Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Bigotry against a Jew still continues.

Another evening where Aaron Brown is silenced for the demands of a corporation that likes to control it's message rather than deliver the news. The e-mail is generic and I am quite confident the pre-program message is TAPED. Is anything about CNN not pre-packaged for CONTROL rather than interaction. I thought CNN were the 'synergy' people? It would appear that is just another lie !

The below entry explains why the expertise of Aaron Brown is oppressed. It is overt bigotry as there is a Neocon Christian Agenda in a power play at CNN.


conti2005 - 7:46 PM ET August 23, 2005
(#55590of 55590)Impeach Bush and Cheney ! Rove is their 'Front Man'

Tonight on CNN's NewsNight we will investigate a justification for Pat Robertson.

In true propaganda style the hatred of countries outside the control of the Neocons will come into view with the 'hoped for' assassination of Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela. We will disclose the true and loving reason Rev. Robertson wishes for this to come true. So with complete abandon, as with Iraq, we will enter into harassment of the American Public conscience to the cost of USA dignity and threats to an international community.




A cable news network that can invoke the indulgence of the USA military, CIA, FBI with a wave to Rev. Robertson's magic Neocon wand ispired by not sanctioned by God. Where is Harry Potter when you need him?

We will expand on Rev. Robertson's VISION of peace by invoking the thought of assassination of Osama bin Laden. Is it justified.

DO YOU BELIEVE THE MORONITY in that analogy that is a 'wish' to bring public opinion to a cresendo to invade Venezuela. I mean these people need to be shut down. I know this is not Aaron Brown. It is however the witchy bigotry of Sharon von Zwieten.

Let me explain something to you dear and stupid Sharon. There is no such thing as assassination in war. We have declared war on al Qaeda. I guarantee you if a USA platoon finally finds Osama and he resists he will die. THAT idiot Sharon is a guarantee in the right of war. Unless he is wounded an brought to prison Osama will die at business end of an American missile or weapon.

The issue with Venezuela is NOT so serious that it cannot be solved in other ways and if you think the USA has a Pandora's box in Iraq just wait to see what will happen when BUSH Fires up the Attact Venezuela Campaign. I mean this is OIL HUNGER all over again.

It won't happen idiot Sharon. Would somebody kindly donate their time to explain to these moronic Executives at Rev. Robertson and CNN that declaring war is not a segment on television no matter how much they want it to be so.

I have never witnessed such stupidity in my life. Aaron I feel bad for you. It's unfortunate everyone needs a job.

... more in a minute maybe ...

What a bunch of jerks !


conti2005 - 8:01 PM ET August 23, 2005 (#55609 of 55613)Impeach Bush and Cheney ! Rove is their 'Front Man'.

.. and to conclude the invitation to the pitfalls of CNN...

... the CLASS ACT of NewsNight will investigate theft.

Theft of the truth regarding Pat Tillman as well and in the same breath of the theft of oil and how you too can accomplish your own 'game' to beat the price of oil sheiks.

And let's not forget the returning USA solider turned crooner who couldn't find a job but figured out how to rhyme at least every other word while playing a guitar. The words are corny and reveal a completely traumatized man who actually found solice in being grateful the reality of Iraq was not the reality of the USA.


You know justifying immorality by killing people who had no weapons of mass destruction is the FORTUNES of Clint Black and I am sure this former soldier hopes his appearance on FOX and now here will bring him at least marketable CDs on every shopping channel.

And last...

but never least...

the crooner of all crooners...

the 'Crock-A-Doodle-When-Do' brought to you by Ambien which will give you sleep if NewsNight doesn't put you to sleep before 11 PM.


Here we go again !!