Thursday, October 6, 2005

The bigots of CNN have placed their White Wonder at 10 PM

It's unfortunate that cable news has as much clout that it does. For weeks if not months now CNN has been exerting age discrimination against Aaron Brown slowing muscling him out of the picture to his younger version, namely Anderson Cooper.

Aaron is prohited from signing e-mails and performing his pre-programming annoucements. They are oppressing Aaron's talents to promote a younger version and now Cooper is grandstanding at NewsNight.

To exhibit the extent this news network demonstrates bigotry as well, last night they ran a segment regarding a Russian Cult around the Children of Beslan. They didn't bother to realize that cults exist even in the Roman Cahtolic Church. If Catholics can say they have seen of visions such as 'Fatima' then the Russian mothers can say they have seen visions of their own children.
Then treating the public as a 'bother' to their aspiring star,

Anderson Cooper canceling local appearance


BY PHILIP POTEMPA 219.852.4327

CNN reporter Anderson Cooper, who's spent the past month covering the devastation left behind after hurricanes Katrina and Rita, won't be making a report this weekend in Michigan City as scheduled.

Cooper, 38, the son of fashion designer Gloria Vanderbilt and host of "Anderson Cooper 360" on CNN, was to kick off the annual Sinai Forum lecture season Sunday in Michigan City.

However, his reporting assignments forced him to cancel according to the event's organizers, who described the situation as "disappointing."

The event will continue as planned with CNN reporter Soledad O'Brien, host of "American Mornings" filling in for Cooper. The lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. at Elston Middle School, 317 Detroit St., in Michigan City.

Previous Sinai Forum speakers include Robert Kennedy Jr., Dr. Ruth Westheimer, James Carville and wife Mary Matalin and Chris Matthews. For more information, visit

CNN pulled Cooper from the Sinai Forum to supstitute a Christian instead.

But, hey, with a million dollar baby as their savior for ratings why not substitute the public only entitled to admire from a far.

Bidding For Anderson Cooper's Memoirs Passes $1 Million…
AP/John Smock

It looks like Anderson Cooper, the prematurely silver-maned CNN anchor who won plaudits for his searing coverage of Hurricane Katrina, is about to sign a rich book deal to write about his journalistic adventures.

The furious bidding - which has involved Hyperion, HarperCollins and Rodale Press, among others - hit $1 million last week, and I hear that Cooper's agent, Luke Janklow, is getting close to crossing t's and dotting i's with a generous publisher. [...]

DISCIMINATION is minimally the expertise of CNN.