Thursday, December 15, 2005

Andy's Most Excellant Day in Iraq

Okay, what's the point tonight after Larry's lead in with the "Reminiscent Murder of the Week"


Andy's Big Day in Iraq at a polling station. A historic day in the US? What happened? There is Frankenstein, the boy toy, safest partner in the world. He could never take Andy's job away. And heerreeeee's Hollywood Andy to disclose the mystery, how is this a historic day in the USA?


An empty polling station. That's impressive. Who leads in Iraq? George Walker Bush. Do I win a prize?


Nic Robertson is in the danger zone.

Oh, a return to the "The Whip" What a bastard ! But, Andy keeps control of the mic. Nic and Chris stand there like mute manicans.


298 Iraiqis died in the last week alone. "Where Iraiqis Rejoice waving their stained finger." Their hope an Iraq that children can roam free. Right. Hey, Anderson, have you ever seen Fahrenheit 911? The children were roaming free all over playgrounds before the first USA bombs dropped. How about that, huh?


"A Seductive Promise." Baloney, there is a lot of opportunity for financial gain and corruption. Who are you trying to kid? Do you think Chalibi is in this for no reason? You call this guy a journalist or a stenographer?

This is such garbarge. Bush took until now to decide he should try another boner and say he was responsible for the false lousy intelligence to the American people and their legislature. He willingly admits the atrocity of the invasion into Iraq and he's still in office. Amazing. Denying it didn't work, so maybe with the cover of a majority legislature, admitting it might work better. This was the best headline.

Iraq intelligence wrong - but I was right to take us to war, Bush insists
· President accepts full responsibility for invasion
· Pentagon to plant pro-US stories in global media,2763,1667583,00.html



Christiana has a voice. She's in good voice tonight. "The new government must be sectarian." Right. They were right to stone the guy. Oh, I see, everyone wants the Sunnis to come out and vote. Sure, whatever you say.

Did I hear that right? Allawi doesn't see the Sunnis being killed off just yet?


Andy use your inhaler.

Nic Robertson - never fails, he's always in places no one else goes. Sunni turnout is the question. One person went last time. Marines are not going to be patrolling the streets but keeping a low profile. I wonder why? Somehow in this province if the Marines approach a polling station they'll be searched before entering or WORSE.

Zarqawi - al Qaeda in Iraq - is not to attack the polling stations. Gee, I wonder what the agenda is there?

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi disowned by clan
AM - Thursday, 15 December , 2005 08:16:00
Reporter: Mark Willacy
TONY EASTLEY: Millions of Iraqis will go to polling stations to cast their ballots today, but as they do the shadow of one man hangs over the elections.
Jordanian, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, and the country's most wanted man with a $25 million bounty on his head.
In an exclusive interview, one of Zarqawi's close relatives has spoken to the ABC. He says his family and tribe have disowned the Jordanian insurgent.
Musa Khalayleh says his clan decided to sever all ties with Zarqawi after he took responsibility for last month's triple bombings in Amman, which killed more than 60 people, mostly Jordanians.

Baghdad falls quiet as Zarqawi threatens poll
By Anton La Guardia Diplomatic Editor and Oliver Poole in Baghdad
(Filed: 15/12/2005)
Alan Philps: Baghdad Weblog
The terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi vowed to disrupt today's general election in Iraq as a nationwide travel ban was imposed to reduce the threat of car bombings.

It would seem according to these reports Anderson Cooper 360 is "W"rong !




Ah, that pensive music. The president and his pathetic speeches.


Oh, god the red headed witch is back. She attempted to interview Senator Kerry to bring out 'The Truth' but in true CNN style Heidi can't help to fail but try instead to humiliate the good Senator. He has a great deal of patience with this entire mess. I guess we know who the hate mongers are in our society.

The entire presentation is grossly edited. It has not brevity except for some very clear criticism of this LYING administration.


The news secretary.


Heidi is dissing Scientology again. Scientology should sue this network, already. It's call harassment.




Andy wants to talk about Katrina.


Joe Johns. Katrina evacuees. They are angry. No doubt about that. You know I have a lot of questions regarding the construction of these houses in New Orleans. Was there ever standards similar to earthquake zones placed on these building? I have been examining some very interesting pictures of the scene in New Orleans. There is a magnificent two story wood frame house built on concrete base and pilings that is intact. This house was underwater. The trees surrounding the house are nearly bare of any foliage and the windows of this house is missing but the house is intact otherwise. Not that there isn't internal damage to the house including interrupted electrical service, but, if one didn't know Katrina ripped though the area it looks like a poorly maintained yard except for obvious missing windows. The owner has the car parked in the driveway for a clean up. It's an amazing picture. The photographer promises to discuss this more tomorrow if she's up to it.




The polling stations and violence. Firing shots just because it didn't hit a target doesn't mean it wasn't violence.


The Scientologists have therapies that help the 911 Rescue Workers. It's an interesting fact that seems to help them a great deal.

Ah. A basis for a man with a pregnant wife to jump for joy. A quality of life without drugs or foreign substances in a body. I'll be darn.




