Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Aaron Brown becomes CNN's Local Niger

He has no control over his programming. It is dedicated to Anderson Cooper's Promotion of 360 with complete disregard for the audience that is disrespected as much as Aaron is. There is no other program CNN proctors that has this issue. Aaron wrote an e-mail but never did a personal pre-program announcement. Aaron is intimately learning what it is to be submissive to his 'Masters.'

Well, Aaron is even happy being a niger. House nigers can be. A well payed house niger. Bring them all on broard there boy.

One has to be a good niger at CNN to prevent news like this from making the public aware of the aggression of their own government.

Pentagon plans strike-first nuclear policy

12.09.05 1.00pm
By Rupert Cornwell

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon has drawn up a new strategy, built on the 2002 "Bush doctrine" of pre-emptive military strikes, that would allow the US to make first use of nuclear weapons to thwart an a WMD attack against the country.
Under the scheme, developed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff but yet to be ratified by Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, commanders would be able to request permission from the President to use nuclear weapons in a variety of scenarios.
According to the Washington Post, one possibility is an enemy that is using, or "is about to use" weapons of mass destruction against US military forces or civilian population.


This is Bush's Pre-emption. This will cause aggression by other nations before the USA could pull this off and Bush knows that and desires it SO HE HAS A REASON. The aggression of Pre-emption is aggression enough for any nation at this point. The USA is no longer a safe place to live. It's a target. Find your country of origin. Leave the USA to the Neocons.

To show how much CNN 'niger's' their priorities, Anderson Cooper just interviewed the police captain from New Orleans who was more than willing to make an appearance in gratitude of Dr. Phil coming to his department's rescue in providing 'help' for officers over stressed by the lack of FEMA and Bush Administration precense in the emergency that followed Katrina. The feds didn't participate sooner due to the fact they didn't receive the memo. There was no personal privacy in the captain's grieving for an officer whom's name was mentioned to express his guilt in his ability to 'hold on' to all his officers until they were on the other side of this issue. The question is will Dr. Phil open the sessions with New Orleans to cameras providing still more invasion of privacy? If Dr. Phil wants to be generous with those in need of psychological counceling in New Orleans, he should by all means do so, but also by allowing the dignity of those he helps without exposing these issues publically. CNN sucks !!

In other words, the man was made to prostrate himself in a public appearance in gratitude for the services to his officers that obviously The City of New Orleans cannot afford right now as the mayor has stated he has tried. This is exploitation is not a matter of willingness. It's a matter of CNN asking in the first place !

It's too late to take it back. It's a matter of liability now due to the break down of confidentiality. CNN carries the burden.

The word that describes an entry like this is 'ugly.' It isn't pleasant for me either.

Morning Papers exhibited it's ususal Christian prefernece.

The Dallas Morning News
International Herald Tribune

The Christian Science Monitor. And in the monitor for your reading pleasure today is and interesting Anti-Semitic piece on how the Synagogues in Gaza were appropriately burned to the ground by returning Palestinians instead of being perhaps MOVED to Israel. See Israel had to get the settlers out before they could move the buildings or even respected. No hatred there of course.

Palestinians rush into the new Gaza

The last Israeli soldier left Gaza Monday, ending Israel's 38-year occupation in the strip.
Ilene R. Prusher Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor NETZARIM, GAZA – Nearly every Palestinian who could Monday flooded into lands Israel had occupied for 38 years, their mood pulsing with celebration tinged with frustration.
Synagogues in several of the largest settlements in Gaza, which Israel did not demolish, were burned or bulldozed, a move condemned by Israel's foreign minister as "a barbarous act by people who have no respect for holy places."

The Washington Post
The Oregonian

I am sure CNN feels vindicated regarding any issue over racism because they featured an issue identified by Bob Herbert today regarding the endangering of primarily black people crossing a bridge to safety while being prevented by caucasian police during the flooding. That doesn't cut it because the people addressing the issue as part of that group were caucasian (What the South calls Poor White Trash. Just as bad as nigers). It was intended to water down the reality of racism not bolster it. Besides that this entry isn't about any of that aspect of the programming which I could go on and on about.

It's kinda interesting to realize how CNN has nigered this programming with Aaron burdening Cooper's issues because New Orleans was once the largest Jewish community in the country before WWII under the guidance of Rabbi Max Heller. I like his name just fine. Nice man. Interesting man. He is not related to the devil.