Saturday, February 11, 2006

Even tears are for sale at CNN


Bigotry for the sake of politics by George H. W. Bush

Bush Sr. Condemns 'Ugly' Politics at King's Funeral, Defends Son
Posted on Feb. 10, 2006
Former President George H.W. Bush damns “political shots” taken at his son by former President Jimmy Carter and the Rev. Joseph Lowery during the Coretta Scott King funeral last week. Bush defends the administration’s domestic spying program, tritely invoking 9/11 as a blanket justification for trampling constitutional freedoms.

See our Uncovered file on MLK and John. W. Whitehead’s timely and important piece, "Spying on Martin Luther King." CBS

Former President George H.W. Bush has expressed dismay and anger at attacks on his son, President Bush, at the funeral for Coretta Scott King.
“In terms of the political shots at the president who was sitting there with his wife, I didn’t like it and I thought it was kind of ugly frankly,” the former president said in an exclusive radio interview with CBS News White House correspondent Peter Maer.

NOTHING IS MORE UGLY THAN A FORMER PRESIDENT THAT can't discern politics from the USA Constitution. He defends a son that has destroyed the Division of Civil rights, dismissed a 25 year employee and laughed the next day at the devastation and death in New Orleans. The Iron Triangle must be upheld above all else otherwise the Bush Dynasty will fall and so will the contracts with Carlyle to rule the world.

OH, yeah, Former Prez. About those nukes that China built and aimed at this country with American money channeled through Pakistan. How does Neil feel about that? Safer?

CNN on 'Save the King Bush Mode' in the face of impeachment. The incredible realization it that pandering to the guilty is more Anti-American than any words they can utter.

So how many Christians dance on the head of a pin for Larry King Live to promote a president that needs impeachment?

Well, Michael W. Smith is crowned as savior by George H. W. Bush and Larry sells his soul for chance to televise it. And to think the souls of Flight 93 has to be brought back to life to save Son Georgie from Impeachment. Pulling out all the 'stops' for hope the people of the country can be deceived by 'good will' and 'trained Pavlov grieving and fear' that the Repuglicans still hold a corrupt majority in the House and Senate come November 2006.

You are all pathetic. You love your money and cronies more than you ever had loyalty to this country.

"The White House is not responding to Michael Brown stating they HAVE THEIR OWN report in the works." Jeanne Meserve, servant to the King. NO CLUE, Jeanne. Even tears are for sale at CNN. Those contracts must be an incredible tools for political fodder.


Somehow walking around a home with mildew on the walls is a message that conveys something. I would think the better message would be a hammer in Anderson's hand rebuilding homes since people can't get into FEMA trailers. Or better yet, some real passion. A shovel over his shoulder after digging through the mud for still the unrecovered bodies of the dead.

Anderson 'revisits' every image possible to try to redefine the testimony by Brown and distract from the facts that Bush didn't care about the emergency.




Vice President Cheney and The Fight Over "Inherent" Presidential Powers: His Attempt to Swing the Pendulum Back Began Long Before 9/11

Vice President Dick Cheney has stirred up an old fight in Washington. He sent a rookie, however, to make his case publicly. It did not work.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee to offer what may have been the weakest legal argument for presidential power to conduct warrantless electronic surveillance since Nixon's Justice Department invoked the views of King George III.


Trent Lott suffered a loss. But not loss of life. Oh, insurance, of course.



Bush lied over Katrina, sacked head of disaster agency says

Michael Brown, head of the federal disaster agency at the time of Hurricane Katrina, has reopened a painful wound for President George Bush, charging that the White House knew New Orleans' protective levees had broken far earlier than it had acknowledged.
Testifying to a Senate committee yesterday, Mr Brown said that by the evening of Monday 29 August, his Fema agency had reported to superiors that catastrophic floodwaters were pouring into the city, that fires were breaking out and large numbers of people were stranded.

...Further evidence that the administration had manipulated intelligence came in documents showing that Lewis Libby, Vice-President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, told prosecutors he had been "authorised by superiors" to leak classified intelligence to reporters in the early summer of 2003, as it became increasingly evident that contrary to White House claims, Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction.


Bush ignored CIA advice on Iraq, says former spy Julian Borger in WashingtonSaturday,,1707520,00.html

February 11, 2006The Guardian
The CIA official in charge of intelligence on the Middle East until last year has accused the Bush administration of ignoring assessments that sanctions and weapons inspections were the best way to deal with Saddam Hussein, and that an invasion would have a "messy aftermath".
In an article in the next edition of the bimonthly journal, Foreign Affairs, Paul Pillar, has become the highest-ranking CIA official from the prewar period to accuse the White House of manipulating the intelligence on Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction.

Ex-Abramoff client subpoenaed in Republican fundraising probeChannel One's parent donated to TRMPAC before education board's vote on resolution


Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau
AUSTIN - New subpoenas issued by Travis County prosecutors on Thursday cast light on a campaign contribution made by Primedia Inc. in 2002 just two days before the State Board of Education cast a vote that could have affected the company's profits in Texas.

Records: Abramoff Paid for GOP Aide's Trip
By ERICA WERNER Associated Press Writer © 2006 The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A former top aide to California Republican Rep. John Doolittle traveled to Puerto Rico on a trip paid for by Jack Abramoff's lobbying firm, records show.