The New York Fire Department vs. Dr. Wiznar (sp) of Scientology. Niacin therapy. Bicycling. Niacin is used in cardiac medicine as well. "Clear Body, Clear Mind." It's definitely worth a try UNDER doctor supervision which all these people were. The attending physicians might be encouraging the patients to come off the medications if they are feeling better. In fact, a serum assay is not a complete picture of any patient. Hair samples, fat biopsies do make a difference in understanding residual and perhaps latent chemistry is in the body. We know for a fact that the myelin surrounding nerves is laid down in the first year of life when an infant is exposed to vaccines. It is those latent fragments of immune response in the myelin that is believed to contribute to MS in later decades of life when 'stress' triggers an immune suppressed reaction allowing the exacerbation of these viruses into a destruction of the myelin. We know for a fact the inner lays of the brain without myelin store toxins like cocaine for the entire life of the patient. There is a strong validity to the statements regarding residual storage of toxins in the body to be released later at undetermined times. CNN practices religious bigotry. The New York
Fire Department is taking a traditional route with it's personnel to prevent lawsuits.

I remind others there is no one answer for every person. There is also hope in trying new therapies. If one doesn't seek other paths of relief then they are forever cast into hopelessmess.

Can Lorenzo’s Oil help treat diseases other than ALD (adrenoleukodystrophy)?
Lorenzo’s Oil is specific to ALD, does not repair myelin, and does not have any known effect on other demyelinating disorders. In ALD presymptomatic boys Lorenzo’s Oil often (but not always) prevents the onset of the disease by stopping the body from producing the very long chain fatty acids, whose buildup leads to demyelination.




Andy and a day on patrol. Iraq Army commander.




The next mess of an hour. The return of Frankenstein.


Repeat of same mantra about Iraq and it's REPEATED elections. Anderson, these people have voted for decades under Saddam as well. The difference is that there are other corrupt people running for office other than Saddam.


There we go with The Whip again. I'll tell you something, Aaron must have been a very strong and moral influence at that news agency for him to be so hated that they had to completely dismantle the entire structure of the program and then only defeat him following a Cat 5 storm. Amazing. Aaron Brown has every reason to be proud of his influence among the staff of CNN. Knowing his style he never had to force the quality so much as inspired it. You are missed Aaron. There isn't anything tonight that has been informative and I can't believe they have Nic in a very dangerous environment. I hope he is well accepted there. Ramadi, looks like a battle zone. A few blocks down the street was a police decapitation. A lot of violence, isn't there Nic. Here we go. Explosives. Nic is in the line of fire. I hope you all are happy with yourselves at CNN. Jerks !


Michael Ware - zero suicide bombings in October. Ramadi is controlled by Zarqawi. Is that official? I didn't know that was an official status.

Here we go and where Representative Murtha gets his argument with these idiots. They are labeling the Sunni insurgency with the name of Zarqawi. Amazing deception. Someone want to talk to the Sunnis about this instead of listening to these bigoted talking heads?




Anderson is disappointed in the early voter turnout. He is glad Nic is safe. He's safe?

Christian is speaking. I'll be darn. The outcome of Iraq depends a lot of other factors. Will this country actually stay together. That is a huge question, isn't it? I doubt it. It's headed away from that. You ought to give Chris her own show for two hours. At least the conversation isn't 'mind speak' so much as intelligent.


The news secretary


153 children died from the flu. Otherwise a healthy child. What's the point here? Children die of other issues as well. Is this preventable? Is that the issue? Ah, she didn't have to die. "The flu vaccination." CDC administers the flu shot to compromised children. The elderly is a given. The flu shot isn't completely without it's dangers either.

Flu Shot Side Effects, Are There Any?
Flu shot side effects are rare according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "The risk of a flu shot causing serious harm, or death, is extremely small. However, a vaccine, like any medicine, may rarely cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. Almost all people who get influenza vaccine have no serious problems from it. "The possible flu shot side effects are:
Soreness, redness, or swelling in the area that the shot was given
Low grade fever
Muscle aches
It is true that one can have life-threatening allergic reactions as one of the flu shot side effects, although rare. Signs that one is having an allergic reaction are: problems breathing, hoarseness, wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, rapid heartbeat, or dizziness. Anyone can have this flu shot side effect if they have severe allergies to eggs. Flu vaccines are grown in chicken egg then killed and purified to use as prevention of the flu virus.
Flu Related Topics:
Växa's Product Mentioned In This Article:
Others who can suffer from flu shot side effects are:
Those who suffer from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)
Infants under 6 months of age
Anyone who has had severe flu shot side effects in the past
Anyone who is sick with a fever
It is not true, however, that one of the flu shot side effects is actually getting the flu. The flu vaccine uses a dead virus. Live viruses used as vaccines (nasal spay, flu mist) can cause a mild case of the flu. Flu shot side effects usually occurs in children who have never had the flu virus before.


Anderson Cooper and Breaking News. The election workers are balloting. Buthana Mehdi should be recruited as an intelligent agent since the USA is always complaining the don't have enough people to assist with understanding the culture and language of Iraq. There you go. What's the issue?

She holds out hope for change in Iraq. It's a nice sentiment although and incomplete reality. She never once begins to speak to the corruption of people like Allawi and the dangers of her country. She copes well with her change in government, doesn't she?



I think this program is over.