Friday, January 6, 2006

Media Blitz: Anderson Cooper is such an emo

Arianna Huffington tells Anderson Cooper to suck it up and stop acting like a little bitch. [HuffPo]

America Mourns With Anderson Cooper

Twelve of the thirteen miners in Sago, West Virginia have now been found dead. The original mine explosion that led to their deaths was so loud that it was heard five miles away.

The grieving by the families will be much more muted and quiet. But not so the strangers: the cable newsmen and out-of-town “journalists” will now share their own grief not only with the family members, but also their demographically correct audiences:

America will mourn with Anderson Cooper.

Last night, after learning that he had been incorrectly reporting for three hours the "miracle" of the miners being alive, Cooper became pale, before declaring himself "at a complete loss for words."That was last night. Cooper may have been at a loss for words last night, but if his past on-air behavior is a guide, he will not be at a loss for tears tonight.

America will once again mourn with Anderson Cooper.