Friday, June 17, 2005

CNN is unwanted background noise.

Today the body counts, according to Michael Moore Dot Calm, are:

American Military Dead in Iraq: 1717

American Military Wounded in Iraq: 12896

The formula for understanding the amount of Iraqi Civilian Dead is 100 Iraqis for every 1 American soldier dead, hence, the estimated body count of Civilian Iraqi Dead is 171,700 including elderly, women and children. That my very well be realistic when one counts minimally 35-50 dead in REPORTED Iraqi deaths daily.

This evening the CNN, NewsNight e-mail stated:

"To many Americans, the ongoing insurgency in Iraq is like so much unwelcome background noise. Persistent. Troublesome. Always there. .."

I don't think so. "To many American?" Where is the concensus on that? If one looks at Bush/Cheney ratings as of May 19, 2005 from the American Research Group; "Among all Americans, 43% say they approve of the way Bush is handling his job and 51% disapprove."

It is safe to say AT THE VERY LEAST 51% disapprove of the way Iraq has been and is being handled so the statement, "To many Americans" is GROSSLY inaccurate and simply a sales pitch for Bush's Agenda to simply disregard all the lies, deceptions, law breaking and cronism that has gone on. JUST, SIMPLY, CHANGE YOU ATTITUDE and stick your royal American nose in the air at what has transpired and by the way let the people at CNN with that attitude stick also not just their nose in the air but a knife in your back for the economic mess we have in this country as well as the disrespect for woman, gays, children and the USA Constitution. After all, darings, it's a WHITE CHRISTIAN MAN'S WORLD these days.


I hear tell, that CNN feels so strongly about their NEW ATTITUDE that they will be sending letters to everyone of those 1717 families to reassure them the ONLY thing their family members died of was "Unwanted Background Noise" to the tune of nearly $200 billion so it's all now just water under the bridge and in the spirit of the true South, "Tomorrow is another day."