Friday, March 10, 2006

The Refined Spin

The entire show tonight was devoted to 'fine tuning.' It took the content last night and refined it for political gain by the 'perferred party.'

The most astounding part by the man who supposedly loves animals more than life itself it that the cadavor dogs spot lighted last night returned home tonight. The difference this time is that the insult from FEMA waving pages of invalid documents to complete for their hotel rooms was substituted for a complaint against the State of Louisiana whom they hoped had planned for the next set of cadavor dogs do to arrive sometime this week.

I tell you what AC.

Why don't YOU and Oprah sponsor a month or so of hotel accommodations and get the job done? Rather than picking on a state government that is now grabbing for monies it thought was guaranteed for rebuilding but is now divided among the entire Gulf Region sending any plans Louisiana had into a tail spin. Hardly sounds like a state government that can pay for hotel rooms for anyone, yet alone cadavor dogs, a veteranarian and their handlers.