dark about a major fraud involving their donated goods even as new requests for charity emerged with disasters like Hurricane Katrina.
The government ultimately gave the whistle-blowers $30,000 each after expenses, their share in a civil settlement against KEI. They say the sum was hardly worth their trouble.
Federal prosecutors eventually charged KEI and some executives with fraud, including overbilling the government in several disasters, but excluded the Sept. 11 thefts.
AP reports that KEI worked for the government for years, providing disaster relief services during tornadoes, floods and other catastrophes. It was picked to manage the New York warehouse for the government’s main Sept. 11 relief contractor.§ion=0&article=83918&d=17&m=6&y=2006

It would seem the show that stated the Republicans were so concerned about their 'debate' causing problems doesn't care to follow up on it. Hm.




The Republicans. The Elitiists. The Party of Corruption.

GOP candidate McGavick got millions leaving Safeco
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mike McGavick collected more than $28 million upon leaving his post as an insurance executive earlier this year, financial disclosures showed Friday.
Most of that 2006 compensation from Safeco Insurance Co. was stock and options, his campaign said. McGavick had served as the firm's chief executive since 2001, leaving early this year after a two-month transition period.
Washington state Democrats pounced on the tally, calling it proof their federal complaint about McGavick's "golden parachute" was on the mark.
McGavick's campaign dismissed that allegation as baseless: "They see the race getting close and these are very typical tactics, so we're not surprised," spokeswoman Julie Sund said.

Hm? Why would a well paid executive leave his employer to enter government?

Global warming could burn insurersActivists call on industry to act
The alarm sounded by scientists about global warming has deep implications for the insurance industry and consumers, participants said Thursday at a climate change summit in Seattle.
Businesses and governments can do more to reduce carbon dioxide, promote renewable resources and take other environmentally friendly actions that would benefit the world as well as their bottom line, corporate executives and politicians said.
Dramatic climate changes have the potential to affect nearly all segments of insurance coverage, including agricultural, health, life and business, said Andrew Logan, program manager of CERES, a Boston-based national network of investment funds, environmental organizations and other public interest groups.
Natural and manmade catastrophic events have steadily increased since 1970, with eight of the 10 most expensive disasters in U.S. history occurring in the past four years, he said.



WHOM are you keeping honest, Anderson? The ACTION in Seattle today was downtown.

Hundreds turn out to call for higher pay
Wearing red T-shirts and blowing high-pitched whistles, hundreds of hotel workers rallied on Fifth Avenue in downtown Seattle on Thursday to call for better wages and benefits.

Karen Ducey / P-I

A rally for hotel workers in Seattle on Thursday attracts members of other unions, including Jonetta Green, left, Jackie Keen and DeAnna Botello, all of SEIU 775.
UNITE-HERE Local 8 organized the rally in front of the Westin Hotel, as part of a national "Hotel Workers Rising" campaign.
At least 300 people, including Mayor Greg Nickels, filled the sidewalk and street.
Richard Sawyer, Local 8 secretary treasurer, had pointed comments for the hotel industry, which he said pulls in billions of dollars each year. But, he added, many industry workers do not share in that prosperity.
"It's low pay, hard work and has a high rate of injuries," he said. "A large sector of this industry is below the poverty line."
In the Seattle area, he estimates there are about 10,000 hotel workers -- and many earn only $8.50 an hour. The federal poverty level for a family of four is $18,850.


Dead whale found in river, 1,000 miles inland
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- The carcass of a young beluga whale was found Thursday by canoeists on the Tanana River about 40 miles southwest of Fairbanks -- or nearly 1,000 river miles from the Bering Sea, the closest beluga habitat.
Sylvia Brunner, a marine mammals researcher at the University of Alaska Museum of the North in Fairbanks, identified the decomposing carcass and oversaw its recovery Wednesday.
What the 8-foot-long whale was doing that far inland on a freshwater river, part of a system that drains much of the vast interior of Alaska, remains a mystery. But Link Olson, curator of marine mammals at the museum, said he was confident the animal swam from the ocean.
"What are the alternatives?" he said. Perpetrating a hoax along a remote section of river with a whale carcass was highly unlikely, he said: "If you were ever close to a dead marine mammal, even for a few hours, you would know why no one in their right mind would do that."
It could have died in the river last fall and frozen, Brunner said, or it could have entered the river this spring seeking fish.


Greater Seattle area, state plans reviewed by feds
SEATTLE -- The Department of Homeland Security on Friday rated Washington state and the Greater Seattle area sufficient or partly sufficient in all categories of catastrophic disaster planning except one: evacuation from Seattle.
Evacuation is a good strategy for an impending storm, which can be seen approaching for days, said Barb Graff, Seattle's emergency planning director.
But in this city, a catastrophic disaster would likely involve a major earthquake. "Our challenge would be getting resources to the area after," using a relatively fragile transportation system, Graff said.
Planners around the country were asked about preparedness for a catastrophic, Katrina-level disaster, which in the Northwest would likely be an earthquake far stronger than those that rattled the area in 1949, 1965 and 2001.
"What prompted all this was Katrina, and of course evacuation was a big issue on Katrina and then Rita," said Eric Holdeman, King County's emergency services director, of the Gulf Coast devastation. "They were asking hurricane questions in earthquake territory."

ANDERSON is surprised there is a horse patrol on the USA/Canadian Border. It's not a new concept !

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Western Water Supple Forecasts

I don't like the way this looks. Early signs of drought, both short term with cummer coming and a longer term trend.

