Thursday, December 29, 2005

NewsNight with Aaron Brown ranked SECOND at CNN only behind Larry King and 13th (Unlucky number I guess.) overall in Cable News.

For this he is replaced? Talk about Anti-American. Now, we get the profound pleasure of being yelled at by a news anchor with misplaced loyalty and values. Smile 'purdy' for the camera, Anderson.

2005: The Program Ranker

Bill O'Reilly is the king of cable news again this year. He's #1 on the 2005 weekday program ranker, followed by H&C, Greta, Shep and Hume. The "Competitive Program Analysis" shows CNN's Larry King at #6 (and #5 in the 25-54 demo).

The defunct NewsNight with Aaron Brown comes in as CNN's #2 program of the year, ranking #13 overall. Wolf Blitzer's Situation Room is CNN's #3 and Paula Zahn now is #4. Headline News star Nancy Grace ranks 25th on the chart, averaging 510,000 viewers for the year. Prime News was the second most-popular HLN show, averaging 335,000.On MSNBC, Rita Cosby was #1. Chris Matthews (#2), Keith Olbermann (#3) and Joe Scarborough (#4) were all within 20,000 viewers of eachother. See it all for yourself: