Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Give 'em a taste of their own medicine. There is something grossly "W"rong when I feel compelled to call the New York Times on the carpet over Race.

Ray Nagin.

Shawn Kalebs.

"A Chocolate New Orleans"

Ray is not going to talk to you Anderson. You yell at people. The 'promise' he made was more than likely with Aaron. Aaron was the one that allowed Mayor Nagin to 'vent' on National Television after Katrina made landfall. As a matter of fact I remember Aaron saying to the Mayor, "Is there anything you want to say I haven't asked you?" It was Aaron that brought out the boisterous Mayor. Maybe you should ask Aaron to do the next interview with the good mayor. Maybe they can do it at the New Orleans planned Godiva Factory.

Why settle for "M & M's" after all?

What do you think? I think it's a heck of an idea.

Mayor Nagin is reacting to the fact the strife of New Orleans including the Federal Government to bulldoze half the city without intentions to resurrect it. Nagin didn't go far enough. He has no intentions of 'segregating' New Orleans. He's exhausted as the rest of the country is of Bush's Bigotry.

For all the devastation that city has experienced. All the neglect. All the victimization. I don't blame Ray for any emotion at this point. He can do no "W"rong.


Hold on there lady. Bush can say 'God is on his side' but Mayor Nagin can't. I guess God is a white man ! And a Repuglican as well.

Knock if off. REBUILD NEW ORLEANS !!!!!!!!!!!




The Demographics of New Orleans. Hey. I want to know how many dead from Katrina are Black? How many poor? How many disabled?

The Hispanics currently in New Orleans are illegal immigrants working for Halliburton. Perhaps Cheney has some insight to the employment possiblities of returning New Orleans residents.


The News Secretary


Commercials AGAIN !


Candy Crowley. You should agree Hillary for once, Candy. You don't actually agree with the raping of the USA treasury do you? You don't actually agree with the gross negligence of the Gulf Coast causing record deaths of modern times by storm? You don't actually agree with the national debt? There isn't a political motive at the basis of this dissention? Bush is a bigot. That isn't obvious. Look what he did to civil rights. The Office of Civil Rights. The Univeristy of Michigan. You all haven't forgotten so quickly about the previous five years except where it serves you in recalling 'terror events' like September 11th.


Bush and anyone who it applies to DESERVES the 'tongue lashing.'


Jessie states Hillary was trying to evoke emotions. Good ! Passivity is the 'honed' oppression of this White House.

Spying on citizens? How many were Black? How many were Black organizations?


I love this. There are many issues in the Black Community. HOW ABOUT THE ISSUES IN THE 'CAUCASIAN COMMUNITY !' They have more 'segregation' and 'skin color' preference than any other race in the country.

Go Hillary !!!!!!!!!!!!




How many of these callers are 'set up?'

Nagin is a raving lunatic. Really? I haven't witnessed that sideof him yet. I have witnessed a Black Man ignored and abused. Not just now but in past years. One of the first things Mayor Nagin stated to Aaron when he was given 'Carte Blanc' to say it; was that the cities wetlands were never returned to protect New Orleans. He stated for every mile of wetlands the storm surge to the city was cut by one foot. Imagine the 'force' buffered by those wetlands. Mayor Nagin is no fool or a lunatic.

They are all trying to 'put one over on you Mayor.' Let it rip ! DO NOT SACRIFICE NEW ORLEANS. DO NOT !!!



I doubt there is much more to stick around for. I see nothing wrong with rubbing people's noses in content that is distasteful IF they were first to hand it out.