Sharon "The Anti-Semite and racist" von Zwieten is clearly exposed AGAIN as a woman of hatred. She clearly is trying to RID the program of a Jew who is an anchor and has been from it's inception. At one point Erica Hill 'master's' the program to introduce a commercial segment rather than returning the program to Aaron Brown. They are doing their best to eliminate Aaron from the position he has done well for years as they also interjected throughout the hour "Aaron" and "Brown" in an attempt at subliminal messaging that would project a human personality into the news segments rather than onto the PERSONALITY it belongs. I think Aaron has legal recourse.
AARON BROWN, HOST: Well, we've got to leave some for tomorrow's program. But, yes, it's your city, your credit card -- I'll see you in about 15 minutes, after we're done here. Thank you, sir, very much.
Good evening, again, everyone. It's good to be back in Los Angeles. Good to be here tonight.
Pope Benedict celebrated his first mass today as pope at the Vatican. It's going to get some getting used to, isn't it? That name, the first of his papacy -- he sent a message today of reconciliation to other religions and other branches of Christianity. As he did, we began learning the details of the ancient process, and some old-fashioned campaigning by which Cardinal Ratzinger became the new pope, details that come, despite their vows of secrecy, from the men who were there, the cardinals inside the conclave. And so, with that, we begin with CNN's Jim Bittermann.
The segment that followed was regarding the election of the new Pope and how Ratzinger impressed his colleagues. The segment was by Jim Bitterman.
Only caucasian faces are noted.
BROWN: At first reading, there's a line in the new pope's resume that raises eyebrows. As a young man he was a member of the Nazi Youth and also served in the German army during World War II. But a resume line is just that. It has no context and without context, it has no real meaning. So, some context tonight from CNN's Walter Rodgers.
The segment that follows is regarding Joseph Ratzinger, the man, and his history growing up in Nazi Germany including his participation at a paramilitary organization in 1941. The segment is done by Walter Rodgers.
Only caucasian faces are noted.
BROWN: In the half century since the young priest, Joseph Ratzinger, said that first mass, his church was transformed by Vatican II, only to begin moving back toward bedrock traditional church doctrine. As the world waits to see what type of mark Benedict XVI will make on the papacy, we turn now to the book that has caused a stir among some Catholics, many Catholics, "The Da Vinci Code." It's been a best-seller for more than two years. It's fair to say the novel presents an unorthodox version of church history, but just how far does the author, Dan
go? .
The next segment is about placing 'False Gods Before You' in the book "The Da Vinci Code." It's Hocus Pocus and already stated by the Vatican as same. Either you accept the Bible as the authority in your life or you don't. The thing about it is that Da Vinci portrays a 'subject' view of the relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. No doubt there was a relationship but that is simply 'spice' of Da Vinci's message in "The Last Supper." The Christian segment as if we needed another one was 'jumped into' rather than presented by the narrator of the expertise of the segment. There is no journalist involved with this segment which brings to mind licensing issues. Hm? There goes the professionalism of the program as well as wholesome content except for that of Jew Hating White Supremist. As noted above the USE of "Brown" is interjected here for projection of Aaron's presence.
claims there was a sexual relationship between Jesus and Mary…."
"...The most relevant text for his plot is the painting by Da Vinci of "The Last Supper." And what
finds in that painting is first of all, the series of symbols, the way figures are arranged suggest to him a grand M, as in Mary Magdalene. And there's a gap between Jesus and one of the key figures among his disciples. And that gap suggests a V and the V is the symbol of the cup.
Now, the key thing that
alleges is that figure is not the beloved disciple John, the son of Zebede (ph), but rather it's the portrait of a woman. So this is Mary Magdalene.
claims that what Da Vinci was doing was encoding into his painting of "The Last Supper" his understanding that Mary was there and was a consort of Jesus…."
Only caucasian faces are noted.
BROWN: In a moment, Oklahoma City and bad guys who dream of doing it again. First, we go to Atlanta and some of the other news of the day. Erica Hill joins us. Erica, it's good to see you tonight.
The news segment with no depth of investigation to the issue but only SIMPLY as in SIMPLETON reported by ERICA HILL, CNN HEADLINE NEWS:
Hi, Aaron....
