Saturday, May 6, 2006


A Former First Lady might be able to help the good Senator. Maybe not. How many 'persciption medication victims' have doctors that write the persciptions in complete empathy of 'the need?'

The Betty Ford Center is a non-profit organization that provides treatment for the disease of alcoholism and other drug addiction for the entire family – including patients, their families and their children. Our clinical staff provides a comprehensive continuum of care. We provide specialized treatment for licensed professionals.




Bush is converting the FBI and CIA into the NSA. Amazing. Another 'lowering of the bar.' Russia has it all over the USA.Look out ! Here comes 'eavesdropping' as precedent bia J. Edgar Hoover tenure.

Michael V. Hayden is Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, Washington, D.C. Appointed by President George W. Bush, he is the first person to serve in this position. General Hayden is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day activities of the national intelligence program. He is the highest-ranking military intelligence officer in the armed forces.

It is amazing. Bush's appointees screws up the Gulf Coast and the Bush Image and the military is sent in. Bush screws up and breaks 'the law' by outing a CIA agent, spies on Americans and send in his conspirator NSA chief to cover his hiney. When will the military NOT be ;abused by Bush?



Ah, Nancy just isn't up to the 'class act' and indulges her Neocon side into the Moussaoui imprisonment again. Shame, shame. A lady? Debateable..


There is Aaron Brown's soldier honor segment again.


US accuses BP of 'world-class accounting scandal'

Terry MacalisterWednesday July 10, 2002

The Guardian

BP, Britain's largest company, found its accounting procedures under fire from US politicians yesterday who accused it of failing to provide properly for clean-up costs in Alaska.Edward Markey, a Democrat member of the US House of Representatives, who has championed environmental causes, said it was a "world class accounting scandal".BP dismissed the allegations as "nonsense" and while most Wall Street analysts tended to agree some feared it could draw attention to legitimate worries about the complexity of the accounts of the world's oil majors.

