Thursday, April 6, 2006

Keeping them Honest


There you go, Frankenstein the Boy Toy is back again. Can't wait for Andy to come back, huh?Bigamy is supposed to be a political strategy against homosexuality. Don't ask me. I guess the 'idea' that more than one woman comprises a household is the basis for the attack on PEOPLE. PEOPLE. PEOPLE with lives and a right to them.


Rob Marciano is trying to prove the 'tornadoes' are the ONLY issues to be concerned about.The best 'source' of any of these weather patterns is the local 'doppler' radar. It's a fairly accurate diagnostic tool.

Oh, yeah, Rob. You can't give the public a false sense of safety here. It's not prudent. They have to do this the 'right' way, not the Bush way.


Duke. Again? Oh, the town. Fine. Duke and Durham will work it out. I have a great deal of faith in both the city and the university. 1008stuff


The News Secretary




I could go on for hours about this. It has far reaching implications. To begin with it proves Jesus Christ had an 'agenda.' A political agenda 'against' Rome. Judas was probalbly Jesus best friend. Jesus was a Jew. He believed Mose had the right idea. I really think he tried to 'bring' the faith of Moses alive for the enslaved Jews. This is a huge issue., not just an artifact.

I do more on this some other time.

Christ 'plotted' his death. He wanted it. Judas facilitiated it. Where is 'god' in this? What was the reflections of Gethsemani all about really.

"Sit here while I pray."Mark 14, 32




Perfect. Anderson is leading a movement against gays. They pay him a lot, you know?


Oppression of women. That happens with marriages that share no equity and 'man' is king of his castle. Polygamy has nothing to do with it.




Everyone is surprised Bush was the man who encouraged the outing of Mrs. Wilson? I been saying it all along. This is not news. This is just confermation. The house of cards is falling.

Papers: Cheney Aide Says Bush OK'd Leak
By PETE YOST, The Associated PressApr 6, 2006 6:23 PM (4 hrs ago)WASHINGTON - President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney authorized Cheney's top aide to launch a counterattack of leaks against administration critics on Iraq by feeding intelligence information to reporters, according to court papers citing the aide's testimony in the CIA leak case.

In a court filing, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald stopped short of accusing Cheney of authorizing his chief of staff, I. Lewis Libby, to leak the CIA identity of Valerie Plame.



These are all old subjects. This program has a lot of reruns. News is not a rerun.


I sincerely haven't heard any SINCERE debate in the Senate regarding the issues of immigration. I know all too well this Senate and House has passed bills that amount to empty paragraphs with spending plans rather than substance of law. I cannot fathom this Senate is capable of serious legislation. I would have to hear a good synopsis of the bill before I would trust anything brought forward by Republicans.

Rumsfeld should resign. The scandals never stop. And there are 110 per week wounded soldiers out of Iraq. That is NOT a successful campaign. The only reason this war hasn't topped the body count of Vietnam is because of body armor. So now they simply come home with missing limbs rather than flag drapped coffins. The death rate without body armor would have ended this war a long time ago.