...Aaron, back to you.
BROWN: Good. We'll see you. Thank you. We'll see you again in about half an hour.
We have much more ahead on NEWSNIGHT tonight, starting with a life and death question. Ten years after the Oklahoma City bombing changed the way how we think about terrorism, how greater danger do homegrown terrorists pose today?
This is an astounding segment. It condemns White Supremist even citing McVeigh, Rudolph and Matt Hail the leader of the Church of the Creator. This was another 'jumped into' segment but eventually there is a journalist, Frank Buckley, sitting in the interviewer's chair. Considering this program has a very strong affinity for portraying caucasian as a dominate race the segment was disturbing from the point of view of justification. In other words, so long as those that are racists are non-violent it's all okay.
Some of the statements.
AUGUST KREIS, ARYAN NATION: If we're fighting for our right to govern ourselves, to have no strangers over us or amongst us, that's a war. The war is on. That's what we call it. Aryan Jihad.
BROWN (voice-over): He says he's waging a holy war against the American government. And no one knows how many potential terrorists may be listening to him.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think the important thing to remember is it only takes one Tim McVeigh. It only takes one Eric Rudolph to carry out one of these actions.
BROWN: How much danger are we in? How worried should we be? The image that defined all that was lost in Oklahoma City.
Then there was a segment however fleeting of the picture of the dead baby in the firefighter's arms.
BROWN: What if it meant also saving the life of a loved one? A revolutionary idea to help find the right match without the red tape.
From Los Angeles, and around the world, this is NEWSNIGHT.
BROWN: We come to you tonight from Los Angeles, but in many respects our heart remains in Oklahoma City.
!0 years ago yesterday Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols perpetrated the worst terrorist attack on Americans by Americans in the country's history.
We intended to be in Oklahoma City last night with a program devoted entirely to that, to lives lost, lives altered, to stories not just of survival, but we think, stories of triumph. And to questions as well. Is the next Timothy McVeigh among us?
Instead, the news from Rome trumped everything out. So tonight and for the rest of the week, we'll try to bring you in pieces what we couldn't bring you in full last night, starting with the threat still out there.
The segment regarding the White Supremist that are enabled by programs like this was presented by Frank Buckley.
KREIS: Yes. Anything. Anything necessary to gain freedom for the white race again.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Violence is a positive thing. War is a positive thing.
THE CHRONIC PORTRAYAL OF TERROR in the programming put forth in this hour is loved as well. Repeated and loved. Neocons love war.
POTOK: And although that may sound reassuring on the face of it, the reality is that as extreme as their ideology is, the leaders of these groups very often, act essentially as kind of breaks on their the members. You know, essentially what their saying to their members is saying yes, yes we'll kill the Jews, but that's next week, boys. For now keep your guns in your holsters.
ISN'T THAT what the tone of this program is all about? Yes, yes we will rid the world of anything but Christians but keep your guns in your holsters for now. This caucasian, christian, bigoted, anti-Semitic and racist dominated programming is PROOF of same. Let's look at that set of statements again.
POTOK: And although that may sound reassuring on the face of it, the reality is that as extreme as their ideology is, the leaders of these groups very often, act essentially as kind of breaks on their the members. You know, essentially what their saying to their members is saying yes, yes we'll kill the Jews, but that's next week, boys. For now keep your guns in your holsters.
So at least in my opinion, I think there's a very real danger now of people acting out because they don't have their leaders holding them back in any sense.
POTOK: Exactly how active the entire radical right is doesn't really tell you much about how many people are going to die at the hands of a radical right. I mean, I think the important thing to remember is it only takes one Tim McVeigh, it only takes one Eric Rudolph to carry out one of these actions.
BUCKLEY: One person full of hate. Frank Buckley, CNN, Montgomery, Alabama.
Only caucasian faces are noted.
OR ONE Executive Producer full of hate !! Aaron Brown is under attack for being less than what this programming wants in it's exposure through these actions by me in detecting it's horribly dominating hate of anything other than caucasian and christian. And I mean hate !!