Hastert, Frist said to rig bill for drug firms Frist denies protection was added in secret

By BILL THEOBALDGannett News Service
WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and House Speaker Dennis Hastert engineered a backroom legislative maneuver to protect pharmaceutical companies from lawsuits, say witnesses to the pre-Christmas power play.
The language was tucked into a Defense Department appropriations bill at the last minute without the approval of members of a House-Senate conference committee, say several witnesses, including a top Republican staff member.


Recovery needs take-hold leadership

Published: Feb 8, 2006
It has been sometime since Katrina and Rita devastated coastal Louisiana, and the bickering continues. Instead of taking 10 years to recover, it will probably take 20 if all of our responsible officials continue to take potshots at each other. The Congress of the United States along with the president can get no positive vibes out of a local constituency that thrives on controversy and a history of corruption.Not only that, but each “principal” in the ongoing saga has an agenda propped up by several competing committees or commissions all “making noise” — cacophonous noise not harmonic.Getting a handle on the “science” doesn’t make things any easier. The Army Corp of Engineers can’t proceed (ever so slowly as always) with a clear-cut mission of what needs to be done and in what sequence without a cohesive scientific concept of what needs doing.Surely this has been the most devastating blow to hit this country in recent history. In the early days of the disaster, in spite of the confusion, some real leadership rose to the top and helped contain the loss of life and limit the damages. There were some real heroes out there. Surely the recovery deserves the same kind of “take-hold” leadership if New Orleans, for example, is ever to become a city again — not to mention protection for the rest of lower Louisiana. Where is that leadership today?Dick Schneider, director of developmentLSU School of the Coast and EnvironmentBaton Rouge


Gupta went on and on about a congenital disease. There are many in the world. But, not once does he or Cooper proport any 'answer' to these maladies except sympathy. Anyone look into what is being done with genetic research? Nah. That would be turning their backs on Bush but it's okay to turn their back on helpless children seeking cures.

Jerks !


Developer Lays Out Plans For Ore Dock

A former Marquette resident has been working on plans to develop Marquette's Lower Harbor ore dock for the past six years. Monday night he presented his plans to the City Commission.
Gary Kropp told commissioners his plans for the ore dock will preserve its historic nature, increase the city's tax base, and be worthy of national attention. He also said the development will not disrupt the ore dock's quiet, serene, setting. Kropp wants to build 30 to 40 condos inside the dock with public space around the perimeter, including an area for large events.
The commission did not make a decision. Kropp said moving forward will be a lengthy process. Even if he gets city approval, he must also get approval from the Army Corp of Engineers and the DEQ.


Fashion Week. Now, there is a thought. Anderson should go back walking the runway for Halston. At least that way he only has to strut and not speak.


Feds offer seized-property deals online,0,6731981.story?coll=ny-realestate-headlines

KENNETH HARNEYKenneth Harney is a syndicated columnist.February 10, 2006
Whether you're a first-time home buyer, an investor, vacation property buyer, historic preservation buff - or even looking for a boat to convert into a live-aboard residence - you are not shopping the market to the max unless you check out the federal government's best real estate resources: the combined property disposition program inventories of 10 agencies, all rolled into one online access point.Want to buy a cabin in the woods near Lake Huron?

USG Makes $3.95 Bln Asbestos Pact to Exit Bankruptcy (Update2)

Jan. 30 (Bloomberg) -- USG Corp., the No. 1 maker of gypsum wallboard, agreed to pay as much as $3.95 billion to settle asbestos liability claims and emerge from 4 1/2 years of bankruptcy.
USG's shares rose as much as 24 percent after it said the settlement would be financed by selling $1.8 billion in new shares, underwritten by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc., owner of 14.6 percent of Chicago-based USG. Berkshire Hathaway will buy whatever stock isn't purchased by current shareholders, who will be offered shares at $40 each, USG said.
The accord will enable USG to exit bankruptcy this year, the company said. Since 1982, at least 77 companies have cited asbestos liability in filing for bankruptcy. Compensating present and future asbestos plaintiffs may cost companies between $140 billion and $300 billion, according to private and public studies. Congress is weighing whether to establish a national asbestos trust to erase the related personal injury suits.
``We view it as another positive in the trend of resolving this longstanding problem'' of asbestos litigation, said Gene Pisasale, who helps manage $48 billion at Baltimore-based Mercantile Bankshares, which owns other company stocks beset with asbestos lawsuits including DuPont Co. ``I think you are going to see more stories like this.''

Publisher’s Note: The greatest sleazeballs of the 21st century

Wednesday 08 February @ 14:33:30
by Ed Felien

Dick Cheney is trying to push through the Senate a bill that would create a national trust fund for victims of asbestos poisoning. Sounds lovely, doesn’t it? It does until you realize he’s doing it to cover his and Bush’s butts.A little background:


Welcome to the first web site in America dedicated exclusively to raising awareness about the connection between hurricane Katrina and global warming.

Featured Link:LA Times: Mike Tidwell Commentary
It is clear that Hurricane Katrina was no ‘natural’ disaster. Though nature played a part, human action played a key role in exacerbating this disaster. This website is the first step in a bipartisan effort to raise awareness about the connection between hurricanes and global warming.
As we rebuild New Orleans and the entire Gulf Coast, we must simultaneously work to prevent the tragedy of Katrina from happening all across our shores; we must work to stop global warming. We invite you to learn how global warming is affecting our country and to get involved in the fight!