BROWN: Then later in the program, we'll return to that day in Oklahoma City. A moment in the day, a moment captured in a still photo seen around the world. That moment as remembered by the people in the picture. That's later. (Ah, a Bethie story how sweet, Aaron, knob polishers every one I am sure. In the ghetto we call it 'shining 'im on.)
It is a terrific and powerful story. And so is this. Imagine not being able to save a loved one even though you're willing to risk your own life to do so. Your son or daughter, husband or wife, sister or brother, desperately needs an organ transplant, but you can't help, because you're not the right match.
In the world of organ transplants, finding the right match is everything. Donors are scarce compared with the need, waiting lists, notoriously long and wrapped in red tape.
More than 61,000 Americans are waiting for a kidney transplant right now which brings us to a remarkable and we think, remarkably simple idea that might possibly ease the backlog. It's about fair trade, helping someone
else in return for the same favor. Here's CNN's Jonathan Freed.
The majority of the program surrounds a subject that addresses a unique opportunity for families with members needs transplants. It was a very good segment whereby there were only caucasian faces noted.
BROWN: I want to point out how rare it is for hospitals to allow kidney transplant patients to meet before surgery, because there is always a risk that something could happen to cause one or the other to back out. And we obviously want to thank the staff of both the Medical College of Ohio in Toledo and Christ Hospital in Cincinnati for their help. They gave us extraordinary access to the patients in this story and to the surgeons and to the surgery. That was amazing.
Ahead on the program, the photograph that captured the horror of Oklahoma City. And why a mother still fights to protect her child whose image is frozen in time. From Los Angeles tonight, this is NEWSNIGHT.
BROWN: We're sometimes taken a back at how gentle people become during the most horrible moments imaginable. Perhaps, we shouldn't be so surprised if there's hope for the human race, you can find it in the fields of Aceh or at a church near ground zero, or in a moment captured in the rubble of Oklahoma City a decade ago.
Here's NEWSNIGHT'S Beth Nissen.
10:39 - Bethie specializes in 'heart rendering' pieces as a co-dependant female. I don't think she is up to anything else. I'd really like to hear her heart rending voice tear into a completely unethical administration that rapes the poor of this country of their much needed benefits. That will never happen.
This was the segment where only caucasian faces were noted regarding the dead baby in the arms of a fireman. You know when one learns social skills children and animals are easy, right? During this segment "Aaron" was again laced through the reporting to present Aaron Brown's presence.
NISSEN: At that moment, Charles Porter (ph) who worked in a bank nearby took the photograph that would, within hours, be distributed by the Associated Press around the world.
Almond (ph) didn't see it until the next day on the front page of the newspaper.
requestion, Chris Fields and Sergeant Avery both went to Bailey's funeral, helped lay her to rest, but the photograph had taken on a life of its own.
Almond (ph) -- she is married with a young daughter and son. She keeps mementos of Bailey on display, including a painting of the famous image, which she sees differently now after 10 years.
BROWN: Just ahead tonight, some of the days other news, morning paper's still to come. We'll take a break first. We're in Los Angeles and this is NEWSNIGHT.
BROWN: In just a moment, the story of a young man who survived the Columbine massacre -- we're on that anniversary, too, but lost his sister that day. How the experience has changed his life.
But right now, as we head to the top of the hour Erica Hill joins us again in Atlanta with some of the day's other headlines -- Erica.
This is interesting. Aaron introduces Erica Hill a pretty white woman who needs protection from every man that isn't same I am sure, but, at any rate, Aaron never comes back at the end of the 'newsy' segment.
HILL: Hello again to you, Aaron.
...NEWSNIGHT continues in a moment, but first as part of CNN's anniversary series, "Then and Now," how one Columbine survivor used his experience to help others.
Aaron is completely circumvented into a Columbine survivor. A causcasian only.
It was after the commercial break do we finally see THE ANCHOR to the news hour, a complete five minutes later.
BROWN: Oke dokie (ph).
"Washington Post"
"International Herald Tribune,"
"Washington Times,"
"The Detroit News"
"The Des Moines Register"
"The Chicago Sun Times"
We'll wrap it up from the city of angels in just a moment upon.